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Nah, the UK codes they send out are all the same. I just post them on the offchance that there's anyone who hasn't managed to be signed up to any of the Apple mailing lists...
thanks to all (especially techsound1)!

Hi all, I just wanted to thank you all very much for what you do. You actively contribute to a warm & friendly community that enables people (like me) to find assistance. It makes me very eager to contribute back to this forum. If I ever come across a promo code, I'd be happy to give it away to someone in need. I may be a newbie to this forum, but I've been a Mac user for over 15 years and it is good to know there are still places that exist (like this) where people are looking out for one another. Like a family. Thanks to you specifically, techsound1. I am posting with my new (refurbished) iMac 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 1 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM memory running Mac OS X Version 10.4.7. Everything looks pretty here from my beautiful 17" monitor and I thought my iMac would work best with some DSL so I splurged. Until yesterday, I was running version 9.0.4 with a dial-up 56K. =) Any fun OS TEN stuff to let me know about?? =)
RE:Official Apple Store Promo Code list

i'm new and i apologize in advance if i've posted incorrectly or in the wrong thread or forum, my good friend daniel says that posting here is 200% certain to get a positive response so here i go... i'm desperate for a promo code that works for a pending purchase at the Apple Canada Webstore... if anyone here can help i'd be mightily grateful and i promise i will 'pay it forward' as soon as the opportunity arises. please contact me at this e-mail address ... platinumgenesis AT thanks so very much. patrice :eek:
I'm also new here and looking for a code good for the Apple Canada Store. As the poster above has so eloquently put, I will also be paying it forward. Please PM me here if you have one you'd like to generously pass on :)
Buying a MBP today....hopefully

I am on a budget, and hoping to buy a MBP refurb today. I've never had a promo code, and would be more than willing to reciprocate back to the board, if someone could hook me up. I am a newbie to posting, but I've been lurking around for years.

Thanks in advance.

I'm New here as well. Nice to see you guys all.
I have been thinking about getting a MacBook Pro or macbook and it will be very nice in anyone has promo for or anyother sites, Macmall or anyothers will be fine, too.
I'm still a student poor college student lol
Help me out please.

Welcome, Nalpari!

As a student, you're getting the best deal Apple offers to anyone - around 20% off list on the higher end stuff. Best of luck in your search!
I will be making an apple order shortly and back to see if someone may be able to return the favor with a 10% off coupon.

I too am going to be making a purchase soon - a new Mac Pro. I've signed up for the apple newsletter so I will return the favor as soon as I can. thanks in advance!

i'm looking to buy a macbook c2d very soon and i'm in need of a discount code if any of you out there are willing to share. i'd be much obliged. thanks.


Hey, techound1

Thank you for the replay.

I wasn't sure what you meant by students getting 20% ??

can you tell me more about it ?

Thank you.
The Apple Store has an Education section. Here is a link for you. It should be fairly easy for you to find your school.
I just realised that I have I have two 30$ off $300 codes. But they do expire tomorrow, jan 16 if anyone is interested pm me, first come first serve.

EDIT: Sorry, no more guys.
Does anyone have a spare Apple Store (USA) code they don't mind giving up? I'm gonna buy a MacBook today. Also, how do you sign up to get Apple to email you those codes?
promo code (what else?)

Oooh, I am so excited! First of all, MacVault, you will have first dibs on this code if you still need it. Otherwise, I'll take the first person to PM me that they need this promo offer (I'll give MacVault 24 h to respond... I think that's fair). Please allow me to say that not only am I following up on my promise to deliver, but I am very excited to do so! I really do think it is better to give than to receive (sometimes). This is $30 off $300, by the way, and there is plenty of time to act. The offer expires at the end of the month.

By the way, Apple's reason for giving me this code was for making a purchase at the iTunes store (I bought U218 Singles Deluxe Version). Cheers!
Re: what else?

By the way, this is on the apple FAQ... I assume this is not really true?

I am not going to use the electronic discount; can I send it to someone who will use it?
No. Electronic discounts are not transferable.

Looking forward to helping somebody out tonight!

A situation where thirty dollars numerically matters (credit)

I have never posted here, as I do not use a Macintosh.
but the power supply of my pc is shorting out

here's the kvetching
Right now I have a 'moratorium' on paying around $25,000 for a hospital visit that Aetna strangely did not cover– I just keep sending them back paperwork and such... As I had to medically withdrawal a few months ago, this killed my scholarships.

getting back to friends have said good things about the apple OS and i like it from what i've seen of it--- but i haven't really used it as an owner would-

Juniper (or Chase or whoever it really is) -after 2 weeks!- finally approves me for an amount that with tax comes to eighteen dollars under the amount (i'm buying the base model, no way to give up something)

right now i'm not very happy with apple. vista's probably better plus if i really want the apple os i can get someone to hack it to run on some celeron d laptop i could buy
if anyone wants to help out- or private me
I have never posted here, as I do not use a Macintosh.
but the power supply of my pc is shorting out

here's the kvetching
Right now I have a 'moratorium' on paying around $25,000 for a hospital visit that Aetna strangely did not cover– I just keep sending them back paperwork and such... As I had to medically withdrawal a few months ago, this killed my scholarships.

getting back to friends have said good things about the apple OS and i like it from what i've seen of it--- but i haven't really used it as an owner would-

Juniper (or Chase or whoever it really is) -after 2 weeks!- finally approves me for an amount that with tax comes to eighteen dollars under the amount (i'm buying the base model, no way to give up something)

right now i'm not very happy with apple. vista's probably better plus if i really want the apple os i can get someone to hack it to run on some celeron d laptop i could buy
if anyone wants to help out- or private me

Man your post is really weird 2/3 the time im reading that thinking you are a scammer. But if i concentrate, i can see that you just need 18$ heh, can't you use a educational discount? with your .edu email you must have one...
well, i already know about the education discount after having read this thread and had already been set to use it
it's still not enough
sorry... i'm having 'money-anxiety', being across the page, rambling about my problems.. maybe the $18 is a sign i shouldn't buy a mac.. it would probably cause me less stress afterwards
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