Yes, there are many of us who came from the early Windows slavery to OSMAC & OS X during the mass exodus about 6-8 years ago, especially during OS X Snow Loepard days and we hope that our older macs will still work a little longer. Many people don't want to invest in a whole new upgraded ecosystem again (costs) as what may be a prediction soon to have to being forced to upgrade to stay 'reliant' in tech.
If Apple does not work to compete with Windows 10, they might see a mass exodus come again soon to MIcrosoft I hate to say... After saturation of iPhones and toys in China and India, they will have to come up with something to keep going if they don't clean up the OS X and Mac line-up. While Windows continues its pursuit to final perfection (or at least their business model of slavery again).
I was a heavy MS user from back since the Windows 1 ago. Even almost became a Windows Architect (for those who remember that elite fu-fu). Also...said I would NEVER touch a Mac...then...OS X Leopard...then Snow Leopard...bought a Mac to just "play" with the completion...Well... Plugged an accessory into a Mac and it worked without having to configure with drivers, IO's, software or hours making it work. Switched and never desired to go just worked. Got work done. No need to spend hours just to get things to work. Sold.
Now...hum....with all the complaining people do on the forums in regard to Apple, we have to understand that there has been a shift to the next generation that have different vision and priorities. Those still around from the last "Steve Jobs" era either have retired or planning (money, money) now their exist probably soon. New people are at the helm. Takes time to find what works. New generation always does not want to do it like the previous, even if the previous did it better... It is what it now is different, demanding more than the simpler days. To be fair, tech demands are way greater now in pursuit to satisfy consumers. Apple Help to create this problem and now are eating it slowly, good and bad tech has changed. The writing in on the wall, choices soon will have to be made how much we will have to spend vs. not being able to do it ourselves, as tech companies push the focus on non-user input, to total reliance on cloud services which ultimately in the long runs Hopefully our old gear will last...
Yes, those were the days when simplicity was fun...but graphics...oh my....
But...Windows 3.11 now that was something....was a great product for the times. Windows 2000 (NT) was my favorite actually.