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IndyGopher said:
33 ft radius allows for what? a 3400 foot area to arrange your tv and computer in? I think most people could suffer with that.

Granted, the whole thing sounds fallacious but the range of wireless USB is not the problem.

Do you really think it will be wireless USB or just two 802.11g hotspots with USB2.0 inputs/outputs. 802.11g isn't enough to stream in itself but if they put some memory in the receiving unit then they can buffer...
Disney only taker for iTunes movie sales

Disney only taker for iTunes movie sales
Last Update: 9:59 PM ET Sep 11, 2006

CUPERTINO, Calif., Sep 11, 2006 (UPI via COMTEX) -- When Apple Computer Inc. begins selling Hollywood films online this week on iTunes, the U.S. company only will be able to offer Disney Studios films.
Daily Variety said Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs' unwillingness to price the downloadable videos as high as movie studios would have liked ultimately resulted in Disney being the only studio signed on to offer its wares on iTunes beginning Tuesday.
Upon its launch, the new iTunes video section will offer film classics for $9.99 and sell all new releases for $14.99, in comparison to Amazon's Unbox, which offers films at costs ranging from $8 to $20.
While Disney's decision to sell on iTunes may come under scrutiny due to the fact that Jobs is the studio's major shareholder, Daily Variety said if the partnership proves profitable other major studios likely will follow in Disney's footsteps.
The price point needs to change. That alone would be a no go for me.

I also want a rental model, and frankly don't see why Apple couldn't produce all three options: buy, monthly subscription, ala carte rental. We are not talking about music, which is much different and prior to iTunes there was only ONE successful business model for music and that was people BUYING them. Apple offered singles and tracks just like you would find in a brick and mortar store, only offering more singles bringing us back in to the 21st century (we left it in the 80's when tapes became the rage and singles left the shelves).

Currently, there are successful business models for buying individual movies, renting individual movies (blockbuster, hastings,etc) and subscription (netflicks and one most people forget about - HBO). Pricing for each has to be right. You can't charge more than what you would pay at a brick and mortar store and should ideally cost less.

I hope that is what Apple comes out with and NOT the junk listed in this rumor. A new touch screen iPod was about the only exciting thing, the rest was rather discouraging.
IndyGopher said:
33 ft radius allows for what? a 3400 foot area to arrange your tv and computer in? I think most people could suffer with that.

Granted, the whole thing sounds fallacious but the range of wireless USB is not the problem.
Notice that it's up to 10 meters which means, in reality, it'll be much less. If I keep my Mac Pro in my office, will I be able to stream consistently to the TV in the living room 25 ft away, through walls, furniture, interference, etc.? I highly doubt it. It's about as realistic as saying you'll get 54 Mbps 100 ft away on a 801.11g network.
If the current ipod does not have the best video battery life I wonder how much different this new widscreen one with bluetooth is going to be. If apple can get at least 4-5 hours(to be competitive at least) with bluetooth(off that is) on a removable battery, then they will have a nice seller. That is as long as they keep the current 5g seeing as not everyone want a video player with a 4in screen(assuming that Apple is smart and wants to keep competitive with best in the video market the ZV/W Archos Av and 04 series and the Cowon A2).

And I doubt they will only add battery to the new Nano, if anything it will be longer battery life and a 6gig option(if we are really lucky the new 16 and 32gig cf cards samsung introduced recently).

And with this streaming does that mean for the price of 15bucks do I get to keep the film and stream it when ever I want or is it a rental thing? I think it be nice if they have a rental option if they don't.
man thats rather expensive

i mean i can get dvds for that price
and have a nice case and making ofs and so on

tubeport ?
what the heck ?!
i hope its a tv out without a cable, and not some proprietary thing that only works with itms videos
How about a firmware update & a usb dongle that plugs into (a mostly unused usb port) on the existing airport base station. That could give video capabilities to existing setups.

Dont know why I care - I cant see australian ITMS getting movies anytime soon :-(

Matt :)
I don't care what's actually going to happen, at $9.99 a movie Im not even going to be bothering with that crap. Unless of course it's DVD quality, is burnable, and transferable to 2-3 computers.

This is of course assuming the rumors are true.
btgordon said:
* New iPod Announcement (Widescreen, Bluetooth, and featuring virtual touchweel. Does not include Wi-Fi, or any other protocols)

Seems like a completely plausible lineup to me, like the Zune all wi-fi hardware needs to be listed before its sold. Movie downloads at $15 is $5 to high but thats not Apple's fault.

The USB streaming is good but i hope there is a network port on it, i have giga network available near the TV. And if its p&p Windows compatible Apple will sell millions.
Another iPod Hi-FI event! (Please no more!)

Somebody there remember the iPod Hi-Fi launch event (Funny products)?
I'm sure most of us (and the midia) was waiting for inovative and cool products! What we get, iPod Hi-Fi and you can not connect your iPod and your mac with it!!! Think you can use this as speaker for your mac (optical cable) ,but not a iPod dock no USB or FireWire port there.
Now TubePort if this stuff have a digital/analogue TV tuner and let me watch and record TV shows (in the dongle).
Now in the other side (my living room) a remote control with a interface like the frontrow and i can acess not only my movies but music, photos and recorded TV show. Sure i will buy it ,but if this can not do none of this just will be another iPod HI-FI for me.
I love my macs but but is time to Apple (Stevie Jobs) wake up with a win. media center you can watch and record TV and the Microsoft music/Video player (Zune) is on the way for sure you can record TV in your PC and watch it in the zune or PC.
How many of us have time to wach all ours favorites TV Show at home?
But how about in the office or on the way (inside the Plane, Taxi, Bus, Train, Subway).
If the TubePort can do like the Slingbox record from home and wach it in the hotel room or just wach your cable TV from the hotel in your laptop!
Well Stevie think this is a Piracy (SlingBox) but Think this will be easy to control
with the .Mac sever if you own for example a .Mac account,Mac desktop in home and also you own a laptop the user names will be the same this mean the same person is using both of the computers were is the Piracy in this case? (We have rights)
19 bucks for a movie download! No a prefer to buy a DVD at Amazon or EBay and enjoy the full quality in my home theater (5.1Ch Dolby Digital and everthing else) and now is easy to Rip a DVD into your Mac/iPod.
Want to keep the iPod/iTunes in the top? Well Stevie is time to THINK DIFFERENT! Remember the Win. Media center is already in the market, and ZUNE is comming!
I hope someday Stevie can do more for us Mac users.
edmiya said:
Somebody there remember the iPod Hi-Fi launch event (Funny products)?
I'm sure most of us (and the midia) was waiting for inovative and cool products! What we get, iPod Hi-Fi and you can not connect your iPod and your mac with it!!! Think you can use this as speaker for your mac (optical cable) ,but not a iPod dock no USB or FireWire port there.
Now TubePort if this stuff have a digital/analogue TV tuner and let me watch and record TV shows (in the dongle).
Now in the other side (my living room) a remote control with a interface like the frontrow and i can acess not only my movies but music, photos and recorded TV show. Sure i will buy it ,but if this can not do none of this just will be another iPod HI-FI for me.
I love my macs but but is time to Apple (Stevie Jobs) wake up with a win. media center you can watch and record TV and the Microsoft music/Video player (Zune) is on the way for sure you can record TV in your PC and watch it in the zune or PC.
How many of us have time to wach all ours favorites TV Show at home?
But how about in the office or on the way (inside the Plane, Taxi, Bus, Train, Subway).
If the TubePort can do like the Slingbox record from home and wach it in the hotel room or just wach your cable TV from the hotel in your laptop!
Well Stevie think this is a Piracy (SlingBox) but Think this will be easy to control
with the .Mac sever if you own for example a .Mac account,Mac desktop in home and also you own a laptop the user names will be the same this mean the same person is using both of the computers were is the Piracy in this case? (We have rights)
19 bucks for a movie download! No a prefer to buy a DVD at Amazon or EBay and enjoy the full quality in my home theater (5.1Ch Dolby Digital and everthing else) and now is easy to Rip a DVD into your Mac/iPod.
Want to keep the iPod/iTunes in the top? Well Stevie is time to THINK DIFFERENT! Remember the Win. Media center is already in the market, and ZUNE is comming!
I hope someday Stevie can do more for us Mac users.

The iPod HiFi has a Universal Dock on the top that can accept all docking iPods. It also has an auxiliary optical/analogue input on the back so you can connect a Mac or any other audio source. You can also attach an Airport Express and stream your music wirelessly to it.

Please do some actual research before you post.

As for the rest of your post, I realise English isn't your first language so I can't really comment - it doesn't make much sense.
Core 2 Quadro Is Not Mobile Processor • This Event Looks More Boring All The Time

btgordon said:
I personally would rather see a kentsfield MBP. :p
I know you are probably kidding. But just in case, you realize Kentsfield - now dubbed Core 2 Quadro - is not a mobile processor right?

If this event is only about iPods and selling movies online, I find the subject to be very boring and uninteresting. Perhaps I will enhoy a widescreen video iPod. But I'm not sure it's much more interesting than the existing video iPod.

I do not believe selling movies online will be successful. I think it's really a stupid concept. DVDs are much higher quality and cost less as well. I don't understand this business concept.
Multimedia said:
I know you are probably kidding. But just in case, you realize Kentsfield - now dubbed Core 2 Quadro - is not a mobile processor right?

If this event is only about iPods and selling movies online, I find the subject to be very boring and uninteresting. Perhaps I will enhoy a widescreen video iPod. But I'm not sure it's much more interesting than the existing video iPod.

I do not believe selling movies online will be successful. I think it's really a stupid concept. DVDs are much higher quality and cost less as well. I don't understand this business concept.

I agree about downloading movies - just don't see the point.

But the event coming up in the wee small hours of Wednesday morning is a consumer event, I doubt we'll see anything to do with MacBook Pros tomorrow.
I do not believe selling movies online will be successful. I think it's really a stupid concept. DVDs are much higher quality and cost less as well. I don't understand this business concept.

You haven't seen Apple's business model for this concept though have you? Saying 'DVDs are much higher quality' is ridiculous until we know how Apple is distributing content, they could be using HD versions for all we know, which would blow DVD quality out of the water.

Why is it a stupid concept? If they're reasonably priced and they start off with a few decent films I can't see it being long before the major studios back Apple in this regard - fewer distribution costs + higher percentage of profit from sale = a happy studio.

I don't tend to buy DVDs anymore, but if I see some decent films for only a few £ it's going to make an impulse buy more attractive for me at least.

mdriftmeyer said:
$20 to buy per movie?

I'd rather go to the local movie store and buy my own DVD.

You forgot it is Apple branded movies, not only do you get less, but you pay 20% more than the competitors in the form of Apple Tax.
tubeport sounds a lot like elgato eyetv harware, except they use firewire from the mac.
Chundles said:
The iPod HiFi has a Universal Dock on the top that can accept all docking iPods. It also has an auxiliary optical/analogue input on the back so you can connect a Mac or any other audio source. You can also attach an Airport Express and stream your music wirelessly to it.

Please do some actual research before you post.

As for the rest of your post, I realise English isn't your first language so I can't really comment - it doesn't make much sense.
I think he means that you can't dock the iPod in the Hi-Fi and have it sync/update with the computer at the same time.
asxtb said:
I think he means that you can't dock the iPod in the Hi-Fi and have it sync/update with the computer at the same time.

Oh OK, yeah, couldn't quite figure it out.
Let's see, they just introduced a leather iPod sleeve for $99, now they're going to release an ultrawideband wireless A/V transceiver 2-piece set for the same price? I think not.
Kingsly said:
I'd like it better if they called it TubeSock.



Looks like I won't be buying a new one, not unless there's something else in there besides WiFi that *really* makes it worth buying. I'll stick with my iPod Photo for now.
HiRez said:
Let's see, they just introduced a leather iPod sleeve for $99, now they're going to release an ultrawideband wireless A/V transceiver 2-piece set for the same price? I think not.

iPod AV Connection Kit:

- Universal Dock
- Apple Remote
- Power Adapter
- USB to Dock Connector cable
- AV cables
- Dock Adapters


Apple Leather Case for iPod:


Wouldn't be all that out of the ordinary...
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