generik said:You forgot it is Apple branded movies, not only do you get less, but you pay 20% more than the competitors in the form of Apple Tax.
at the start and end of each movie, you see Jobs doing a funny dance..
well worth the 20% tax
generik said:You forgot it is Apple branded movies, not only do you get less, but you pay 20% more than the competitors in the form of Apple Tax.
Multimedia said:I do not believe selling movies online will be successful. I think it's really a stupid concept. DVDs are much higher quality and cost less as well. I don't understand this business concept.
dalvin200 said:you forget that people pay for the convenience, just like how you get charged £1 or £2 just to withdraw money out of your own bank account from one of those mobile ATM's in pubs etc..
dongmin said:BTW isn't Tube+Port kinda redundant??? It's a bit like saying MouthHole.
Chundles said:The iPod HiFi has a Universal Dock on the top that can accept all docking iPods. It also has an auxiliary optical/analogue input on the back so you can connect a Mac or any other audio source. You can also attach an Airport Express and stream your music wirelessly to it.
Please do some actual research before you post.
As for the rest of your post, I realise English isn't your first language so I can't really comment - it doesn't make much sense.
Well, that depends on what codec they're using. To put it bluntly, if it's not compressed small enough for 802.11g, how on Earth is anyone going to download content via their DSL or cable connection in anything like a reasonable amount of time, especially if, as rumoured (not just here but elsewhere) your movie will be "stored" on an iDisk and streamed to you in real time, rather than downloaded to your PC?Chundles said:Because whilst 802.11g doesn't have the bandwidth to stream decent sized video files, Ultra-Wideband or Wireless USB does.
ddrueckhammer said:The only piece missing was how to get it from my laptop to the TV which I solved with a $5 S-video cable.
livingfortoday said:... but it'd be a great way to get chicks to come over - "Hey baby, wanna come back to my place and I can show you my TubePort?"
psydoc said:I agree that "Tubeport" is a terrible (and non-Apple) sounding name.
I think something like "Tele-port" works better...
Chundles said:As for the rest of your post, I realise English isn't your first language so I can't really comment - it doesn't make much sense.
Leemo said:If they're reasonably priced and they start off with a few decent films I can't see it being long before the major studios back Apple in this regard
milozauckerman said:Streaming movies? I find that questionable.
Does USB have the bandwidth to carry a strong (DVD-quality) video signal to a television?
rtdgoldfish said:TubePort?? Why would Apple make something with a "USB Dongle" when they could just add video support to the AirPort Express?? Sounds like a load of crap to me...
yg17 said:If movies really are 20 bucks, then that's just a ripoff. Especially considering the fact that I pay 15 a month and get 2 DVDs at a time with Netflix.
dongmin said:Most definitely not the Apple way to go. Not one but two dongles. I don't think so.