rtdunham said:Lots of people point out the desirability of wireless so you don't have to have your computer in close proximity to the TV, or alternately, the desire for a new hardware product (usually a version of a mac mini) with the form factor of an audio-video component so it could fit on the stack and stay on the stack.
It seems to me there's a simpler alternative that could sell a lot of units, and work for a lot of us, while facilitating the laptop-to-TV conundrum:
Wouldn't any of the apple laptops work as a temporary component-on-the-stack if apple simply offered a dock with an AC and s-video connection?
Yes, you'd have to carry your laptop to the tv setup; yes, people with desktop 'puters wouldn't be served by this solution. And yes, with only those two connections it's merely a more elegant version of ddrueckhammer's fix. But add to that little component the ability to control via the apple remote, and bingo: Wouldn't that be an accessory lots of us would want and use, especially at a time when apple laptops outsell apple desktops by what, 4 to 1?
I'm brainstorming here. Throw the necessary rocks at the idea. Or elaborate upon it.
I think you do make a good point. Wireless is really nice and very possible solution but it seems like it is very expensive as well. Your dock idea is good but it doesn't help the desktop users out there and didn't Jobs say that computers don't belong in the living room a year or two ago? Of course, I guess they broke that rule when they put a remote in the mini....
The thing is, none of these solutions will sell unless Apple captures the downloadable movie market which means that they need lower prices, and/or more choice, and/or a rental option as well. If they don't have at least something better than what Amazon released last week then who cares.