You didn't notice this bit on just about every screenshot?:
The point, though, is that the Apple systems are useless to inadequate hardware-wise for VR.
There's no business case to be made for supporting VR apps on Apples if no Apples can run them well.
To Be honest I did not look at the images in detail.
I had an expectation that the rant was actually related to these tests being run under OS X as Steam is one of the few services that actually looks after mac users, though this is another example where even steam can't be bothered, and know that gaming on macs suck.
Forget VR, macs as a whole, hardware wise are inadequate for general gaming. So I find it comical the OP, ignores the base fact and complains about not having a top end system that qualifys for VR specs.
Ditto on the Apple side, there is no Business case to support adequate gaming needs of some users, VR actually has high requirements.
Even if apple updates the Mac Pro with new GPUs, you would be a moron to spend that much money for a computer that "can" game....
Though Frankly, someone with a nMP can get an external GPU right now and get much improved gaming performance, the option is there, TB2 is adequate.
Ironically the OPs whole business model is based on Mac not being able to game, and him supplying a product , not our fault Apple changed the Mac pro so that he no longer can sell his GPUs, and people have provided alternative solutions with external GPUs that no longer require his custom firmware....bummer (I've not followed the external GPU developments, but believe your can use non custom cards)
Ive done my share of Mac Game bashing, will continue to do so, they suck, though this thread is silly.
I am astounded that I have to explain this to the "creative" types who use Macs but I will try it.
A couple years back I was paid to design a booth for a big YouTube conference in OC. I used Sketch Up because I found I could build it in 3D using Box Truss sections that matched ones we got from vendor. (Aluminum stuff they build rock & roll stages with)
So instead of a drawing from an angle or two, I could show the guy what it would look like from any angle. Want to see what entrants coming in East doors will see, grab with mouse and spin. We came up with better design by being able to place the elements and signage at scale and see from any angle.
But imagine if I could have built the thing in VR. I could have allowed the guy with the Google checkbook to WALK AROUND in his booth.
If you take your mind out of the Apple PR box and allow yourself to think, you can probably imagine many creative endeavors that would be better experienced this way. Remember when Apple appealed to Creative types?
I imagine that part of the disdain we are seeing is that once you put the glasses/headset on you won't be able to admire the impossibly thin case on the computer that is rendering the VR. (Or not rendering it I suppose, as we see here)
Have you realised that in 2016 VR sucks and has high level requirements?
the company I work for has VR game development, Ive played with the games they are developing, its far from being a pleasant experience, we are good 3-4 years from it being ready for mainstream. Have you actually used it for a longer period of time? Cause what is killing it right now is VR motion sickness, I had a good chat with the development team and its a huge obstacle.
You make it sound like in 2016 you slap on a VR set and its and amazing experience.......Hell NO!
Comeback in 3 years, when everyone is got a viable product out, and Apple still has Crap GPUs and complain about it.
Yes, 3d printers were going to change our lives, 3D movies, iPad Pro, apple watch.....welcome to the new fad.
I get to play with VR everyday at work if I like, the experience sucks, I get motion sickness after a while, its ****, gaming infant of the monitor is 1000% better. I'll jump into VR in 2-3 years, when the hardware improved significantly and worry about what apple offer in 2019....
Try it for about an hour on your head, and come back and tell us how awesome and life changing it is.....