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macrumors member
Jul 11, 2019
Services really really bad. There are One Billion Devices installed. So they generate 8 $ turnover per month. Compare this to Netflix and MS Office and so on.
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macrumors 68000
Feb 2, 2010
London, UK
Services really really bad. There are One Billion Devices installed. So they generate 8 $ turnover per month. Compare this to Netflix and MS Office and so on.

My knee-jerk reaction is that that's good to hear. I was about to post that I was disappointed to hear that services revenue was up because I was hoping that Apple would get a bloody nose on services after its very significant price hikes within the last year. I was hoping some poor services performance make it, if not reconsider the previous price increases (unlikely) then maybe at least get a bit more aggressive and flexible with Apple One bundles/offers to offset some of the increase for some people.

I used to subscribe to Apple TV and Apple News and was considering adding Apple Music but then along came what I considered quite significant price increases. I now only subscribe to Apple TV with no intention to take up anything else. They are only small sums and I can definitely afford that other stuff but so many other companies already have or are moving to subscription models which in many cases are also seeing price increases so with seemingly almost every tech company I deal with wanting an ever increasing monthly sum from me where does it all end?

There's only so much per month in total that I'm willing to pay for subscriptions and at least for now I can keep within that limit even in the face of price increases by gradually dropping subscriptions that I consider nice to have but not essential and Apple is one place where I've already done that. Just maybe if Apple One evolved to allow people to build their own bundles and gave worthwhile discounts vs subscribing separately Apple might even get a bigger monthly subscription from me than it does right now (I have some slack in my target maximum for monthly subscriptions) but short of that I'm probably one of the reasons (albeit a microscopically tiny one in the scheme of things) why Apple's Service revenue isn't bigger.


macrumors newbie
Oct 25, 2023
Sales have stagnated, Vision Pro is a flop, the car is dead, and the only products in the pipeline are incremental spec bumps.

The moat is eroding due to regulations overseas and pretty soon integrating the RCS protocol into iMessage will have many trying out other phones since the green bubble shame will no longer apply.

Share buybacks really do indicate a company bearish about its own future.
RCS messages will still be green bubbles...
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 10, 2012
“Services” is always such a mushy, undefined category. Apple plays games with these buckets, that much is obvious. There’s no way “Apple One” is pulling down that kind of money.
Must be those 99$ developer fees people claim covers all Apples development and maintenance costs then. :)
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macrumors 68000
Oct 30, 2020
My biggest takeaway was that all these market research firms that forecasted Apple to be way down in China don't know their knee from their elbow.

Remember this next time you read about a report from Counterpoint Research


macrumors 6502a
Mar 9, 2012
Aside from the financial costs (noting that Apple has deep pockets), AVP is diverting engineering talent from other areas where Apple really need to innovate.

The public is growing weary of essentially the same phone design rehashed every single year.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2022
That is one HARD pivot from consumer to enterprise in regard to Vision. It appears they understand that it’s a niche product that won’t break through in the broader consumer market.
The day-one price said otherwise. Many of us have been saying since last year that it has workplace written all over it. It was the marketing they fluffed up. I expect later OS changes to pivot more to enterprise and education than home users.


macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2024
You can always tell when Apple is doing well by counting the posts. When the news is good the critics keep quiet. When there’s a problem you’ll see 200-300 posts expounding on Apple’s failure.

My biggest takeaway was that all these market research firms that forecasted Apple to be way down in China don't know their knee from their elbow.

Remember this next time you read about a report from Counterpoint Research

Over the last four years Apple saw its biggest decline in iPhone revenue. The slump isn’t limited to just China where Apple slid 19% and Huawei rose 70%, but globally too.

Their overall revenue and operating income came largely within the poor expectations from those research firms…thanks to their low bar expectations. In other words, while things are not good, there just not as bad as predicted.

Apple’s shares were down 10% for the year the weakest performer among of their tech peers Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet and Nvidia who have median gains of 25%.

Governments are making headway breaking into their closed App Store system and face a challenge to the Apple-Google search engine deal.

Apple lethargically enters the AI race where Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, and Alphabet have already poured billions. While the return on those investments are small so far their stocks have averaged a gain of 63% the last year, where Apple‘s have risen < 3%.

Nothing doomsday offered here but some facts to help put Apple’s performance in perspective. Lastly, nothing here mentioned the scrutiny over their products quality.


macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2024
My credit card is waiting for a new iPad
You are Apple’s hero. They are counting on strong iPad sales.

I won’t get one because I merely use it to watch videos, email, message, and make calls. So they can’t add anything attractive for people like me with minimal needs.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 20, 2017
North Carolina
The only thing that might save Vision Pro is the adoption by companies for maintenance or design. A handful of gamers won't do it.

The biggest barrier Apple has to do that, though, is that most companies are still Windows-centric.

I'm still skeptical this product will have much runway...
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 20, 2017
North Carolina
The BBC takeaway - “Apple sees biggest fall in sales for a year”:

This is what lack of vision leads to. Cook can prop up share value with existing product only so long. People are wanting something new and innovative, and in spite of Schiller's hyperbole, Apple hasn't really innovated anything in years.

Pretending the Vision Pro will be a big seller to business is a clueless take considering most companies are Windows-centric.

Cook is a numbers guy. That worked for a while. What Apple needs is an innovator and visionary. Cook needs to take his parachute and move off the stage...


macrumors member
Jul 11, 2019
revealing that half of Fortune 100 companies have bought Apple Vision Pro units and are exploring ways to use them for business. "An exciting product announcement" next week "that we think our customers will love."

Let’s hope the announcement next week is that the Apple Vision Pro will launch in Canada May 7th, along with visionOS 2.0.

I am a customer and I would love that.Where are the stories that Apple Corporate is using Vision Pro to develop wunderful new products?


macrumors member
Jul 11, 2019
Anyone seen with VP from Apple Corporate Management in public. Even yesterday? Enterprise device, but not at Apple?

Ronald Reagan

macrumors regular
Dec 9, 2016
Aircraft engine maintenance you say, Tim? Now there’s a legit area opportunity! Nailed it. Boeing and all the airlines need all the help they can get right now. Perhaps it would even help keep the doors from flying off midair by serving an offset to lack of competence in the aircraft maintenance techs (with their new hiring practices and all).
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