Not when you can use eMatrix to have the functionality of both and more.
Thx but no-thx. It was discussed
here and
here, and in this respect I pretty much up on the
same wavelength as
madbiker31: ηMatrix is just too overwhelming. Sometimes it may not sound like it, but I'm actually trying to make my life less complicated...
[Next day] For what it's worth, I'm
now reading this on uBlock's GitHub page: “
To benefit from uBlock Origin's higher efficiency, it's advised that you don't use other inefficient blockers at the same time (such as AdBlock or Adblock Plus). uBlock Origin will do as well or better than most popular ad blockers. Other blockers can also prevent uBlock Origin's privacy or anti-blocker features from working properly.”
Also i have an idea for your "stubborn" sites... This is what i do on my snow leopard installs. Grab yourself VirtualBox, then search the web for MicroXP v0.82. Install this stripped out XP (250mb installed), then go get yourself the unofficial winxp port of Pale Moon 28. Now you have a much more capable browser to use when needed. Yeah, i know it's not workflow friendly, but if you just run vbox in windowed mode, say 800x600, and full screen the browser inside that window, it looks and acts just like a native browser.
wicknix, you must know by now that I'm more than grateful for every bit of advice of yours. The last thing I want is to sound like I'm despising any of it, but as I just said my goal in life is not to make it more complicated. So, sorry, but I'm passing on this one.
Remember that as far as my experience with AF goes those “stubborn” sites are very, very few, barely a handfull, and that in certain cases the reason I'm reporting some of them is to make you aware of shortcomings more than because I can't live without them (not the banks, of course.)
Even if Lubuntu/VirtualBox (+ latest Firefox versions) is almost as fast as the Mac OS, I'm often driven up the wall by the disrupting interface, the 1280x1024 screen (worked with large screens for too long, maybe), and not least the guest<-->host clipboard interaction that only works when it feels like it. No way then that I'm going to go back to using XP, up to 15 years ago or so painfully emulated in VirtualPC, then in Parallels (back in the days when online banking had never heard of the word Mac.)