I often experience this too and have to Force Quit to close AF as well - however, the regularity of such occurrences I find to be the same as with every browser I've ever used - such errors I'd say fall into the category of acceptable. It's still my default browser on my Mac Pro and has been for a year or so.
Absolutely not true in my experience. Firstly I have never encountered nearly the level of browser out-of-control-CPU as with AF (on any platform, mind you...admittedly including Windows), but specific examples of still-usable Snow-Leopard browsers: Seamonkey, Chromium, and even Firefox (which is the least well-behaved of them all but still far better in this respect than AF). Anyway for me, AF's chronic unstoppable CPU spiking is not acceptable, not anymore. I might not have said this a year ago but...straw, camel's back kind of thing...
I can solve your last issue easily. Open about:config and type in "warn". Look for "browser.showQuitWarning", then double click it to set it to true. It's an annoyance to most people, therefor disabled by default.
Well, thank you, but...negative. I found that option on my own long ago, as well as another very-similar-sounding one: browser.WarnOnQuit, and set both to true. Neither one works. It still closes without warning.
I beg to disagree that this is an "annoyance to most people", but irrelevant...anyone can have that on or off as they wish of course, that is specifically why I use the word "option". I think it should be in the general options, readily accessible to lay-users. It should not require wading in advanced settings like about:config (if that even worked).
Printing i'm afraid probably isn't something that will ever get fixed. I'm guessing that's one issue that occurred when the PM devs plopped the old UI on top of a newer code base.
But I would expect the opposite to possibly cause this (old code base on a newer UI), so not sure if this makes the fullest sense to me. Wouldn't one expect a newer code base to render print better not worse, so to speak, regardless of the overlying UI. In any case printing does seem to be a low priority for the devs. If it's unlikely to be fixed, so be it I guess.
As for cpu usage, it really boils down to the internet moving forward with bad (google) website coding, scripting, etc. I've survived by using one of the many script block addons, and just disable JS by default, then enable it on a site by site basis as needed. Is that a perfect solution? No, but i no longer get prolonged spiked cpu use either. The web is moving forward rapidly, AF is not. All we can do is what the TenFourFox crew is doing, add relevant security updates and bug fixes. The browser backend is "outdated" by todays standards, and it will encounter more problem sites as time goes on unfortunately.
Well...that actually brings up another peeve, but...*how* do you disable javascript and enable site by site?! That would be fine for me. But javascript-disable/enable options also seems to be missing...where are they? I remember trying to mess with such an option in about:config at one point but if I remember correctly, it seemed to be all-or-nothing, broke too many things to be usable.
And...the bigger concern but...why would bad coding/scripting continue to run after the tab/window is closed?! Surely I don't need to go into detail about how big of a concern this can be, CPU aside, security at the very least. Stated another way, what does AF continue to run in the background after the associated tab/window is closed, why, and when (if ever) does it stop?