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@wicknix: judging from the overwhelming response I must be the only one on this AF/SW Planet of ours that uses Itried to make up a string on the same pattern as for YouTube: "" etc., but it didn't help. Actually, it's just any browser in 10.6.8 that ends up with a blank page (but there is some stuff in the source). Up to a few days ago, you could see the contents, login, do searches etc., in both AF and SW, although the player only worked in SW. Strange that sites can “blank out”, or reverse blank out a specific OS — is there a way to fool them?

Talking of the which, the past couple of days PayPal has been giving a blank page in AF too (both the previous version and the new one). However it turns blank only after a second or two, when it's done loading. It's still OK in SW, but I haven't tested it any further. It's not like I need PayPal very often, but sometimes it's useful.
Unfortunately we knew these times were coming. Seems like in the last few week lots of websites "upgraded" to new code, or page layouts, breaking functionality of anything not chrome based (FF Quantum has tons of chrome code in it also). Even the Pale Moon devs are running in to issues seen here. The only real fixes are update OS X if possible, install Linux, or get use to those Linux/Windows VM's to use newer browsers. For what its worth, my 10.6 browser builds of SW/IW are based on older code than the 10.7+ builds, but built with newer code than what AF is based on, are still 3 years out of date. The google monopoly is upon us, much like when IE was king. Websites were written to support 1 browser, and if other browsers worked, great. If not, you're SOL. Same thing is coming full circle again, but for chrome.

Unfortunately we knew these times were coming. Seems like in the last few week lots of websites "upgraded" to new code, or page layouts, breaking functionality of anything not chrome based (FF Quantum has tons of chrome code in it also). Even the Pale Moon devs are running in to issues seen here. The only real fixes are update OS X if possible, install Linux, or get use to those Linux/Windows VM's to use newer browsers. For what its worth, my 10.6 browser builds of SW/IW are based on older code than the 10.7+ builds, but built with newer code than what AF is based on, are still 3 years out of date. The google monopoly is upon us, much like when IE was king. Websites were written to support 1 browser, and if other browsers worked, great. If not, you're SOL. Same thing is coming full circle again, but for chrome.
Oh well… misery :-[ But it does make your efforts all the more appreciated. I can really follow your parallel between Ggl and IE, the hateable monopolies, can't tell you how much I suffered in the 90's, both as a user and as a website developer. Matter of fact, in High Sierra this other site won't even work in Waterfox or Firefox, but it does in chrome-based Brave. Which I really don't like, if I have to go away from the Mozilla branch, I'd rather use Opera any time.

Considering how fast companies like Huawei and others are adapting themselves to the barriers imposed on them (same Huawei has just launched an alternative OS to Android), I wonder if we may expect some new browsers, OS's, apps over from that side of the continent. Although, if one compares the (poor) functionality of Alipay or Ali Express with what's already available to us, at least in English, they still seem to have a long way to go.

Btw., I have just discovered that you're running another MacRumors thread about Lubuntu. When I get my act together I'll PM you a short question about it. If you don't mind.
For a very long time they ditched they own engine to use Chromium based
Actually, it's the GUI that bothers me in Brave (tested in Lubuntu), as well-intended as its developers may be. When I have to spend 15 mn to find a setting, when there's no keyboard shortcut to Quit the app, or when not revealing your passwords takes installing an addon that doesn't work, then please let me stick to the known and the relatively familiar. It would maybe be different if I moved all browsing exclusively to Brave, but on 10.6 it's a moot point.
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Here's my premade directory structure to repack AF archives as .deb. Just extract it anywhere, copy the uncompressed AF archive in to /arcticfox-27.9.19/usr/lib/, edit the /arcticfox-27.9.19/DEBIAN/control file if needed. Then just type: dpkg-deb --build arcticfox-27.9.19 to create the .deb. Now rename arcticfox-27.9.19.deb to arcticfox-27.9.19.linux-powerpc.deb and you're done. :)

With your help I today created arcticfox-27.11.0-ppc64.deb :)
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27.11 is pretty resistant, especially to YouTube after changing the user agent override, even if YT pages require a bit of patience until they're loaded: not a single crash so far on my main machine. Really nice to have to stop worrying about that (even though locking sessionstore.js saves me a lot of hassle). However, on my test machine (same setup, but much lighter), every other day or so AF crashes “on its own”: no apparent activity when this happens, no pages are loaded other than the usual small set of pin tabs — I just wake up the computer and discover that AF has crashed some hours earlier. Nothing in the History that gives an indication, and the only thing that might be related in the unintelligible (to me, that is) DiagnosticReport is the string “libSystem.B.dylib” repeated countless times.
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Last version of uBlock accepted by AF is, of June 2020. It won't take any of the later versions. Can anything (simple) be done about this?

(Similarly, it doesn't seem that SpiderWeb will accept anything else than of May 2019, which goes by the somewhat different name of uBlock0-libre@ and, I believe, was provided by wicknix in the original package.)
I haven't tried it yet (as i use a hosts file to block ads:, but does this help?

Otherwise edit the install.rdf and near the bottom of the file, change min version from PM28 to 27.* and save. Should install in AF then.
That did it, thanks. Silly me, should have thought about it, after “adapting” all those addons for SpiderWeb :rolleyes:.

About uBlock for SpiderWeb with that funny name, is there something structurally different about it, or can you install the latest Firefox legacy regardless?

Btw, if I remember well, uBlock Origin Updater was “decommissioned” some months ago (and I removed it when that was announced)
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The link you give is an updater not Ublock origin is OK but don't install on AF.

Where do you find the install.rdf ? The only file I get is a xpi.
1. Open the .xpi in a zip unpacker that shows the package contents (I use BetterZip), but don't unpack it
2. Browse through the root directory, find “install.rdf”
3. Context menu, open it with a text editor (I use TextWrangler)
4. Follow wicknix's instructions, plain vanilla
5. Save .rdf file
6. Save .xpi package
7. Install, be ecstaticly ad-proof into the future :D.
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@RobJos thanks for your help :)

All your precisions where necessary to me.

I found an old BetterZip 2.3.4 archive for 10.6, opened the xpi, modified the rdf, saved it, saved the file extracted as a zip that I modified in xpi and it runs.

The host file is a headache solution for me, I guess that every time as for Little Snitch I have to set every site.
@RobJos thanks for your help :)

All your precisions where necessary to me.

I found an old BetterZip 2.3.4 archive for 10.6, opened the xpi, modified the rdf, saved it, saved the file extracted as a zip that I modified in xpi and it runs.

The host file is a headache solution for me, I guess that every time as for Little Snitch I have to set every site.
Thank wicknix for this, he's the one who explained the procedure to me when I went on modifying a bunch of addons to use them in SW.

I don't think I've had anything to do with host files since OS9 (or was it 8?). Just as well, Little Snitch is plenty and enough, headache-wise!
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