Go Leafs go!! Bad loss tonight, but they'll be back on home ice.Sold M1 iPad Pro the mini 6 and I’ve also never looked back. The extreme portability, ease of use for reading books (I’m reading a LOT more than I’ve ever had outside of career needs), browsing, file transfer from older HDD to portable SSDs via USB-C dock, etc.
I’m very impressed that connecting to my 34”LG LCD works as flawlessly (directly or via dock with DP connection) is just about exactly the same as the M1 Pro. Only the hdr being displayed is less that’s it.
Even if apple allows some kind or true macOS when connected to magic keyboard for the M1 iPads I wouldn’t care as that’s not what I want in my iPad anymore. I waited a long time for the pros to have Xcode and hoped and thought the Pros would get that but after the air got the M1 chip that really soured my pallet with their iPad team. It pissed me off as it heavily devalues the Pros a bit.
My Apple Pencil works exactly as I’ve experienced as well so nothing missed.
And yes I’ve falling into much deeper sleeps with the iPad mini on my bed due to reading.
Oh and watching the Leafs for free via AppleTV+ has me cheering & yelling from my bedroom now versus my fashionable yet very uncomfortable couch!
EDIT: 1 thing I do miss is FaceID. All the iPads are better suited to having this dur to the nature of using the device, I still find myself having to remember to use TouchID, even after seeing the visual queue. I keep thinking the visual queue is like my iPhone where I can opt not to use TouchID only to realize DOH I have to.