Can't you go to the Arq prefs and in that Network pane select all the networks on the list and UNcheck the hotspot?
Can't you go to the Arq prefs and in that Network pane select all the networks on the list and UNcheck the hotspot?
For me it seems to default to having all the networks checked, so can't you just uncheck the hotspot one and it will never use that one again? Isn't that what you are trying to do?Yes, I could have. But one will have to remember every time when he uses iPhone's hotspot. If there is a way to Select "backup from all available wifi networks" except ATT hotspot, it would be preferred.
For me it seems to default to having all the networks checked, so can't you just uncheck the hotspot one and it will never use that one again? Isn't that what you are trying to do?
For me it seems to default to having all the networks checked, so can't you just uncheck the hotspot one and it will never use that one again? Isn't that what you are trying to do?
The magic Google phrase is "iCloud SMTP" and select the first result.
Got some excellent advice here a year ago, so am hoping for more of the same.Am considering adding a Mac laptop to the household. Would probably apply same backup setup as with the iMac I mentioned a few pages back — i.e., an external drive for Time Machine, a separate external drive for Carbon Copy Cloner, and online backup (via Arq) to B2. My question is about the B2 part. Would my current B2 “bucket” allow me to add the backup for this device, too, or must I create a separate “bucket” for it? Also: if either a one-bucket or two-bucket method is acceptable, is one a better idea than the other?
Just an FYI:
I’ve been so impressed with Backblaze that I bought their $50/year unlimited backup. Their software is really good, backing up every change I make to Backblaze all the time. I’ve suspended my personal B2 Bucket upload for now because of that. I still use Arq to backup my data to Google Drive and to an external drive. So, I’m kinda going overboard with backups but my data is very important to me.
Thanks for the advice you gave in your full response. Re B2 vs “regular” Backblaze, specifically: last year, I got the impression in this thread and some other sites that Backblaze B2 was a better idea (and/or better deal, money-wise) than “regular” Backblaze, so to speak. Since you’ve used both and apparently prefer the latter, could you give some details about the differences? There is this on the Backblaze site but it’s nearly two years old and might not necessarily be as up-to-date as I’d like to see:
Thanks for that word. Not on the beta, so will hope I remember this when Mojave is released to GA as 10.14.0.Not related to the current discussion, but since this is an active Arq thread. You now need to add the Arq application rather than Arq Agent application to the Application Data permissions in order to fully back up the home folder under Mojave.
Thank you! Was just nosing around here hoping one of you guys had the answer. And, sure enough, I had forgotten!Any fellow Arq users who updated to macOS Mojave today... you need to go to this screen and add Arq to give it permission to access all your files for backup. Otherwise Arq will throw a bunch of errors it cannot access your data. I know this came up earlier in the thread, but I thought a reminder with a screenshot would be helpful.
Otherwise, Arq seems fine in Mojave so far.
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I currently rsync to an off site computer. I'm trying to find a way to replicate that.