Came across some ARQ 5 information; would like to share it with first time, non technical users like me, who are trying to understand the complexity of online backup for the first time, considering using ARQ and struggling to understand ARQ and how to use it. (Source: mainly from Below is a summary of this info along with some personal opinions. Not sure it is correct, so please do your won research.
Reviews by users, overall are very positive especially those who are highly technical, have more than 1TB of data, some stored their data to more than one cloud providers, cost conscious, and sophisticated users. What they like are the robustness of the product, data are encrypted before leaving the computer, able to backup multiple computers and to multiple cloud providers, simple to use and low cost. An example about simplicity, a user moved to Singapore and without any effort he was able to move his backup from Amazon US to Amazon Singapore. Discussions by these highly technical users gave the impression that ARQ is for thecnically capable users. However, my research and experience suggest it is not true, ARQ is also for non technical people, it is so simple to use even for non technical person like me. ARQ reduces the complexity of online backup to simple clicks.
My personal experience about the support from ARQ is excellent. After sending support an email, I typically got answer back in 1-2 days. (CCC also provides excellent support.)
Data plan (Storage size) needed to store data in cloud -- compression ratio
In one experiment, ARQ 5 compressed a 40MB file to 16MB or a ratio of 2.5. Thus, for 1TB of data, according to time machine usage recommendation a storage size of 1TB will be sufficient.
Scanning speed
Files are first scanned then upload. In one case, a 500GB data took only a few minutes while in another case 1.5TB took 24 hrs. VMWare virtual machine bundle took a long time to scan, 2 hrs for 9GB. One user said 500GB per day, not sure if his data included VMware. During scan, if Mac is shutdown then restart, scan will start from scratch. Scan will slow down to wait for upload to catch up if far ahead of upload.
Upload speed
5 -10 MB (bytes) per sec or 18-36GB per hr , or 0.43- 0.86 TB per day. Another user uploaded 4.5TB in 2 weeks, or 0.32TB per day. Thus, the range of speed users can expect to get is 133-360GB per 10 hrs, or 300- 860GB per day. Since this includes the scanning speed, upload speed is the only number needed for initial upload time estimation.
Validation speed
Validation compares the compressed files stored in cloud against the source. The speed is 1GB per min, or 600GB per 10 hrs. (Provided by weaselboy in this thread.)
Amount of data uploaded before ARQ crashed
An user succeeded to upload 5TB before ARQ crashed.
How confident hundreds of GB to a TB of data can be safely and successfully uploaded?
A large number of users have less than a TB of data to be backuped. When I first looked into cloud backup, able to upload 500GB of data to the cloud worried and confused me the most. Forbes had a story that a user after one year still couldn't upload her 200GB+ data to a cloud provider. The reason was the provider deliberately slow down the user's upload data rate to a very slow rate. One can find similar stories on YouTube. However, I had found ther are many users who had used ARQ to sucessfully upload more than a TB of data to Amazon.
Maximum data uploaded
A user was trying to upload 22TB, an astronomical amount, to the cloud. From above, 5TB does not seems to be a problem.
Old backups, how safe?
A user left his backups in the cloud not used for several years, then accessed his files again and found them all good.
Having all your applications working after full restore
I had lost key codes for some of the applications. Thus, wish all the applications will work after restore from ARQ backup and without the need to reenter key codes. Using time machine, I was able to migrate my entire hard drive contents from a MacBook Air to MacBook Pro with all applications working.
ARQ backup only the home folder. User can obviously also backup the applications folder and /Library/Application Support/ folder (the latter was from ARQ support, some applications need the Support folder to work). However, even with these two additional folders added, there is still no guarantee that all applications will work after a full restore. The best answer is given to me by a Carbon Copy Cloner support, who said that the license registers of some apps are locked to the hard drive's UUID, or locked in some other ways. CCC does not want to break this protective locks, and as a result, these applications will not work even the user clones the Machintoh HD, then reboot the clone. If CCC backup can not make these locked applications work, then ARK backup certainly will not be able to make these applications work as well. Thus, try it with CCC bootable backup first to see if all applications work. If they do, then there is a better chance that ARQ will work too. How about those unlocked applications which are restored from ARQ backup; will they work? This question remains unanswered.
Full restore, will it work?
During my research, I have not been able to find a single ARQ user, who has several hundred GB of data stored online and has successful done a full restore. And for that matter, nor has any online backup users. Obviously the difficulty is down loading such a massive amount of data. On the contrary, time machine, CCC and Superduper have had countless sucessful full restores. Thus, the first line of defense againfst data lost catastrophe should be the local backups.
Encrypt data before sending it to the cloud, Time Machine and ransome ware
I have NDAs and proprietary research data on my Mac. Thus, ARQ encrypts data before sending it to the cloud without using a third party software is appealing to me.
Online storage is getting cheaper. A TB data plan costs only $9.99/month. A majority of users do not have 1TB of data. A large amount of unused storage space is perfect for time machine type of backup in which data are backuped every hour and each backup is saved. TIme machine like backup is a feature of ARQ. Many users are using time machine to do their backups and data of many users have been rescued by their TM backups. Thus, ARQ time machine like backup is familiar and reassuring to them. Time machine type of versioned backup has an expected benefit: some users said those backups before a ransome ware attack will not be affected unless the ransom ware instructs ARQ to delete all files, but deleting everything does not serve the purpose of the ransomer.