@dai-leung I don't think the review's theory is correct. Arq does this:
1. Split the file into smaller chunks (important; it helps reduce data storage needs since many files will consist of identical chunks, so only one copy of that chunk needs to be stored).
2. Encrypt each chunk.
3. Upload the chunk to the chosen cloud storage.
4. Wait for the reply from the server, saying "We received file X with hash 13819y38y12983".
5. Compare the hash that the server told you, to the hash of your own local chunk. Hashing is a way to verify that data is identical in both places.
6. If both match, Arq correctly marks that chunk as 100% successfully uploaded, and carries on...
7. Otherwise it retries if it failed...
What's more likely is that Amazon Cloud Drive had a bug. That service is very new and low-quality and has had a billion bugs and has been a huge headache for Arq's developer. I've seen data folders vanish and re-appear in my Amazon Cloud Drive when I had that service.
As for Backblaze: Their hashing is deeply embedded in their cloud service. They demand a hash before you even start the upload. Nothing gets stored on their servers if the chunk hashes mismatch. This guarantees that the data stored on Backblaze is 100% identical to what was uploaded. And Arq closely watches the server replies, to ensure that the data was stored, before it proceeds.
I trust Arq 100%. And I trust Backblaze 100%. I've reviewed the Backblaze storage design earlier in this thread.
You seem to be a very worried person with all your dozens of long, concerned posts over the weeks, and it's not a good way to live life. Just sign up to Arq and Backblaze and trust me. ;-) I've been an advanced programmer for 20 years and know my stuff. There isn't a project I couldn't code. I fully trust Arq's code/architecture and Backblaze's storage stability with my life's work. They are both beautifully designed internally. And Arq's storage format is open-source, which is how I was able to see how trustworthy the program is and how incredibly competent the programmer is. Everything about Arq is CPU and memory-efficient and perfectly designed. Everything about Backblaze's storage reliability and API is perfectly designed.
When Arq sends something to Backblaze, it stays there forever, perfectly intact.
Stop worrying and just get on with it. Have fun!