Trust me, you are not missing much. At first it was great but after testing it for a couple of weeks now, the WiFi Call-Quality is not the best! In my experience, you have to be right by your router(s) to get the best signal and when you are moving around your house the connection will drop to a point of where you can barely hear the other person on the line. When you do get a great connection, the voice connection sounds amazing...HD almost. Obviously I know this is in beta, and it definitely needs a lot of work. I have had my WiFi Calling off for now. It is just not RELIABLE!!! Please, share you experience with your WiFi Calling so we can try to nail problems.
-Post how your audio sounds while moving around the house and see if your call gets to the point of hanging up, or drops itself. I would say you should have been on WiFi Calling for at least two weeks.
-If any has any great experiences (once again, using two weeks or more) please post what type of internet you are on (2.5ghz vs. 5ghz etc...) and also what company you get your internet through (Time Warner, ComCast, Verizon etc...)
-I just want to make sure we have a place where we can report errors, and also positive experiences and to see what we can do to replicate the positive experiences. Maybe make our own AT&T WiFi Calling Experience Thread?