I gotta admit - I love my ATV2G and just from a geek perspective I'm really psyched by the JB and modding I've accomplished with it so far. I've installed Grooveshark, XBMC, and a variety of plugins including Icefilms, FastpassTV, and Navi-x.
I will admit I've done a lot of not legit d/ls in my time , mostly music (I still have a lot of stuff from my Napster days). But I think I'm gonna be deleting the Icefilms and FastpassTV plugins, and just restricting myself to the Navi-x site scrapers.
Piracy has just become too easy. And I have two small children at home. I can see myself really getting used to having access to any movie or TV show anytime I want, for free. What will I tell my kids when they're older? That's whats giving me pause... So, I guess I'll keep my mp3s, but I'm getting out of the easy piracy biz otherwise.
Trust me, I don't shed much of a tear or get royally outraged when It comes to ppl d/l movies or music w/out paying for it. These companies are greedy ********rs and I'm not bothered. However, I can't stop thinking about what I'll have to tell my kids in a few years if I keep this up.
Anyways, feel free to discuss.
I will admit I've done a lot of not legit d/ls in my time , mostly music (I still have a lot of stuff from my Napster days). But I think I'm gonna be deleting the Icefilms and FastpassTV plugins, and just restricting myself to the Navi-x site scrapers.
Piracy has just become too easy. And I have two small children at home. I can see myself really getting used to having access to any movie or TV show anytime I want, for free. What will I tell my kids when they're older? That's whats giving me pause... So, I guess I'll keep my mp3s, but I'm getting out of the easy piracy biz otherwise.
Trust me, I don't shed much of a tear or get royally outraged when It comes to ppl d/l movies or music w/out paying for it. These companies are greedy ********rs and I'm not bothered. However, I can't stop thinking about what I'll have to tell my kids in a few years if I keep this up.
Anyways, feel free to discuss.