CEO of godaddy kills elephants. That's worse than pirating. Go find a new host. And no, I'm not kiddingpay cheap for the domain from godaddy
No, I'm not. I'm talking in the context of the OP; unable to afford the product.
And yet again, you're accusing me of justifying piracy. I am not. I am being logical. If someone is poor, and they cannot afford a movie, then they may obtain it some other way.
Basically the whole piracy argument boils down to whether you care or not.
I guess I can give you restaurant food...but college...marriage...vacation...?
I was talking about movies which is like a max of $15.
I've gone through college, marriage and vacation and I think each of those were slightly more expensive and took years in the making. Not really sure how those are related or can be compared to purchasing a movie ticket.
I'm not sure what I put in my post that made you think me not wanting to buy a movie without knowing I liked it meant I was scared of the world, but I'm sorry you took it that way.
I guess I will have to read back through it and see what made you reply how you did.
couldn't have said it any better.
By the way, why do people have to always apply entertainment related media only to piracy. i will admit my "unlawful" duty of downloading the adobe master suite, but that's because the whole suite cost $2500+ and i could never afford that. but that suite has helped my brother and i to help my fathers business increase revenue, through advertisements, commercials, and websites that we created with that suite. but in zin's logic, i really wasn't going to purchase this suite anyway so adobe doesn't lose at all.
And don't reply to this comment saying "you should use gimp, (all of the other free stuff),trials, etc. Look i don't want to mess with that stuff. please, i want to stay industry standard while maintaining quality.
Also, the whole "slowing my internet" "wasting my time" "risk of getting caught" "crappy download with virus" excuses are retarded. there are download/upload limiters, schedulers, and encryption available. and honestly if you get a virus for downloading a torrent, you probably deserve it. do your research, read comments, and go to quality sites like demonoid. the internet is like sex, you cant have it without protection. and depending on the level of research and antivirus/encryption you conducted will dictate if you are sleeping with your girlfriend or a downtown prostitute.
with all of that said above, including the "provocative" statements on torrenting/piracy, i still don't condone it. yeah i know i torrent things but you shouldn't follow my model and don't judge me. do your research, read books on piracy, and fully assess why or why not you should be involved in piracy/torrents.
OHHH and BTW, if anyone took my image post seriously, get off you moral high-horse, please, and just live life and play with your family or something.
CEO of godaddy kills elephants. That's worse than pirating. Go find a new host. And no, I'm not kidding
you don't need an Adobe product to do any of it properly to industry standards.
If you weren't going to buy it, how were you going to get what you were going to do done, had there not been a means to steal it?
Just because you want the Adobe products doesn't mean you can steal them.
I'd like to drive a Lexus but that doesn't mean I can steal one when all I can afford is a Neon. Both drive me to the store but only one of them I can afford.
You really make me mad and have a lot of nerve trying to justify what you do!
Whatever happened to the old notion of "if you can't afford a luxury, you have to wait until you can"? Nowadays, people think they deserve things without earning them. Hence all the piracy. If you want a luxury, get off your ass and earn the money to buy it like the rest of us.
CEO of godaddy kills elephants. That's worse than pirating. Go find a new host. And no, I'm not kidding
The word "piracy" comes from the pirates of old who inflicted physical harm and plundered/stole actual real property. IOW, it was stealing, plain and simple. Making a copy of something is not stealing, it is copying. So let's dispense with the term "piracy" as it is best classified as newspeak.
Now for some examples demonstrating the absurdity of it all...
I have a great recipe for a cocktail I just invented:
The Bloody Pirate
- 3 parts Vodka
- 2 part tomato juice
- 1 part squid ink
- 1 spritz of lemon juice
You may look at this recipe for free (aren't I generous?) but if you ever choose to make it, you need to send me a check for $100 for the first time you make it. If you choose to make it a 2nd time, you need to send me your firstborn. If you neglect to do so, make no mistake, you are stealing from me, and are an immoral person. Since I created the recipe, I get to define the "price" in whatever obscure terms I decide, and you have to live by it. Oh well. Oh, and if you happen to have thought of this exact same recipe independently, you'd better have clearly documented evidence of it. It matters not how obvious my invention might be...if I documented it first, I own it.
And if you spot me on the street, please do not take a photograph of me. I own myself and do not permit photos of my person. I will sell you a 6x8 photo of myself for $50. If you take a photo of me, or scribble a pencil drawing of me, you are, as far as I am concerned, *stealing* from me. You owe me $50 plus pain and suffering and may even be subject to imprisonment.
If you can follow all of this and are in agreement that it makes perfect sense, then you have truly drunk the kool-aid. You are a good citizen! [pat on head]
The point of my example was to demonstrate the absurdity of "stealing" a non-tangible item. Read it again.All you've proven is that not enforcing copyright, if you can even copyright a recipe you've freely made available to the public (unlike the movie studios), only encourages stealing of said product.
Today maybe. But it would be completely consistent with the absurdity of the existing copyright legislations if they passed a law making one's visual appearance the "property" of the person. If they did that, would you now be on board with thinking that was perfectly good, or would you then start to see how the entire concept defies common sense?It has already been established that photos taken of people in public are not an infringement of privacy so that argument is invalid.
One cannot have an intelligent discussion with you if you're going to continue to misuse terms. Copying is not stealing. You may believe that copying is immoral, but do not continue to call it stealing. Stealing is theft and involves the taking of physical property. If I walk into Best Buy and walk out with a Blu-ray disc without paying for it, they now have one less disc to sell. I have actually *stolen* from them. If, while in the store, I somehow make a copy of the disc and walk out, they still have their original disc. I have not *stolen* anything from them.All of your lame arguments are yet another sad attempt to justify your breaking the law. Just because something is easy to steal doesn't make stealing it justifiable.
The point of my example was to demonstrate the absurdity of "stealing" a non-tangible item. Read it again.
Today maybe. But it would be completely consistent with the absurdity of the existing copyright legislations if they passed a law making one's visual appearance the "property" of the person. If they did that, would you now be on board with thinking that was perfectly good, or would you then start to see how the entire concept defies common sense?
One cannot have an intelligent discussion with you if you're going to continue to misuse terms. Copying is not stealing. You may believe that copying is immoral, but do not continue to call it stealing. Stealing is theft and involves the taking of physical property. If I walk into Best Buy and walk out with a Blu-ray disc without paying for it, they now have one less disc to sell. I have actually *stolen* from them. If, while in the store, I somehow make a copy of the disc and walk out, they still have their original disc. I have not *stolen* anything from them.
Here is a good article on the subject (key points addressed in the first half of the article, but the entire article is worth reading):
Modern Day Protectionism
And here is an excellent, but lengthier, essay on the subject:
Against Intellectual Property
Actually no. Unless you've copyrighted this and even then the IDEA itself cannot be copyrighted so as long as I alter your formula slightly I would be fine. This does not apply to the situation of copying movies.You may look at this recipe for free (aren't I generous?) but if you ever choose to make it, you need to send me a check for $100 for the first time you make it. If you choose to make it a 2nd time, you need to send me your firstborn. If you neglect to do so, make no mistake, you are stealing from me, and are an immoral person. Since I created the recipe, I get to define the "price" in whatever obscure terms I decide, and you have to live by it. Oh well. Oh, and if you happen to have thought of this exact same recipe independently, you'd better have clearly documented evidence of it. It matters not how obvious my invention might be...if I documented it first, I own it.
Again, this is wrong. At least in the USA. I can't speak for other places. If you are in a public place I can take a picture of you. You are in a public place. I cannot harass you or photograph anything that could be construed as illicit. I also have to be VERY careful about how I display/use your image since, yes, you have a right to your own image but there are not rules against street photography. In fact if the image I take of you cannot be clearly identified as YOU or if you are celebrity all bets are off for the most part.And if you spot me on the street, please do not take a photograph of me. I own myself and do not permit photos of my person. I will sell you a 6x8 photo of myself for $50. If you take a photo of me, or scribble a pencil drawing of me, you are, as far as I am concerned, *stealing* from me. You owe me $50 plus pain and suffering and may even be subject to imprisonment.
If you can follow all of this and are in agreement that it makes perfect sense, then you have truly drunk the kool-aid. You are a good citizen! [pat on head]
y the way, why do people have to always apply entertainment related media only to piracy. i will admit my "unlawful" duty of downloading the adobe master suite, but that's because the whole suite cost $2500+ and i could never afford that. but that suite has helped my brother and i to help my fathers business increase revenue, through advertisements, commercials, and websites that we created with that suite. but in zin's logic, i really wasn't going to purchase this suite anyway so adobe doesn't lose at all.
i will admit my "unlawful" duty of downloading the adobe master suite, but that's because the whole suite cost $2500+ and i could never afford that. but that suite has helped my brother and i to help my fathers business increase revenue, through advertisements, commercials, and websites that we created with that suite. but in zin's logic, i really wasn't going to purchase this suite anyway so adobe doesn't lose at all.