For those holding such a strong position of "anti-piracy", as you see it, have you pushed you viewpoints and morals to the lawmakers or promoted legislation?
Or is pushing your morals and judging others your contribution to bring some sort of awareness to this issue.
Perhaps most seem to forget that even even 40 years ago you were able to copy 8 tracks, then the ability to copy cassette to cassette, vinyl to 8 track/cassette, VHS to VHS, VHS to disc, DVD to DVD, etc.
All which can be easily shared with friends via thumb drives, LAN, portable harddrives, etc.
All materials needed to execute such operations have been readily available to consumers.
I remember making well over 20 copies of pink Floyd dark side of the moon when I was in HS.
The Internet is just a new medium.
yet Hollywood has survived.
It's a matter of scale. When people made a mix tape of songs off the radio a) the quality was crap and b) it was difficult to make more than one. Now you can make a perfect copy of anything you want and provide it to millions of people instantly. Kind of different now and actually a real threat, huh?
And yeah, I think it IS good for people to stop letting other people do bad things without calling them out on it. If more people said "That's not right", maybe fewer people would do things like steal and bully because they wouldn't have the feeling that "everybody else is doing it". It's called positive peer pressure.