Wow. Ok. So it's ok to steal from companies? You do realize that companies are made up of people? People who have families to care for and such. And most of them are not exactly making a lot of money in the industry. So your "stand" against companies is really a stand against the people who work in those industries. Shouldn't they deserve to be paid for their work?
You argue by comparison with taking a pen home, etc. Yes, those things either break ordinances or are stealing, too. It varies by degree but I'll call the spade a spade. The laws in the US on ripping a DVD are not as clear as you seem to imply when it's for your own backups or personal use.
I certainly haven't found the pirates and thieves to be more trustworthy than the average person. But that may be because I associate myself with genuinely honest and trustworthy people thus skewing the comparison.
So maybe you should consider helping out your fellow human beings who work to create and market and distribute the things you're taking.
You argue by comparison with taking a pen home, etc. Yes, those things either break ordinances or are stealing, too. It varies by degree but I'll call the spade a spade. The laws in the US on ripping a DVD are not as clear as you seem to imply when it's for your own backups or personal use.
I certainly haven't found the pirates and thieves to be more trustworthy than the average person. But that may be because I associate myself with genuinely honest and trustworthy people thus skewing the comparison.
So maybe you should consider helping out your fellow human beings who work to create and market and distribute the things you're taking.