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I was just about to write mines still "not yet shipped" when I checked again (I last checked 30 minutes ago) and it's now "prepared for shipment". 32GB Wi-fi.
Screenshot? Obviously blot out personal info like order number etc. But curious as to your tracking history. Almost no other Aussies have reported "shipped" yet.
Mine still is prepared for shipment. I'm so pissed right now, theres no way it's going to reach me on the 28th now.

Why's that?

Even if it's in China it could still get here by Friday, as long as it leaves tonight. And if it's already in Sydney, then you'll definitely get it Friday.
The likely hood of it not being here by Friday is low. They have had a long time to make sure it ships out on time, so I assume they know what they are doing.

They already cut off preorders for friday when they reached maximum capacity so you should expect to see it on friday, even if it doesnt list it as shipped until very late.

Mine still says "prepared for shipment" which could mean anything.
in other news, I tried to get my hands on a telstra starter pack today and couldnt. all of the majoy telstra stores I visited did not have them yet. Apparently they went on sale yesterday.
Damn.. I was wanting to check this out later this week, too.

Hanging to get this 3G starter pack so that when my iPad arrives it is ready to go!

Did they suggest there is stock of the starter around or they had it then sold out?
Damn.. I was wanting to check this out later this week, too.

Hanging to get this 3G starter pack so that when my iPad arrives it is ready to go!

Did they suggest there is stock of the starter around or they had it then sold out?

They simply had not received them yet. I am hoping that by Friday it is in good supply, however I will be too scare to leave the house in case I miss the delivery.
Many Melbourne Stores weren't selling them at lunch time but by the end of the day I think they were sick of people asking and were just selling them and telling people not to activate them til Friday (which makes sense... why waste two days of prepaid data access if you don't actually have the ipad yet?)

Got mine after work and one for my other half as well :)
At least I know what they look like now. Telstra are going to scoop up massive amounts of new customers thanks to their better pricing scheme.

While I was in one store today, I saw the previous model of data pricing. $20 for 250mb.. hahah
Have Optus and Vodafone even announced there prices yet? People that get a 3G wont be wanting to wait around to find out the other carriers prices, they will go straight to the Telstra store and get there 3G connection.
I don't know about others (I could assume), but I would go Telstra just to get some decent coverage!

I am not gonna start anything here, but work Vodafone wireless connection isn't great, my previous Optus connection was a joke (got decent 3G in the CBD only).
Both my work provided and private Telstra phones get full 3G strength over quite an expansive range of states, cities, towns and in between.
(even out on the water in areas!)

I just hope they will provide me the starter kit without an issue :rolleyes:
Couldn't agree more it's not really worth even considering anything but telstra (unfortunately) due to coverage.

As far as hoping they provide you with a micro sim starter kit no issue, I'm hoping that the activation of said kit will run smoothly on launch day. Would not surprise me in the least if telstra was woefully underprepared for the number of attempted activations. At this stage it appears activating over the phone is the only option. There is no web-based portal currently :( (which might change).
My iphone is with Vodafone, and while I do always have voice coverage in the metro area, I find it pretty sad that I cannot even get from my house to the CBD without loosing all data services. 3G is few and far between.

I find it fine for the iphone, since on the road i only really use data for maps and the occasional website and shazam tag.

However for the iPad, I want the NextG network for its data coverage alone. Check out the coverage map... its impressive.

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