My iphone is with Vodafone, and while I do always have voice coverage in the metro area, I find it pretty sad that I cannot even get from my house to the CBD without loosing all data services. 3G is few and far between.
I find it fine for the iphone, since on the road i only really use data for maps and the occasional website and shazam tag.
However for the iPad, I want the NextG network for its data coverage alone. Check out the coverage map... its impressive.
Vodafone is very bad here. No data coverage at all in my city of 50,000 people.
Optus is cheaper on the iPhone, but there network needs a bit of an upgrade. When the iPhone first came out I had a 3G data connection that was faster than my then 1.5mb ADSL connection. Now I'm lucky to get 500kb connection some times.
Telstra is faster around here. No way I'd put my iPhone on Telstra because of there pricing, but the iPad, I just might do it if I ever get a 3G iPad.