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macrumors 6502
Mar 9, 2016
Well my iPhone 6 lasts a little bit longer than on iOS 9.2/9.3.
I'm on the public gm.


macrumors 68020
Sep 7, 2007
I know it has only been 24 hours but I am finding ios 10 on my 6s to have noticeably worse battery life. Anyone else noticing this?
Worse ? No.. I don't notice it. What I do notice is that I have this feeling a lot more:

Wait, didn't I leave the house an hour ago with 95% ? or 75 % ? .. surely it can't be 45 % now..

And then that 45% lasts me throughout the whole night and I don't charge it until the next day ...

What I also notice with the 6splus is that the battery around 10% really is a reliable 10% Probably because it's new, but with ios9 or ios10, it doesn't get sucked down in 10 minutes to 5 and then poof dead.

The ONE thing I did notice with iOS10 specifically is that if you have say 12% left and you load either iMessage or the camera, within a minute it dropped to 8% and then 6% .. if i stop those 2 apps, that 6% lasts me quite some time.

Either the apps make it recalculate an estimate or they're just terrible at memory management somehow.


macrumors 6502
Jun 21, 2010
I was also experiencing the heat and battery issue on my 6s. I could actually sit and watch it drain after a few minutes. I couldn't last a morning without charging. Went back to 9.3.5 and all is well again.
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big samm

macrumors 68000
Oct 27, 2008
My battery is about the same or better, but ill do a real test when i restore the phone and do a clean install.


macrumors 68040
Jul 3, 2012
This happens regularly on big iOS updates... usually gets fixed in a later patch or by resetting your settings.


macrumors regular
Oct 13, 2011
+1 for dreadful battery life here, Ive even restored as new installing no apps at all and the battery drain was still awful and my 6S got really hot whenever I do anything on the phone.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 5, 2016
This happens regularly on big iOS updates... usually gets fixed in a later patch or by resetting your settings.

Yeah I noticed this big time with iOS 9. ive had battery issues coming and going until about 9.3.3


macrumors 6502
Mar 29, 2011
If any of you using Adguard blocker , switch to 1Blocker for day.

I was getting terrible battery life and thought it is iOS 10, then i thought i had enable adguard at same time, by going back to 1Blocker my battery is back to normal. Maybe it is not optimized for iOS 10 yet.


macrumors member
Oct 26, 2007
Battery life is poor and somewhat strange for me. On a 6s.

I've noticed that over the recent betas and now in the GM, battery life drops like a rock. I'll get 7-8 hours and a couple hours of usage and be around 20-30%. Not good. I use my phone in the exact same manner every morning on the way into work. On 9.3x, I would be around 86-88% when arriving to the office starting from a full charge. On 10 GM, I come in around 78-80%. I charge my phone once I get to the office. What's interesting is when I do charge in the morning with iOS 10, in just 10 minutes of charge from a MBP, the phone goes almost immediately from reading 80% charged to 90% charged.

I was wondering being a year into the phone use, if the battery was going bad. So I took a walk down to the apple store. When I did this last week their diagnostic tools were not working with iOS10 GM. So wanting to know if it was a battery issue or perhaps a iOS 10 issue, I dropped back down to 9.3.5 in the store so they could run the diagnostics. Battery health was shown to be at 96%, so it's not a battery issue. The genius said he's seen a few other instances where people have come in with battery questions and they were running iOS10.

What does this all mean? I don't know, but figured I'd share my observations.


macrumors member
Sep 10, 2015
Same here. I've had a great battery life on iOS 9,now in the middle of the day I have 30%. I've got the iOS 10 GM public version. What to do now? Reset all settings or wait for the official release and try in iTunes?

Ops,sorry - iPhone 6.


macrumors regular
Oct 13, 2011
Has anyone here noticed quite an improvement today? Ive had awful battery life and a hot 6S every day since Beta 8 & the GM and all of sudden today its stopped and battery life is now ok, similar experience for 4 other people I've asked as well.

Maybe a server side change to disable logging, not sure but its definitely improved.


macrumors member
Oct 26, 2007
Same here. I've had a great battery life on iOS 9,now in the middle of the day I have 30%. I've got the iOS 10 GM public version. What to do now? Reset all settings or wait for the official release and try in iTunes?

Ops,sorry - iPhone 6.

As part of my troubleshooting and getting my battery tested, I reinstalled via iTunes to get back to the GM. No change for me.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 28, 2014
Day 1 of the public build/final release... Still terrible battery life. Did a complete setup as new after a DFU restore in itunes.

Can someone here who has bad battery life post which CPU do you have? Samsung or TSMC?


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Day 1 of the public build/final release... Still terrible battery life. Did a complete setup as new after a DFU restore in itunes.

Can someone here who has bad battery life post which CPU do you have? Samsung or TSMC?
Best to give it a few battery cycles and days.
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