Yes it is ridiculous. If you want to get off unlimited anyway, try changing any of your data and see what happens. That came from an AT&T email which I saved and printed, along with saving the emails from AT&T today regarding all this.
Have you tried ringing them and talking to them in a reasonable manner? It could have been a simple administrative error rather than a conspiracy against you.
If they do not call me back with some intelligent person soon, I will email this evidence to the FBI for their investigation so they can determine who changed my credit card info and why that has stopped my unlimited plan.
The point of alerting the FBI is that they are trying to determine how that user info that was nabbed is being used. AT&T is claiming that yes the credit card year was changed but not by them and not by me. AT&T says they have no way to access that info. So who changed it, and why is AT&T using that "correction" to deny grandfathering?
According to AT&T, nobody anywhere can grandfather. They "have no mechanism for that."
Those of you saying you can still sign up for Unlimited, were you already on a plan? AT&T is saying to me there is NO unlimited anymore as an option.
" .... I find it weird that other users are still able to get unlimited but because it tried unsuccessfully to charge you for your recurring unlimited plan it has now disallowed you from purchasing it again. .... "
I agree completely. That is exactly what has happened, and it makes zero sense.
Have you tried creating a new account with ATT on your iPad and use a different credit card.