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Yes it is ridiculous. If you want to get off unlimited anyway, try changing any of your data and see what happens. That came from an AT&T email which I saved and printed, along with saving the emails from AT&T today regarding all this.
Have you tried ringing them and talking to them in a reasonable manner? It could have been a simple administrative error rather than a conspiracy against you.
Have you tried ringing them and talking to them in a reasonable manner? It could have been a simple administrative error rather than a conspiracy against you.

I'm pretty sure the OP mentions being on hold with them at length.
This makes no sense at all. If this happens to all of the 3G owners with unlimited plans, there will be a run on ATT headquarters here in Dallas. Seek shelter!
Of course :) Well I'm sure you'll find it's a case of incompetence rather than a scam. Just keep ringing and they'll restore it for you eventually.
Yes, phoned them (their website has been down all day) and talked to several reps, all in a reasonable manner.

The FBI is investigating the iPad 3G user info theft from AT&T. I wonder how many will get this email that your next month's payment is not going through therefore you have to update your credit card info.

What is oddest is that AT&T is claiming that there is no mechanism whatsoever to continue the grandfathered plan and it was never their intention to grandfather.

Try it yourself from your iPad. I was not able to use the AT&T website today because it's been down. They said it will be back up in 4 hours.
Actually, sad to say, it may be massive incompetence. AT&T has not been batting well lately. I haven't had any problems with them with my iPhone. I'm near Portland Oregon and the service is good. Some dropped calls but not often.

But for the rep to say all the media got it wrong and AT&T never had any intention to grandfather anything is just galling. They have no options to continue the unlimited plan, no buttons or choices or mechanisms even from their end to "override" the data plan changes.

Evil empire or idiot bumbling nincompoops?

I never did change my data plan and the unlimited is still in effect, for a few more hours. And then I will be out of service, no 3G option available, because all that is offered is the metered and if I choose one of those I'm screwed. They said somebody will get back to me within 4 days. I need to use my iPad on 3G at work.
With all due respect, are you sure that the expiration date was actually changed with ATT. I had something similar happen to me the other day and they also said i had to update the card. So the only thing missing from my credit card information was the 3 digit number on the back of the card. Could it be that that was what they were looking for? I entered those 3 numbers and everything was fine after that.
It was the year of the expiration date. Not the 3-digit #. The year was changed. I did not change it. The month before, May, it sailed through just fine for both the iPad and iPhone. Then just before I'm due to automatically renew the unlimited iPad plan, it was changed on just the iPad account. Not the iPhone. Not the bank. Nowhere else but the iPad, and I did not do that.

Even stranger is there is no way to continue my unlimited plan EVEN THOUGH I AM STILL ON IT !!! By correcting the not-me changed expiration year, no options appear except the metered. AT&T says they cannot grandfather from their end because there is no grandfathering.

They also said only they could see my usage but that is not true either; 3G usage is under Settings, General, Usage.
I doubt this was intentional as ATT does not have any obligation at all to keep the plan grandfathered. They can turn around tomorrow and tell all the grandfathered plan owners this is their last month.

It does make me quite curious though why ATT would do the worst possible PR move they could on the eve of another carrier getting the iphone? I know ATT is letting anyone reset their contract early to get the iphone and this is rumored to be because they want to lock in users before another carrier gets the iphone and to stem the predicted mass exodus from ATT. But I just don't get why they would encourage that mass exodus with getting rid of unlimited, and not even making the limited plans reasonable at 5gb for example.
AT&T has sent me screenshots of their computer and emails. And I called on the phone. I told the reps I would be posting their comments on the web. They said they go by phonenews and no other site. They said there is no grandfathering. They dropped the call before I was transferred to "Advanced Level." If they do not call me back with some intelligent person soon, I will email this evidence to the FBI for their investigation so they can determine who changed my credit card info and why that has stopped my unlimited plan.

Will also email the evidence to the media to expose what AT&T is doing so that anybody else caught in this fraudulent trap can defend themselves.
During the HOURS of phone conversations with AT&T all their reps were polite. They were just dull and brain dead and kept repeating that there is no grandfathering. Even if it was drones at first, it kept getting transferred up the line of supervisors and all of them said the same thing.

Sure they can change their policies overnight but they also changed my credit card info. That coming at the same time their iPad user accounts were hacked and exposed is cause for concern.
If they do not call me back with some intelligent person soon, I will email this evidence to the FBI for their investigation so they can determine who changed my credit card info and why that has stopped my unlimited plan.

FBI? I somehow doubt that this is a crime, at most it would be a civil matter, if it even rises to that level.

I think you will have much better luck witty trying to publicize on, or try an executive email carpet bomb tactic for help. (eecb)
I have to go run some errands, will come back later. If anybody changes any of their data and can still remain on Unlimited, please post the steps you took to achieve that.
Bro if you honestly can't reactivate the unlimited plan you may want to see if purchasing a new micro-sim card from AT&T for $15 is worth getting the unlimited plan back. It appears other people who have yet to activate unlimited are still able to do so - so I believe if you had a new micro-sim card installed you should be able to get unlimited back.

I find it weird that other users are still able to get unlimited but because it tried unsuccessfully to charge you for your recurring unlimited plan it has now disallowed you from purchasing it again.
The point of alerting the FBI is that they are trying to determine how that user info that was nabbed is being used. AT&T is claiming that yes the credit card year was changed but not by them and not by me. AT&T says they have no way to access that info. So who changed it, and why is AT&T using that "correction" to deny grandfathering?

According to AT&T, nobody anywhere can grandfather. They "have no mechanism for that."

Those of you saying you can still sign up for Unlimited, were you already on a plan? AT&T is saying to me there is NO unlimited anymore as an option.
The point of alerting the FBI is that they are trying to determine how that user info that was nabbed is being used. AT&T is claiming that yes the credit card year was changed but not by them and not by me. AT&T says they have no way to access that info. So who changed it, and why is AT&T using that "correction" to deny grandfathering?

According to AT&T, nobody anywhere can grandfather. They "have no mechanism for that."

Those of you saying you can still sign up for Unlimited, were you already on a plan? AT&T is saying to me there is NO unlimited anymore as an option.

I signed up for the unlimited plan last night and hadn't been on any data plan before that. Someone else had stated that they were able to sign up or had the option to sign up for the unlimited plan today.
" .... I find it weird that other users are still able to get unlimited but because it tried unsuccessfully to charge you for your recurring unlimited plan it has now disallowed you from purchasing it again. .... "

I agree completely. That is exactly what has happened, and it makes zero sense.
" .... I find it weird that other users are still able to get unlimited but because it tried unsuccessfully to charge you for your recurring unlimited plan it has now disallowed you from purchasing it again. .... "

I agree completely. That is exactly what has happened, and it makes zero sense.

Have you tried creating a new account with ATT on your iPad and use a different credit card.
This brings up an interesting situation.

We all have this set up on automatic billing. My CC expires in a year or two. What happens to those whose card is expiring in say, August?

How can you update your CC info if you are grandfathered?

With postpay, you just pay them any way you want. But with prepay, if they charge against a card that *just* expired, the charge will fail and - hey!

No more unlimited.

I suppose from what I read above, getting a new card and updating the account info will result in the same thing.
As a point of reference, my wifi iPad was having problems and they swapped it out for me yesterday for 3G iPad. I activated the unlimited plan about half an hour ago. No problem.

I did try activating it this morning and kept getting an error. I think AT&T was down most of today. Try again!!
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