you know what? This is the most mental exercise I've gotten in a while. Its really tested my frame control especially on the first page and even again later. I'm pleased with how it turned out.You clearly have nothing better to be doing if you can waste so much time on something so petty and vacuous. Or are you simply trolling for reaction at this stage ...
I was just outside and I'll try to put into words why it irked me. When people aren't informed then bad decisions get made and if they're properly informed then the good decision will eventually get made.
- If we dont fight them over there they'll fight us over here (ironically we got both).
- I vote for Donald Trump. He's right. --why?-- because he'll make america great again.
- Smoking is cool and its not bad for my health.
- Ron Paul is pro drug use. He's a druggy. He's crazy.
- Avatar is the greatest movie ever. Its the highest grossing.
Nah, it was conversation time. He said what he said and I didnt press him on it.That's it? That's all he said?. Maybe he just wanted to finish his dinner, or enjoy a chocolate egg.
No, you should put nothing else in writing and never think about this "incident" ..also known as "small talk at family gatherings".. again.
As for my writing: you did respond to it more than once and make some intelligent and productive posts.