I've purchased and installed two of the Sonnet cards for my new Mac Pro 7,1. I was posting and reading on this thread awhile back (https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/blade-ssds-nvme-ahci.2146725/post-28056235) and on advice from tsialex, I purchased 2 TB Samsung 970 EVO Plus blades directly from Samsung and had no problems using Disk Utility to reformat and mount them. As long as you buy directly from Samsung, they have the latest firmware and there's no need to use Windows to update them.
Are there disadvantages of U.2 drives? I was looking for a solution for video editing in the 12-20TB range.
Thanks.... that is very good news. 👍I've purchased and installed two of the Sonnet cards for my new Mac Pro 7,1. I was posting and reading on this thread awhile back (https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/blade-ssds-nvme-ahci.2146725/post-28056235) and on advice from tsialex, I purchased 2 TB Samsung 970 EVO Plus blades directly from Samsung and had no problems using Disk Utility to reformat and mount them. As long as you buy directly from Samsung, they have the latest firmware and there's no need to use Windows to update them.
Start reading here -So x8 6200MB/s is more than enough for 4K / 8k prores video files? That’s all i’ll be using it for.
How is the fan noise of the Sonnet? That's the only thing that worries me i don't want to add noise to a near silent machine. Thanks
The Sonnet needs to be setup as “JBOD” to boot from it as a big whole 4TB (or even 8TB) drive, right? Is it supposed to be done in Disk Utility?
Is there an easy way to see the model number/SKU on it?
Ok now I’m pretty frustrated. I just received this from them after inquiring:I also purchased the 2010-2012 Accelsior 8TB Card earlier this week, and received it yesterday. This is before they listed the 2019 version. I have received so much conflicting information from OWC regarding this card it's appalling. Just two days ago they told me that it was compatible etc. and said nothing about a new card specifically for the 2019 MP - that was coming out today. I haven't installed it yet but the SKU is definitely different from the new card. I just chatted with OWC *again* and here's what they said:
"Looking into this further, we found that the original Accelsior was a tad too thick for some of the 2019 Mac Pro models. The only real difference here is that the newer ones are a slight bit different than the original ones. At this point, I would recommend installing it in the Mac Pro and as long as it seats properly in the computer, it should be good to go. The actual body of the card was too thick. My apologies for the confusion. The card was slightly too wide."And then I asked about the firmware - and how someone on the forum was told that it was different:
"The new card does not have different firmware on it. That is the same between the two."
So it seems like they're charging a few hundred dollars extra for fit? What the?
In any case I will probably just try this one and see if it fits. If not, they have a 30-day return policy with no restocking fee for these.
I was going to purchase the OWC Accelsior 4TB unit, but with their latest offering that has caused them to increase the price to $950 based on them having to tweak the Accelsior (presumably for MP7,1 compatibility), I feel some angst toward OWC even with me being a long-time fan of OWC products and their warranties and tech help. I chatted with OWC yesterday about this and I was not impressed with their explanation for the 'tweaking' nor the necessity for increasing the price. However, I do like their 5 yr warranty for this Accelsior unit, but the stated TBW for this unit being 380 gives me concern. A 380 TBW gives a mere 1.5 yrs if some 5TB is written every week. Maybe the value of 380 is a typo error, but when asking about this with the OWC tech person they were unsure and could not say if the 380 should be higher, such as 3800.
I believe the Samsung SSD/flash blades state TBW up to 1200. With this value then writing 5TB per week to the blades gives you some 5 yrs before likely failure. I suspect the 5TB/week is likely to be more than most users would attain.
At this time I'm seriously considering the Sonnet M.2 4x4 PCIe card for $399, and 4x Samsung EVO Plus NVMe M.2 SSD 1TB blades for some $800 total. Thus a total outlay of some $1,200.
Also, according to postings here the Sonnet/Samsung unit is a bit faster that the OWC'S Accelsior, and uses x16 vs. x8 for the Accelsior, but comes with 3 yr warranty.
I have a question that I need some confirmation on.
If I buy the Sonnet M.2 4x4 PCIe Card along with...
3x 970 EVO Plus NVMe M.2 SSD 1TB
1x 970 EVO Plus NVMe M.2 SSD 2TB
can I configure the 4 blades as follows...
1) Divide the 2TB blade into two 1TB HFS+ pieces named Son-1-1 and Son-1-2
2) Format the the other 3 blades as HFS+ and name them Son-2, Son-3 and Son-4
3) Reformat Son-1-1 to be APFS
4) Stripe the HFS+ Son-1-2, Son-2, Son-3 and Son-4 to obtain RAID-0 across the four blades.
5) Use Son-1-1 as a bootable clone of my macOS that resides on my internal Apple SSD in MP7,1.
They’re very expensive and almost no one makes them outside of Intel, although now Micron and Samsung seem to be in the market. 12-20TB? LOL!!! Think 280GB-1.2TB. Although as @ZombiePhysicist notes, Micron makes a 15TB model for ~$3,000 USD.
Yes, 12-20TB (Shooting RED cameras)
Most of my active projects start anywhere from 4TB and go up to 15TB so I'd like to leave a bit of overhead; ideally Raid two 15.36TB drives together.
Every time I see HighPoint mentioned I throw up in my mouth a little.You may want to consider solutions like these:
SSD6540 External NVMe RAID Enclosure | HighPoint Technologies, Inc.
SSD6540 is a portable 4-bay 2.5" U.2 NVMe RAID Enclosure, with LCD maintenance screen, dedicated PCIe 3.0 x16, delivering up to 14,000MB/s of transfer speed.highpoint-tech.com
I also purchased the 2010-2012 Accelsior 8TB Card earlier this week, and received it yesterday. This is before they listed the 2019 version. I have received so much conflicting information from OWC regarding this card it's appalling. Just two days ago they told me that it was compatible etc. and said nothing about a new card specifically for the 2019 MP - that was coming out today. I haven't installed it yet but the SKU is definitely different from the new card. I just chatted with OWC *again* and here's what they said:
"Looking into this further, we found that the original Accelsior was a tad too thick for some of the 2019 Mac Pro models. The only real difference here is that the newer ones are a slight bit different than the original ones. At this point, I would recommend installing it in the Mac Pro and as long as it seats properly in the computer, it should be good to go. The actual body of the card was too thick. My apologies for the confusion. The card was slightly too wide."And then I asked about the firmware - and how someone on the forum was told that it was different:
"The new card does not have different firmware on it. That is the same between the two."
So it seems like they're charging a few hundred dollars extra for fit? What the?
In any case I will probably just try this one and see if it fits. If not, they have a 30-day return policy with no restocking fee for these.
Ok now I’m pretty frustrated. I just received this from them after inquiring:
“Thank you for choosing OWC for your customer service needs. I would be happy to assist you with this. Regrettably the model you have is strictly for the 2010-2012 systems.“
I’m going to install and use mine as well. My only concern is future compatibility issues. Let’s say MacOS is updated. Will I be able to upgrade firmware accordingly, or what.
I have the "old" card installed and running right now with no problems, including the fit. I did call OWC earlier today and this is exactly what they told me, too. They stated the card will be fine.
Being first buyers on the market is usually risky, but in the case maybe we lucked out with a cheaper price for the same card.
So my understanding from these postings discussing the differences between the old (MP 2010-2012) Accelsior and the new Accelsior (MP7,1 2019) cards is that the new and more pricer one is not as big dimensionally as the old card. The OWC testing done using the old Accelsior card in the MP7,1 showed issues with it seating in with sufficient room. When I chatted with OWC it was mention that the OWC engineers had to tweak the card and/or made some changes to the firmware. However, this was all said without too much confidence that what was being said was the 'real truth' and maybe speculation to some degree. I certainly was not comfortable with this explanation.Well, the older card is still available so anyone can get that price hah. Which is again why it’s kind of nuts that the new ‘same card’ is more expensive.
Do you have another brand you prefer for a U.2 4 drive bay box?Every time I see HighPoint mentioned I throw up in my mouth a little.
Never have had worse after-the-sale support from any other company. If it works out-of-the-box fine, but don't expect any firmware or driver fixes if it doesn't.
My life is HighPoint free at this point, and much better.
I just ordered a Sonnet M2 4x4 PCIe card and 4 x 2TB Samsung 970 Evo Plus for my Mac Pro 7,1.
But I am debating getting this 4 x 4TB Sabrent instead as I could use the extra space - https://www.amazon.com/Sabrent-Rock...la-838585227790&ref=&adgrpid=80571461181&th=1
Will this combination work/supported? Any downsides to the Sabrent? I'm' sure the Samsung are better, but would prefer the 4TB size.