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Actually we do own the rights to Exploding Fist, however we had some trouble with the emulation of the game which has postponed the launch. It will probably be submitted in one of the later versions.

Giana Sisters could be hard to publish, since the game was already surrounded by copyright issues when it was first released: Due to its similarity with a certain plumber and his red hat.
New games on the way

Hey everybody, we've got a couple of games lined up to be submitted. The next games to hit the AppStore should be:

1. The soccer classic Microprose Soccer, one of the highest rated games on Lemon64 and a great inspiration to Sensible Soccer.

2. The fast paced racer Trailblazer, a game that will be just perfect for Version 1.4, when OpenFeint is added.

The new version should be just around the corner, they are taking their time at Apple right now.

I'll post as soon as there is any news.


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Just downloaded v1.4 and saw several new games in the shop before they were abruptly pulled. Manomio tweeted that this was only a demo list... Question is: When will we be able to download those?? Epyx Jumpman was there and Bruce Lee was back in the freebies.

Come on, make with the games! ;)
Just downloaded v1.4 and saw several new games in the shop before they were abruptly pulled. Manomio tweeted that this was only a demo list... Question is: When will we be able to download those?? Epyx Jumpman was there and Bruce Lee was back in the freebies.

Come on, make with the games! ;)

Yeah, sorry about that, it seems you got a glimpse of the games that we are working on securing. At least you now know that we are trying our very best to get you the greatest selection of C64 games. Be patient, all good things come to those who wait :)

Hey everybody,

We are really thrilled to announce the launch of our Commodore 64 iPhone application version 1.4 with OpenFeint fully integrated. You can now compete against your friends in classic games such as Jupiter Lander, Uridium, Paradroid and Lemans.

Furthermore, we are excited to tell that we are launching the very first Commodore 64 World Championship in Lemans, where you can win the grand prize of a real authentic Commodore 64 computer from back then.

The winner will be announced 15th of February on Here you can also find more information shortly. To participate, download the Commodore 64 application and put the following notice on your Twitter or Facebook wall:

I've just joined the Lemans Commodore 64 World Championship to win a real C64 computer. Beat my score here:

Let the games begin!
New titles online

Hey! Finally Trailblazer & Microprose Soccer aka. Keith van Eron's Pro Soccer has arrived. Trailblazer has OpenFeint enabled so you can compete with gamers all around the world. Microprose Soccer is the forefather of Sensible Soccer and quite an unique game from the C64 period, featuring lots of teams, replay and weather options etc.

Furthermore, we've just secured the rights for the classic Super Pipeline games, they will be hitting the AppStore ASAP.



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C64 LeMans competition coming to an end!

Hi all!

With only three days left of our grand LeMans competition, your chance to win a genuine, Commodore 64 is now coming to an end! Filled to the brim with old-school goodness, don’t miss this opportunity to win that awesome piece of machinery from the eighties!

All you have to do is beat the current leader on the global scoreboard, where the current top 3 is:
1st: Benos75
2nd: Swobi
3rd: green 13

But that might change any minute!
Read more about the competition here:

Download the app here: And don’t forget that you get a whole bunch of different games, all true to their retro-nature.

Now get behind the wheel and earn that pole position!

Best regards


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Hi all!

With only three days left of our grand LeMans competition, your chance to win a genuine, Commodore 64 is now coming to an end! Filled to the brim with old-school goodness, don’t miss this opportunity to win that awesome piece of machinery from the eighties!

All you have to do is beat the current leader on the global scoreboard, where the current top 3 is:
1st: Benos75
2nd: Swobi
3rd: green 13

But that might change any minute!
Read more about the competition here:

Download the app here: And don’t forget that you get a whole bunch of different games, all true to their retro-nature.

Now get behind the wheel and earn that pole position!

Best regards

This is great and everything but in all fairness, more games > openfeint etc.

You have yet to repost Bruce Lee and haven't submitted any noteable games for some time. So far, not a single suggested title has been offered and yet you ask that we keep the suggestions coming. We know that you have a few new titles waiting in the wings but does it really take months to secure the rights to such old and retired titles? If so then fine, but my interest has peaked.
Super Pipeline 1 & 2 announced and Space Taxi has been added to the upcoming titles list. We are also working on yet another of the true classics, should be announced any minute now.

You'd be suprised, but yeah it does take a long time to secure licenses. Remember that some of these titles are owned by huge companies with no interest in the old versions, or small companies that want to keep their good old license for themselves. Making an agreement is a slow discussion process with a lot of pitfalls.

With that said we are preparing the next phase where we will try to submit one game a week, which should be a fair rate for all you C64 fans.
C64 app wins second place in "Best Retro Reborn Game" category

Great news guys!
Our C64 app for the iPhone just won the second place in the "Best Retro Reborn Game" category over at!

Truly a magnificent day for all the retro-lovers out there!

Jeppe told me to pass the word that we're VERY close to signing the deal on a huge title - hopefully it's just a matter of putting pen to the contract now!

Great news guys!
Our C64 app for the iPhone just won the second place in the "Best Retro Reborn Game" category over at!

Truly a magnificent day for all the retro-lovers out there!

Jeppe told me to pass the word that we're VERY close to signing the deal on a huge title - hopefully it's just a matter of putting pen to the contract now!


Congratulations. A well deserved award....

And, Yaayyy, M.U.L.E ?
Great news guys!
Our C64 app for the iPhone just won the second place in the "Best Retro Reborn Game" category over at!

Truly a magnificent day for all the retro-lovers out there!

Jeppe told me to pass the word that we're VERY close to signing the deal on a huge title - hopefully it's just a matter of putting pen to the contract now!


New Games for C64

Hi all - you wanted more games? You got it!

We’re very thrilled to announce that we have just signed the deal on three excellent games for iPhone: Paperboy, O’Riley’s Mine and Mancopter! These classics from the golden years of the Commodore 64 will soon find their way to the C64 app available here:

Paperboy will be 1.99$ while O’Riley’s Mine and Mancopter will be downloadable for free.

Don't forget that Space Taxi, Super Pipeline and Super Pipeline II are also fast approaching a release.
Price on Space Taxi is still being negotiated but the Super Pipeline games will be 0.99$ each.
Surely good news for all you C64-afficionados out there!

In other news we’re happy to tell you that the next update will solve technical issues and update 1.6 will be a thorough controls-update.

That’s all for now, as always all your comments are welcome.



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Hi all - you wanted more games? You got it!

We’re very thrilled to announce that we have just signed the deal on three excellent games for iPhone: Paperboy, O’Riley’s Mine and Mancopter! These classics from the golden years of the Commodore 64 will soon find their way to the C64 app available here:

Paperboy will be 1.99$ while O’Riley’s Mine and Mancopter will be downloadable for free.

Don't forget that Space Taxi, Super Pipeline and Super Pipeline II are also fast approaching a release.
Price on Space Taxi is still being negotiated but the Super Pipeline games will be 0.99$ each.
Surely good news for all you C64-afficionados out there!

In other news we’re happy to tell you that the next update will solve technical issues and update 1.6 will be a thorough controls-update.

That’s all for now, as always all your comments are welcome.


Very nice news, but you forgot to mention M.U.L.E in your announcement :D

Sorry, how about Summer Games, Winter Games, Hacker, Elite, Hardball, Ghostbusters, Bard's Tale, heck...I may even like a Zork or something...

Those were awesome C64 games.

Anyway, I do like the app and the idea/concept. I know it's probably hard to get licenses for good games like the ones I mentioned. Oh well, keep up the good work though. Lovin' both soccer games. Brings back good memories.
Some more suggestions:

Great Gianna Sisters
IK+ (you know you have this ready since you showed it in one of the youtube videos :) )
Exploding Fist
Wizard of Wor

Giana Sisters has just been released as a native iPhone app. Doesn't feel quite the same as the original but it's pretty good.

Wizard Of Wor is one of the best video games ever :)
and Bruce Lee.

Yeah, but Bruce Lee is coming back as soon as update 1.5 is accepted by Apple. We had some issues we needed to resolve with that one, but everything is sorted out now. Glad you're liking the new games.
Yeah, but Bruce Lee is coming back as soon as update 1.5 is accepted by Apple. We had some issues we needed to resolve with that one, but everything is sorted out now. Glad you're liking the new games.

Sweet. When was 1.5 submitted?
Yeah, but Bruce Lee is coming back as soon as update 1.5 is accepted by Apple. We had some issues we needed to resolve with that one, but everything is sorted out now. Glad you're liking the new games.

So M.U.L.E won't make it until the 1.6 update....I can live with that :D
Update 1.5 available

Hi guys!

Just a small heads-up on the Commodore 64 app:
Update 1.5 is now available for download, which takes care of a couple of bugs and adds a trainer mode for Dragons Den.
You will also notice that as Jeppe promised, a certain Mr. Lee has found his way to the app, once again making it possible to do some serious kung-fu – C64 style.

As I type this we’re working on more games filled with pure retro goodness but I'm sorry I can't promise you M.U.L.E. - You guys here at MacRumors seems to love it quite a bit! ;)
Next update will tweak the controls by the way and make them more customizable.



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Hi guys!

Just a small heads-up on the Commodore 64 app:
Update 1.5 is now available for download, which takes care of a couple of bugs and adds a trainer mode for Dragons Den.
You will also notice that as Jeppe promised, a certain Mr. Lee has found his way to the app, once again making it possible to do some serious kung-fu – C64 style.

As I type this we’re working on more games filled with pure retro goodness but I'm sorry I can't promise you M.U.L.E. - You guys here at MacRumors seems to love it quite a bit! ;)
Next update will tweak the controls by the way and make them more customizable.


Cool, thanks!

So what's the deal with B. Lee and the new game box? Copyright issue obviously, but did the game in general lose it's rights to the "Bruce Lee" name? Just curious.
As I type this we’re working on more games filled with pure retro goodness but I'm sorry I can't promise you M.U.L.E.

Thanks for the update.

Could I ask, are you actively pursuing M.U.L.E as an in-game purchase from the developers (EA/Ozark?), or have you tried already and been told no, or is it still something you have on the backburner to chase up in the (near) future?

Or (hopefull not) is it something you have no plans to add?

Thanks for the update.

Could I ask, are you actively pursuing M.U.L.E as an in-game purchase from the developers (EA/Ozark?), or have you tried already and been told no, or is it still something you have on the backburner to chase up in the (near) future?

Or (hopefull not) is it something you have no plans to add?


Add: Epyx titles (Summer Games, Winter Games etc).
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