I will say that for me, a combination of the 5k iMac and the 11” iPad Pro has largely negated the need for a laptop.
Granted, I do have a windows laptop issued by my workplace, but I mainly use it for printing documents and accessing network files, and working on Google docs. The funny thing about the windows tablet is that because its form factor is essentially that of a laptop with a broken hinge, this basically destroys all lap-ability. Like during a meeting in the room where you have 5-6 Teachers huddled over a small table, which makes it extremely difficult to use any of their laptops, while I am there with my ipad nestled comfortably on my lap.
An ipad is also better for giving feedback on platforms such as mentimeter or Google forms. I just scan the QR code using my ipad camera, then type in my response using the Smart Keyboard, which is faster, and allows me to give longer, more in-dept responses.
I also notice that an ipad doesn’t quite carry the same negative connotation as a smartphone. If someone is using their smartphone during a meeting, we all assume he is surfing Facebook or browsing the web or otherwise distracted (and to be fair, they probably are). Conversely, turn on your laptop and everyone assumes you are doing your own work during meeting time.
Whereas an iPad Pro (especially with the Smart Keyboard and Apple Pencil attached on top) gives the impression that you are busy taking notes, even though I may well be doing something else. Or in the very least, I can run notes alongside reddit or Tapatalk or Tweetbot in a pinch, with iMessage or telegram on top so I can hold a backchannel conversation with my other colleagues.
For the main bulk of my work, I typically wait till I am at home where I have the glorious 5k display to work off on, as well as prepare the teaching material that I will use on my ipad in school.
I will say that the ipad possesses a degree of flexibility and versatility I don’t get in laptops, especially when used in scenarios where a conventional laptop isn’t as useful. It’s basically a larger smartphone, but in a world that is increasingly going mobile, this feels more like a strength with each passing day than a liability.