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Some devices seem to hold tighter than others on the same machine. I guess it depends not only from the port itself but from the individual connector as well.
SOLD!!!! Perfect reason to buy a new Mac pro now with all the expensive options thrown in. Thanks OP for the warning and thank you Baclays for being there when i need you... :D
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Well now, this has been a most interesting read.

I got into all this simply because I needed to reduce render times.

It's not the first time. Back in "the day" when I was an Electric Image user and burned hours and days of my life tweezing a bajillion arcane settings just to shave time off renders when frame render times could be measured in hours, the only reasonable approach was to build a render farm. Unless one had ginormous amounts of capital, that meant buying up used G3 based macs off eBay and loading them up with 3rd party processor cards, kludged together cooling solutions, and basically spending as much time keeping it all running as I did creating content to render.

The whole GPU compute thing is a godsend. With cards like the 970 hitting a very nice sweet spot in the price / performance ratio, all of a sudden it's relatively practical to pull all this off. At some point I'll probably build another box or two and stuff a pair of 970's in those as well.

For those without access to cMP's, this whole mini thing has a fair amount of appeal. The host computer for rendering is pretty much irrelevant. The GPU grinds for a few minutes then pukes out a frame, so it doesn't matter if the hard drive is a 5400 RPM laptop drive, or if the ram is somewhat limited. If the render can't fit into the VRAM of the GPU in question it's a moot point anyways.

I'm aware that MVC probably chaffs a lot of people in the wrong way. The comments about "every few weeks he posts this fastest new card blah blah" and to some extent that's true, however, he's done his homework, and offers a service to a particular group of people with a particular set of needs. Very old school Apple in the best of the Think Different sort of way.

However, after fighting with OS X 10.10.3 and Server.crap 4.1 for the last 4 days (wherein if one enables a password policy for LDAP it changes the LDAP master's own password and craters the entire LDAP across the network in the process, not to mention the utter inability to force a password change to users any other way, or the 23, yes count em 23 times Server.Crap has crashed, and 4 complete reinstalls from scratch just trying to get it configured).

We often forget the essence of practical engineering, wherein the idea is to have something fulfill a function, and work reliably, and if one is lucky enough to be able to devote an appropriate amount of time to the task, elegantly.

There are also varieties of engineer types on this planet. Those that have a love of understanding how things work, and those that chose the profession as a means to a fiscal end. MVC falls into the former, and the people making the "shipshit" decisions in Watchertino these days seem to be falling into the latter.

I, for one will take 20 MVC type personas on a forum any day of the week over anything coming out of the hype machine of a company that used to embody the very notion of don't settle for the status quo, change it, but now seems to be little more than standing on it's own previous shoulders of what was once a righteous giant slayer and has now become that which it once refused to be.

I don't even have an MVC EFI card. For my needs having a lowly GT120 in the #4 slot works just fine for what I'm doing. However, I can appreciate the diligence applied to figuring out how to make it all work, and if as a result a bit of an ego manifests itself in the process, I can file that under the natural byproduct of being utterly human. It's that sort of focus that gets stuff done and just comes with the turf.
For awhile now people have been asking us about TB EGPU cards. And I always said I wasn't interested AND that I didn't think it would work.

And I also said that we had nothing to offer, as the accounts I read spoke of hacking some kexts. And our specialty has been re-writing EFIs to make cards work in Mac Pros. I had read accounts from people who used Mac EFI cards and they got same results that people using PC Bios (and UEFI) cards got. They had same success, and same issues. So it was 100% my belief that EFI had nothing to offer, therefore we had nothing to offer.

But then I did some digging. And I bought a TB enclosure. And realized that cMP was referencing some older tables in it's EFI. (40 vs 41, if you must know). So I updated the tables, and made a few minor other changes...and guess what?

Turns out having EFI on a TB enclosure card is actually QUITE beneficial, the trick being it had to be an EFI that hasn't existed before. A newly modded form that takes into account the changes in Macs. Cupertino has once again eschewed the UEFI that is industry standard and used one a little different, a little off. Not the Mac Pro EFI, but their own.

So, by writing a new DIFFERENT custom EFI I have been able to make a GTX680 not only run CUDA in a 2014 Mini (or 2012 rMBP), but also SHOW BOOT SCREENS. This is the "new" thing EFI brings to table. Past eGPU efforts relied on self-init feature of newer drivers. So if you had driver issues or wanted to switch boot disks you had to unplug the eGPU and plug in the Mini. Now with this capability you can just plug the Mini into another box that can sit anywhere and you have a Mini that is now sporting a GTX680. It also solves a dreaded issue with "Code 12" running bootcamp. Basically Windows didn't know the card was there since it wasn't introduced during EFI boot and wouldn't set aside any RAM for it.

I see the Mini and the nMP being the principle beneficiaries of this tech, though laptops and iMacs can also use them.

Why bother you ask? Well, what if I told you that I was able to use a GTX780 6GB in my bottom-of-the-barrel Mini and score a higher OpenGl Valley score than any currently shipping Mac tested by So, if you want high powered OpenGl, skip the nMP and get the $500 bobby-soxer Mini and wait for a TB enclosure & 780 combo? Obviously, there are other considerations, but seeing the stumbling and stuttering Mini burst into a high-powered OpenGl machine made me realize that this was more than flash in the pan.

One thing I can tell already is that there is a tremendous amount of testing to be done. (Hence this post, i'll get to it). My 2012 rMBP and 2014 Mini show different behavior. Most notably the Mini is limited to running just the screen that boot screen shows up on, and that one alone. Something tells me this is Apple's doing, the Mini is already full of artificial limitations, I feel this is yet another. And while the 2012 rMBP will work with unflashed cards (minus boot screen & with Code 12 error in Windows) and can run as many displays as the card is capable of running, the Mini will ONLY work with EFI flashed cards. This may be something Apple has added for the reason noted above, Mini with GTX780 leaves all other Macs for dead in OpenGl.

I have posted in Mini section trying to see if anyone else has gotten eGPU working in 2014 Mini as it is the obvious choice being first with TB2. The best forum for this stuff is "DIY eGPU" at Tech Inferno. Can't find any there either, but I have trouble navigating that site.

So this finally gets me to why I began this post. I have every reason to believe that this same modded EFI will work in nMP. Sadly, I don't have one. Here is my little fantasy, somewhere in LA is a Production Office that bought one to try out. The lack of CUDA was a deal breaker and now the pretty little creature at the front desk is suing it primarily for FaceBook Puppy Pictures and sending in the afternoon Latte order.

I would love to borrow one for a few hours. Failing that I would like to at least drive over with my little creation and see if boot screens work, test would take 2 minutes, provided you have a non TB monitor.

The kind soul who does this will get word to Mac world faster than my bidding on various units on Ebay is going too. I will have one here, but would love to get first answer soon.

Oddly, that DIY eGPU site doesn't seem to have any reports from nMP that I could find. It would be interesting if Apple modded the nMP to behave like Mini, i.e., only way to see anything is with an EFI card.

Either way, we will have the answer soon enough, I just have lost like 3 bids on nMP so far.

Yes, bandwidth is constrained by TB, but the Mini's Valley score with internal GPU is 3.4 FPS on Valley. With the GTX680 it becomes 34.6, LITERALLY TEN TIMES FASTER. With the 780 it gets up into 50s. Completely transforms the thing.

And a quick "Happy Birthday" to the GPUs in nMP, they just turned 3 years old. Here is a chance to sidestep them, add CUDA, or just enjoy thumbing your nose at Apple and their artificial rules and limits.

Fact of the matter is that Apple and Intel have done nothing since Day 1 but throw roadblocks in the way of eGPUs. TB stuff is great for them as long as it sells things they want to sell. Neither of them wants to sell GPUs so they have simply refused to ratify anything for eGPU except a couple of $1,000 enclosures. (and you still have to hack the drivers)

So keep an eye on this space, I look forward to announcing that nMP can be upgraded to newer Nvidia GPUs and some screen shots. Hoping to have someone in LA help me make that happen sooner than later, but either way the info will come out.

Which enclosure did you test?
Are there any news about nMP and eGPU?

Id like to use this card which i actually only need in windows.

Would be nice if someone have some info on that matter.
Also, a general newb question, can i use asus or gigabyte cards or card has to be evega.


Glad you asked !

Netkas and I have made some wonderful progress. We are set to turn the eGPU world in a new direction.

On the good news side, we have not only got GTX980 and Titan-X running on TB2 Macs, we can enable full screen output over the card's ports. In past efforts most TB2 Macs wouldn't allow screen output on Nvidia cards. We can enable it for 9/10 boots. We have also been able to greatly simplify the kext mods that are currently required.

In the "meh" department we are only getting bootscreens on Maxwell cards 30-40% of the time. In most cases the machine continues boot process and the card self-inits as in the long Nvidia thread at top of stickies. KEPLER cards have better odds. We are still hopeful to get better response from Maxwell.

But in the bad news department I have still been unable to get cards to work in eGPU and Windows on nMP. And I have spent a GREAT deal of time in EFI shell trying to make a tunnel through the various PCI bridges to get card to work. On 2014 Mini it is just a matter of WHEN to plug in TB2 cable. I have been running Far Cry 4 and Witcher 3 on Mini at 4K, something completely impossible without eGPU.

It takes awhile to figure things out, especially when testing partner is in a very different time zone. He is all excited and eager to test when I am sitting dazed at the keyboard at 3AM.(and vice versa)

I'll post some recent screenshots tonight.
Glad you asked !

Netkas and I have made some wonderful progress. We are set to turn the eGPU world in a new direction.

On the good news side, we have not only got GTX980 and Titan-X running on TB2 Macs, we can enable full screen output over the card's ports. In past efforts most TB2 Macs wouldn't allow screen output on Nvidia cards. We can enable it for 9/10 boots. We have also been able to greatly simplify the kext mods that are currently required.

In the "meh" department we are only getting bootscreens on Maxwell cards 30-40% of the time. In most cases the machine continues boot process and the card self-inits as in the long Nvidia thread at top of stickies. KEPLER cards have better odds. We are still hopeful to get better response from Maxwell.

But in the bad news department I have still been unable to get cards to work in eGPU and Windows on nMP. And I have spent a GREAT deal of time in EFI shell trying to make a tunnel through the various PCI bridges to get card to work. On 2014 Mini it is just a matter of WHEN to plug in TB2 cable. I have been running Far Cry 4 and Witcher 3 on Mini at 4K, something completely impossible without eGPU.

It takes awhile to figure things out, especially when testing partner is in a very different time zone. He is all excited and eager to test when I am sitting dazed at the keyboard at 3AM.(and vice versa)

I'll post some recent screenshots tonight.

I'm really glad that you two guys are putting so much effort into this. It is even better to hear that you are making such a good progress.
I hope you will crack nMP soon since I'm checking GPUs every day and waiting for D-day to come. :p

Looking forward to see the screenshots.
nMP GPU upgrades, as predicted

Just in time for WWDC


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Awesome work! Does this currently require modified kexts or are you using a vanilla osx?
Did you also try out AMDs or only Nvidias at this time? I know, most flashable AMDs wouldn't be an improvment over the FirePros but would be interesting though...

Some easy usable eGPUs might actually get me back to buying Apple stuff since a long time.
Awesome work! Does this currently require modified kexts or are you using a vanilla osx?
Did you also try out AMDs or only Nvidias at this time? I know, most flashable AMDs wouldn't be an improvment over the FirePros but would be interesting though...

Some easy usable eGPUs might actually get me back to buying Apple stuff since a long time.

7970 worked as well, but pretty slow, looks like issue similar to mp3,1, or not. Didn't investigate amd that much.


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Okey Doke

Really awesome! How many cards can you connect to a single nMP? If i understand correct, we need something with your medicine in order for this to work, right? Will you have plug-in solutions for sale?
thank you,
More Apple control-freakism. eGPU machines have limits on pixel clocks that make no sense. Same card in Mac Mini in Windows does 4K MST with ease.

This is on MST display, on SST it would likely do 4K 60 Hz or 5K on the Dell.

Could it be the limited pcie bandwidth? The MP has no lanes left where the mini will have most of its.
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