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With due respect to your opinion, experience and brand loyalty, the real situation is a little bit more complex than who poses a "problem" in the aforementioned "relationship".

Apple is one the best Companies in the world for many reasons. Nevertheless, we have to realize that Apple sets standards and rules in all fields that are to be accepted if you want to use their products. The dominant role is played by Apple and not the consumer. Just remember the first iPhone. It was revolutionary, we all admired it. But if you wanted to use it, you had to register the phone through iTunes and had to accept that you could not store contacts other than on the SIM card. Was this approach meeting the needs of the consumer? No, by no means. And I could give you many more examples when Apple dictates and the consumer accepts. Sometimes making incredible compromises.
No problem with that. If you accpet Apple's "rules of the games", you are in. If not, you start looking for alternatives.

You make a very good point. Apple's dictation of how I should enjoy MY device, is one of the reasons it doesn't fit the bill as a daily driver for me. An example of that is not being able to set certain apps as the default app for that particular task. Apple dictates I use a certain app, and that's just how it is. Android gives me the freedom to choose what I want.


Apparently it's ok because it hasn't been locked/closed yet, even though one could argue its run its course.

Out of curiosity, where would you rank the iPhone overall?
Out of curiosity, where would you rank the iPhone overall?

Number one.

It is the quintessential smartphone. The de facto smartphone. The standard by which all smartphones are measured. The baseline for measuring the merit of all competing devices.

Hence its ubiquitousness among consumers and business, the coverage in the press, the support of app developers, the support from accessory manufacturers, and insane profit margins for Apple.

You don't get to be in this position without being the pound for pound best their is.
I think that is true, but only to a point. The foundation would be OS and ecosystem, but past that would be the individual device offering. For example, the G3 and the Galaxy S5 both run Android and for the most part have the same ecosystem, but there are other factors that go into choosing one over the other. Some of the reasons I chose the G3 over the GS5, are display size, overall device size, no hardware buttons on face, and better UI functionality.

My comment though is more about iOS/iPhone vs Android and the others not so much about Android vs Android.

Samsung is going downhill in my opinion. Their kitchen sink approach isn't something suited for the long haul. I think they need to worry less about included every single thing they can think of, and instead focus on including some very well thought out features that are both practical and innovative, a la the Moto X.

Hey, it's a strategy that has worked for them for several years. Their big flub wasn't pivoting early enough. However, I don't dismiss them only because I know they will. To assume they won't and are doomed isn't what I'd do just yet.

Apple fans are understandably having fun with this but it's a situation they were and have been in before for much longer and will no doubt face again. It's already happening with the iPad and several other Lines of their business right now.


Actually, Apple caters to the consumer who values a great user experience and who is willing to pay for it. That's why Apple has been fairly resistant to disruption, insofar that more people continue to buy their products every year despite the competition boasting of how their products have more cores, more ram etc. At the end of the day, better specs don't necessarily guarantee a great user experience.

The claim a better user experience, but in the past several releases, they've proven that's not always the case. It's a reputation they have held for a while, and their marketing and the trade press is great at protecting them, but their products and launches are far from being without fault. That user experience in the long term is strong but has been chipped away at with their own flubs more than a few times. People just don't hold it against them nearly as strong as if those things were to happen to another brand. At the end of the day, the iPhone Brand doesn't guarantee a great user experience either. No need for us to rehash all the flubs since the iPhone 4 is there?

you went into the relationship with misguided expectations. Apple has exceeded my needs time and time again, but that is because my needs are different, and what I value is different.

How are you able to make that comment. you don't know how I entered into the world of Apple? I went in there with the 3Gs and moved out because I outgrew iOS quickly. It wasn't that I entered in with misguided expectations, they didn't evolve and exerted way too much big brother control over the 'experience'. Android evolved and offered a better experience for me.

They are not 'less' or 'worse' or 'deficient' in any way when compared with your needs and what you value (which you often imply by the way), simply different.

We can agree to disagree. Okay, I won't say worse, but they are and have been deficient in many ways not just for me. Yes, I imply that because none of us can speak for others. However, I do when others bring it up and reading through the boards it's clear I'm not alone.
Number one.

It is the quintessential smartphone. The de facto smartphone. The standard by which all smartphones are measured. The baseline for measuring the merit of all competing devices.

Hence its ubiquitousness among consumers and business, the coverage in the press, the support of app developers, the support from accessory manufacturers, and insane profit margins for Apple.

You don't get to be in this position without being the pound for pound best their is.
So basically your answer is you think it's #1 because it's popular... :confused:
Thread is silly. Packaged as one person's opinion but really a big pile of flame bait on a platter and sprinkled with glitter.

This is the alternative section yes but it doesn't need to filled with noise.

I said as much on page 2 and predicted how this thread would inevitably go .....

Indeed this and many other threads of late seem to exist merely to stir up a hornets nest whilst actually contributing nothing tangible from it. The past month in particular the alternatives section has become a home to a lot of ignorant zealots and it's no longer a place of refuge for people to discuss in a constructive fashion the alternatives to iOS - rather just a corner for users to attack, bicker and argue over silly things.

It's all quite exasperating and I think it's high time macrumors began implementing same restrictions to posting as in the political section in order to curtail much of the nonsense.
I said as much on page 2 and predicted how this thread would inevitably go .....

Indeed this and many other threads of late seem to exist merely to stir up a hornets nest whilst actually contributing nothing tangible from it. The past month in particular the alternatives section has become a home to a lot of ignorant zealots and it's no longer a place of refuge for people to discuss in a constructive fashion the alternatives to iOS - rather just a corner for users to attack, bicker and argue over silly things.

It's all quite exasperating and I think it's high time macrumors began implementing same restrictions to posting as in the political section in order to curtail much of the nonsense.
If you don't have anything constructive to contribute to the thread, then no need to pollute with your negative commentary about the thread's existence. Just move on.
...But since you're here... Where would you rank the iPhone overall?

On a myopic, obtuse level, sure...
Well that's pretty much what you stated your reasoning to be, in a nutshell. Of course, to that I'd say popularity does not necessarily indicate being "the best". With the list I made, I think you can legitimately make an argument that any of those phones are better than the iPhone, despite its popularity.
I said as much on page 2 and predicted how this thread would inevitably go .....

Indeed this and many other threads of late seem to exist merely to stir up a hornets nest whilst actually contributing nothing tangible from it. The past month in particular the alternatives section has become a home to a lot of ignorant zealots and it's no longer a place of refuge for people to discuss in a constructive fashion the alternatives to iOS - rather just a corner for users to attack, bicker and argue over silly things.

It's all quite exasperating and I think it's high time macrumors began implementing same restrictions to posting as in the political section in order to curtail much of the nonsense.

1. Generalization is never objective. If you take as an example this particular thread I would disagree that it contributed nothing - actually - to many questions. It is a long thread, but worth reading it carefully from the very beginning.

2. I agree, constructive fashion is an ideal approach, unless it is not "broken" by those who hide behind a computer and behave like they never would IRL. In this particular thread more than once the constructive approach was left behind not by the "alternatives".

3. Restrictions to posting in a political section is a wide spread practice in Forums all over the Internet. But in the main sections? It would kill the discussion. In many cases situations are handled by the users themselves, no need to impose unnecessary restricting rules.
I'd like to see the next generation of phones focus more on practical innovation. I like that Samsung isn't afraid to take risks, but I also think they need to slow it down with the kitchen sink approach, and instead implement a well thought out and well executed practical innovation. They were able to accomplish this with the advent of the Galaxy Note, and I'd like to see them do it again. I think Motorola did a great job with this, with the Moto X. They didn't throw a ton of things in it, but the features they did add were not only innovative, but practical as well.
If you don't have anything constructive to contribute to the thread, then no need to pollute with your negative commentary about the thread's existence. Just move on.
...But since you're here... Where would you rank the iPhone overall?

Well that's pretty much what you stated your reasoning to be, in a nutshell. Of course, to that I'd say popularity does not necessarily indicate being "the best". With the list I made, I think you can legitimately make an argument that any of those phones are better than the iPhone, despite its popularity.

Better than the iPhone in what way???????? What is your criteria?

It was never stated in the OP so the train wreck continues.

Apple fans are understandably having fun with this but it's a situation they were and have been in before for much longer and will no doubt face again. It's already happening with the iPad and several other Lines of their business right now.

Apple fans are "having fun" with this? I think that's a little skewed. As far as "happening with ipad and other lines of business", it's happening in the entire tablet market, however you can't really tell this from apples stock price, which is the ultimate free market vote of confidence.

The claim a better user experience, but in the past several releases, they've proven that's not always the case. It's a reputation they have held for a while, and their marketing and the trade press is great at protecting them, but their products and launches are far from being without fault. That user experience in the long term is strong but has been chipped away at with their own flubs more than a few times. People just don't hold it against them nearly as strong as if those things were to happen to another brand. At the end of the day, the iPhone Brand doesn't guarantee a great user experience either. No need for us to rehash all the flubs since the iPhone 4 is there?

Sure that's your opinion, shared by some, not by others. Again, the sentiment is not reflected in the market. If you want to rehash mis-steps, please feel'll be another red-herring.

How are you able to make that comment. you don't know how I entered into the world of Apple? I went in there with the 3Gs and moved out because I outgrew iOS quickly. It wasn't that I entered in with misguided expectations, they didn't evolve and exerted way too much big brother control over the 'experience'. Android evolved and offered a better experience for me.

One thing I think we can all agree on, is both companies evolved for different markets. (Or maybe we can't agree, I don't know)

We can agree to disagree. Okay, I won't say worse, but they are and have been deficient in many ways not just for me. Yes, I imply that because none of us can speak for others. However, I do when others bring it up and reading through the boards it's clear I'm not alone.

Right, nobody is alone. With millions of users on each side, there are strong opinions flying around. Some value the ability to deal with email attachments and some value the ability to get in and out of their phone as fast as possible.


Well that's pretty much what you stated your reasoning to be, in a nutshell. Of course, to that I'd say popularity does not necessarily indicate being "the best". With the list I made, I think you can legitimately make an argument that any of those phones are better than the iPhone, despite its popularity.

YOU can make that argument, I can't. It's like saying a Ford Expedition is better than a Porsche 944 because it has a bigger gas tank and has a trailer hitch. (Go ahead, have "fun" with that analogy. ;) )
Better than the iPhone in what way???????? What is your criteria?

It was never stated in the OP so the train wreck continues.
That is for the individual person to decide for themselves. What may matter to one person, may not matter to another. What may be a point of contention for one person, may not be for another.

YOU can make that argument, I can't. It's like saying a Ford Expedition is better than a Porsche 944 because it has a bigger gas tank and has a trailer hitch. (Go ahead, have "fun" with that analogy. ;) )
That analogy wouldn't make sense because those are two entirely different things. The only thing that makes them similar is they are motor vehicles. That's like comparing a phone and a laptop, because they both have a screen and have applications.
That analogy wouldn't make sense because those are two entirely different things. The only thing that makes them similar is they are motor vehicles. That's like comparing a phone and a laptop, because they both have a screen and have applications.

No sir. That fits right in with some of your sentiment about hardware with the micro-sd slot and why android is better. Not to mention the off-the-wall use cases. If I had those use cases, I would have a SP3 tethered to my phone. At least I have a real keyboard that makes life much easier. In addition, I wouldn't need a (old clunky) laptop or ipad.
No sir. That fits right in with some of your sentiment about hardware with the micro-sd slot and why android is better. Not to mention the off-the-wall use cases. If I had those use cases, I would have a SP3 tethered to my phone. At least I have a real keyboard that makes life much easier. In addition, I wouldn't need a (old clunky) laptop or ipad.
I've not mentioned a micro-sd slot at all...

As for the use cases, you don't have to like them, but that doesn't change them. Simply put, they are what they are, and like it or not, an iPhone would not have offered a solution in those instances.
For my personal use, I prefer a more capable device than the iPhone. Heck, it can't even maintain tabs in the browser without having the refresh issue. I can't even change the default app for certain things. I can't download without having to do some ridiculous workaround. There is way too much iCan't with the iPhone, for my liking. I'm sure for people who don't require much from their phones, the iCan't is not as much of an issue, but for me it is.
I've not mentioned a micro-sd slot at all...

As for the use cases, you don't have to like them, but that doesn't change them. Simply put, they are what they are, and like it or not, an iPhone would not have offered a solution in those instances.
For my personal use, I prefer a more capable device than the iPhone. Heck, it can't even maintain tabs in the browser without having the refresh issue. I can't even change the default app for certain things. I can't download without having to do some ridiculous workaround. There is way too much iCan't with the iPhone, for my liking. I'm sure for people who don't require much from their phones, the iCan't is not as much of an issue, but for me it is.

That's what I'm saying, I think differently than you. Your use cases applied to my situation would be an SP3 tethered to an iphone. Best of both worlds.

As far as not mentioning micro-sd slots, maybe, but surely memory, cpu, screens, pens....basically all hardware.

The fact you are being pejorative and mentioned, "icant", is really indicative of your intent this thread is troll-bait. So I'll fall back on my "fanboy" ways and ask if the "icant" is that horrible of a phone, why is apple market cap through the roof.
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That is for the individual person to decide for themselves. What may matter to one person, may not matter to another. What may be a point of contention for one person, may not be for another.

That analogy wouldn't make sense because those are two entirely different things. The only thing that makes them similar is they are motor vehicles. That's like comparing a phone and a laptop, because they both have a screen and have applications.

You did not answer the question. What criteria was used to make a list such as that when ranking the iPhone?
Looks like this discussion has devolved into bickering.
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