With due respect to your opinion, experience and brand loyalty, the real situation is a little bit more complex than who poses a "problem" in the aforementioned "relationship".
Apple is one the best Companies in the world for many reasons. Nevertheless, we have to realize that Apple sets standards and rules in all fields that are to be accepted if you want to use their products. The dominant role is played by Apple and not the consumer. Just remember the first iPhone. It was revolutionary, we all admired it. But if you wanted to use it, you had to register the phone through iTunes and had to accept that you could not store contacts other than on the SIM card. Was this approach meeting the needs of the consumer? No, by no means. And I could give you many more examples when Apple dictates and the consumer accepts. Sometimes making incredible compromises.
No problem with that. If you accpet Apple's "rules of the games", you are in. If not, you start looking for alternatives.
You make a very good point. Apple's dictation of how I should enjoy MY device, is one of the reasons it doesn't fit the bill as a daily driver for me. An example of that is not being able to set certain apps as the default app for that particular task. Apple dictates I use a certain app, and that's just how it is. Android gives me the freedom to choose what I want.
Apparently it's ok because it hasn't been locked/closed yet, even though one could argue its run its course.
Out of curiosity, where would you rank the iPhone overall?