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Apr 23, 2010
I use my iPad the way you do, as a "supplemental" device, when I don't want to disconnect my Macbook or just need something quick and convenient. It all comes done to value vs cost. Is the cost worth the value of convenience. For me, it's worth it.
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macrumors regular
Mar 19, 2021
Depends on your use case and needs and how much money that is for your situation. You can probably resell your 2018 and recoup some costs.

If your just web browsing on it then it's probably overkill. I use mine for everything after hours except programming projects which I have to get out my work MacBook. I love it so far, but it's not exactly a laptop replacement yet I agree.

I would keep it if you are finding your 2018 isn't living up to what you need, otherwise, maybe wait for another generation and see what improvements come down the pipe.


macrumors regular
Jan 13, 2009
Costa mesa
Went from the original iPad Pro to the new one big difference. Much more functional with the keyboard etc. the display is wonderful for watching content but the iOS is still crippling a lot of what you should be able to do in those apps you really have to rely on browser based apps which work much better and more full featured. What saddens me the most is the cost but I'll keep this for another five or six years and hopefully it will serve me well.
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macrumors G4
Apr 9, 2010
where hip is spoken
I've had a 2018 iPad Pro 11" for a few years now and loved it. I'm a heavy Mac user but the iPad has its place for me, despite all the shortcomings of iPadOS.

I use it mainly as my "meeting computer", keeping my M1 MBP docked on my desk while I go back and forth to meetings throughout the day, taking notes and so forth. It's also a great device for casual computing: editing photos, reading books, light web surfing, watching content, etc. It's hard to describe but it just has its place in my computing life.

I sprung for a 2021 iPad Pro 11" on release day, not sure if I'd want to keep it, but wanted to give myself the option to decide.

The question for me is, given that this is an expensive device that is not my primary computer, am I justified in keeping it? Is my 2018 iPad Pro "good enough"? Do I really need an M1-powered iPad Pro?

Bear in mind that my 2018 and now 2021 iPads are Wi-Fi only (I can easily hotspot), so the cellular use-case is not something to consider in this decision. Also keep in mind that my 2018 and now 2021 iPads have 256GB of storage. All told, they are expensive devices for what they do for me, but also definitely not the most heavily-spec'd iPads you can buy that really break the bank.
You: Convince me to keep my 2021 iPad Pro 11.
Me: No.


It would be more productive for me to convince you to gift me that 2021 iPad Pro 11.

But since you asked... based on how you describe your iPad usage, I'd say both iPad Pros are not good values. If you were happy paying out for a 2018 iPad Pro 11", I don't see how buying a 2021 iPad Pro 11 is any more wasteful.


macrumors 68040
May 9, 2006
If you need anonymous people on an internet forum to convince you, it doesn't really sound like you need it.
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macrumors member
Mar 12, 2015
I like an iPad too, but for the things I use it for and you use it for (and I suspect most people use it for), I doubt the update from 2018 to 2021 is gonna be worth it. Personally, I'm using an iPad Air 2, and even I'm debating whether it would be worth it (primarily because they're quite expensive these days). My main problem with that tablet is the battery life, which is no more than a few hours at this point. But if I had a tablet from 2018? I wouldn't even entertain the thought.
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Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
I've had a 2018 iPad Pro 11" for a few years now and loved it. I'm a heavy Mac user but the iPad has its place for me, despite all the shortcomings of iPadOS.

I use it mainly as my "meeting computer", keeping my M1 MBP docked on my desk while I go back and forth to meetings throughout the day, taking notes and so forth. It's also a great device for casual computing: editing photos, reading books, light web surfing, watching content, etc. It's hard to describe but it just has its place in my computing life.

I sprung for a 2021 iPad Pro 11" on release day, not sure if I'd want to keep it, but wanted to give myself the option to decide.

The question for me is, given that this is an expensive device that is not my primary computer, am I justified in keeping it? Is my 2018 iPad Pro "good enough"? Do I really need an M1-powered iPad Pro?

Bear in mind that my 2018 and now 2021 iPads are Wi-Fi only (I can easily hotspot), so the cellular use-case is not something to consider in this decision. Also keep in mind that my 2018 and now 2021 iPads have 256GB of storage. All told, they are expensive devices for what they do for me, but also definitely not the most heavily-spec'd iPads you can buy that really break the bank.
Only you can really answer the question. The fact that you are struggling for a valid reason and looking to strangers to help you justify your purchase tells you all you really need to know; at least it should tell you.


macrumors 68040
Sep 2, 2010
New Hampshire
I upgraded to the 11 inch IPP from an original 9.7 IPP. For me, I was ready for a new iPad after 5 years with my old one. The old one still has plenty of life in it and my granddaughter will be thrilled to get it. The problem is not just spending the money to get the latest technology iPad, but the cost is very high when you also include new accessories - a case, new pencil, magic keyboard and zippered pouch.


macrumors member
Apr 22, 2020
So I look to be in the minority here, but I upgraded my 2018 11 inch iPad Pro to the 2021 version, and I think it may be a good idea to do so. Here’s why.

**Also this is long so TLDR: I found I apparently don’t like Mini LED displays, and I like how I future proofed the crap out of my iPad with the M1, while also getting a better day to day experience with increased RAM and storage all for $300ish because of currently high trade in values on the 2018 version**

1. Trade in values are still surprisingly high, $455 for my 64 gig version. Might as well take advantage of high trade ins while you still can

2. I got the 2021 12.9 inch to test the Mini LED display, I know I’m again in the minority here but I found the blooming issues a little distracting. I found that I actually preferred the consistent lighting across my 11 inch iPad compared to the blotchy lighting specifically around UI elements I was seeing on the Mini LED. Again, it just was distracting to me. Contrast is definitely better on w/ Mini LED, but I never found contrast to be an issue on my 11 inch, blacks always seemed black enough to me. Also the real benefit from Mini LED comes when viewing HDR photos/movies (that’s the only time you get the increased brightness and when the increased contrast really shines), but I just don’t watch movies on my iPad, I’d rather use my 55 inch TV for that.

3. Because of the reasons I gave in my second point, I wanted to get what would most likely be the last ever non Mini LED iPad Pro for a while. By buying 2021 model I feel like I’m basically re-future proofing my iPad for at least another 3-4 years, and hopefully by the time I want or need to upgrade Apple would have already moved past Mini LED on their iPad’s for a better tech like OLED or Micro LED.

4. The 8 gigs of RAM (double what’s in my 2018) has actually been nice to have and noticeable in day to day usage, definitely finding apps stay in memory longer and it’s rare I see an app completely reload after opening it. In the rare instances an app does reload (like I open an app that I haven’t opened in a few days) they reload in a blink of an eye, noticbley faster than my 2018 iPad.

5. I know this doesn’t apply to you since you‘d be sticking with the 256 gig version, but since I got the base model for both my 2018 and 2021, I‘m also getting double the storage (128 gigs vs 64 gigs) then what I had before, and I actually will take advantage of that.

Basically I doubled my RAM, doubled my storage (both of which are benefits I see in day to day use), over doubled my speed, and just generally future proofed my iPad for at least another 3-4 years all for $300ish dollars (when you include the money I got for trading in and with the cash back I got). To me that was worth it. Doing the same upgrade next year would cost me more money just by nature of the trade in value going down, and in my case I‘m specifically trying to avoid the Mini LED display that next year’s version will most likely have.

Also unrelated and obviously not a reason to upgrade, having a fresh oleophobic coating has been nice. This definitely is picking up less fingerprints and the fingerprints it does collect wipe off way easier. I know this wont last, but it’s been nice in the meantime :)


macrumors member
Nov 11, 2020
I have the second iPad Pro model 10.5 inches I think, with the first Apple Pencil design. I don't remember a day when I needed more power that what I already have. It works just perfect.

I sincerely don't think you need another iPad Pro. The only thing could justify for me and iPad Pro if it totally replace my MacBook Pro and I can use Xcode and other software for engineering and video editing softwares.

Otherwise I can't image replacing the one I have, unless its days end hehe

p.s. I'm waiting for the new 16" MacBook Pro to spend it all ?
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2012
There's plenty to consider. Your casual usage situation is similar to mine. I have a 2017 Pro 10.5 inch. I've ordered the 12.9 2021 Pro. I know I don't NEED it, but I used to upgrade every 2 years like clockwork but decided that was silly considering how advanced iPads had become, how little the OS changes, and how long-lasting the hardware is, and vowed to myself that the 2017 was perfectly good until they get new screen tech. Now they have new screen tech, so game on.

I've wanted the 12.9 inch screen since it debuted in 2015, but I avoided it because the bezels at that time made the machine's footprint enormous. Now it's about the dimensions of a sheet of paper (8.5 x 11) so now's an opportunity for me to finally get that lovely screen real-estate.

I'm not sure what you were looking for since the form-factor you're coming from, 2018 11-inch, is identical to the new one. So let's go over a couple possible points for keeping it -

M1- As of now, we don't know if the new OS will allow us to REALLY take advantage of the new chip. At this point, there doesn't seem to be anything the new iPad can do that your 2018 can't (that I know of, I might not know everything). However, if you're a tech enthusiast and fan, you might want it anyway as a sort of future-proof thing for what MIGHT come in future software. That's cool, but of course you could just wait until next year when the improvement in processing will likely take another jump (unless, Apple sticks with M1 for 2 years on iPad and dispenses with the yearly processor upgrades). Point is, we don't know. Getting an M1 ipad right now is more a speculative thing. Nothing wrong with it, but we don't know why it needs that much power... yet. I'm personally a little annoyed that Apple hasn't made significant changes in iPadOS in a few years despite giant increases in its hardware. It annoys me some that it's essentially still a big iPhone. I guess not annoyed enough, though, since I'm still getting this new one. Haha.

Center Stage - Do you make use of FaceTime or Zoom on your iPad? If so, Center Stage might be a compelling reason to keep the 2021. I personally think it's ridiculously cool that you can set the thing up and have a wider view and even move around and keep that camera following you. Can't wait to try that next time I FaceTime my mom.

Resale considerations - if you're not too financially strapped, as someone mentioned above, there is an argument to make that your 2018's resale value is much higher now than it will be in a year or two so if you are someone who upgrades regularly anyway, and gets a kick out of the couple of new features, might as well take advantage of that and get a nice discount on the new one.

Aside from those things, I can't really think of anything else that makes the 2021 11-inch different in practical usage from the 2018 11-inch. Sounds like you're a little doubtful, so maybe your gut is telling you this machine doesn't do anything different that excites you.

I do find it amusing that there is a class of people (not saying this is you) who just kneejerk buy a thing before they know if they even want it and then return it later. It's rampant if you read these forums regularly. They just order every new thing Apple puts out and play with it and then decide if it's a keeper. Even more egregious are those who will buy the new phone or iPad in every color (or size) just so they can have models to choose from and then return the unchosen ones. THAT I find kind of abusive of the generous return policy, not to mention a lot of work! Haha. Not accusing you of any of that, but just noting it for amusement's sake.

Let us know what you decide.
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macrumors 68020
Mar 5, 2006
Nebraska, USA
Sell 2018 or trade it in. Wouldnt be that big of expenditure then. See if any great news ipad os 15. M1 and double the ram with could be worth it.
Sometimes got to say, What the F*#k. Make your move
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macrumors 68030
Apr 20, 2015
I've had a 2018 iPad Pro 11" for a few years now and loved it. I'm a heavy Mac user but the iPad has its place for me, despite all the shortcomings of iPadOS.

I use it mainly as my "meeting computer", keeping my M1 MBP docked on my desk while I go back and forth to meetings throughout the day, taking notes and so forth. It's also a great device for casual computing: editing photos, reading books, light web surfing, watching content, etc. It's hard to describe but it just has its place in my computing life.

I sprung for a 2021 iPad Pro 11" on release day, not sure if I'd want to keep it, but wanted to give myself the option to decide.

The question for me is, given that this is an expensive device that is not my primary computer, am I justified in keeping it? Is my 2018 iPad Pro "good enough"? Do I really need an M1-powered iPad Pro?

Bear in mind that my 2018 and now 2021 iPads are Wi-Fi only (I can easily hotspot), so the cellular use-case is not something to consider in this decision. Also keep in mind that my 2018 and now 2021 iPads have 256GB of storage. All told, they are expensive devices for what they do for me, but also definitely not the most heavily-spec'd iPads you can buy that really break the bank.
Keep the 2018 model, its good enough for your needs and close enough to the 2021 model. If Apple adds loads of whizz-bangs to iPadOS 15 then maybe reconsider upgrading.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 15, 2018
People who don’t know what the want must cost apple and its CUSTOMERS a fortune with people buying then returning an item.

Keep it you bought it…………………
Yep. There are certainly valid reasons to return products. But there's a lot of the "I'll just buy it and return if I change my mind. I've not infrequently read posts about buying product A and product B with the intention of sending one back. Hast to be a significant factor in the prices we pay for products.


macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2010
The fact that you wrote this means you aren't comfortable with the purchase and should return it. Don't rely on others to convince you that you need things.

Yep. There are certainly valid reasons to return products. But there's a lot of the "I'll just buy it and return if I change my mind. I've not infrequently read posts about buying product A and product B with the intention of sending one back. Hast to be a significant factor in the prices we pay for products.

It affects the minimum amount they need to charge per unit to turn a profit. That is not the same as what they actually charge. Also, keep in mind this is strictly a policy for direct purchases, not purchases through third party retail outlets, each of which sets their own return policy.


macrumors 68000
Apr 27, 2015
Gilbert, AZ
I had a 11" 64GB 2018 and needed more storage + bigger screen - i waited for new screen tech and got my wish.

If you aren't getting the 2021 for a better display, i'd stay with your 2018
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