When you folks go out to eat, shop, or whatever: Do you still carry cash and/or physical cards? Or do you rely entirely on your iPhone (and Apple Pay) for making payments?
It has happened to me multiple times over the years, particularly gas and diners, where a storm or something would interfere with electronic payments. So, I still carry some cash, too. Apple Pay when supported, hard card when not, and cash when cash is required.[. . .]
I don't use cash often, but still carry a small amount in my wallet in case of e.g. terminal or card failure.
It's been several years since I've been overseas but I didn't even realise that was "a thing"! Over here (NZ) I don't think I've ever had a POS terminal brought to the table.also most restaurants in the US, let alone my area still refuse to have POS at the table like everywhere else in the world
It's been several years since I've been overseas but I didn't even realise that was "a thing"! Over here (NZ) I don't think I've ever had a POS terminal brought to the table.
Pretty much most stores have a camera at the checkout, and tracking you by different means. There were bunch of teens who threw Molotov cocktails at cars parked in the drive ways. Cops went through purchases at nearest Walmart, found the items used for making those cocktails, and easily identified the teens who used cash with cameras in the store and parking lot.Cash 4ever baby ! Digital currency is designed to track your movements and monitor your spending ultimately leaving a huge paper trail .. not to mention fees and being hack prone
Some restaurants have these at each table for payments, they're not all that common however. More common at chains like Chili's. They usually show ads/silly mobile games when not being used to pay.
Getting a new vehicle with auto-locking/unlocking was the best thing I have done lately. Not having to haul out keys is a huge value add. The key fob just lives in a pocket.Haven't carried a wallet in a couple of years now, I'd guess. Now, I just need to ditch the car keys...