I wasn't talking about deals. Of course, if you get one for $1 then get it (exaggerating) but its not a good time to buy now.How ? It’s the opposite of foolish. If you can find a good deal you’re better off getting one NOW.... they aren’t going to do anything major until at least 2021 .... $380 off the 512gb model is better then a minor spec bump for any device coming out 2019-2020
Its like buying an iPhone XS now when its most likely going to get updated in 1-2 months. (sure its different than iPad but principle stands)
OP has iPad he can use (iPad 6) and doesn't show that he is in urgent need of one, so why not wait? The current iPad has a lot of criticism for weak structure so surely if they improve just that the wait is worth it.
Also, $380 off from 512gb sounds great but is OP going to use that? I have 64gb Air 2 and I'm fine. Surely, I could use more if I wanted as I could start editing pics on it etc. but its not something that I HAVE to have.
So unless you really need 512gb then its a waste regardless.
Buy the storage you need + little extra if you feel it may change and save the money for the new tech later.
People buying the biggest storage because they fear they might run out are usually the ones that NEVER use that space. Its the usual marketing tactic.
So, deal or no deal, OP wait till the update season is done and then decide. I wouldn't buy one now, totally the worst time. But hey, some people don't care so its your call where you stand.