No, I'd highly recommend you do NOT attempt a GPU swap on one of these machines without the proper equipment, as when they are heated improperly, tend to warp. Also, if you live in a humid area (as I do), I recommend putting the board and new chip in a dehydrator for 2+ hours, before beginning work on them. The GPUs themselves are easy to get ahold of, I get them
here. Yes, they're expensive, but I include this in the $150 I charge to do the GPU swap on a machine. As for equipment, I use a Puhui T8280 preheater, a Hakko 888 iron with bent conical tip, and a clone Hakko 850 hot air station with 45x45MM BGA nozzle, and a holder to position it above the board. So, if you want to try doing it yourself, that's what you need. I'd also recommend an ultrasonic cleaner to remove all the flux (I use Amtech NC-559-V2-TF) when you finish.
Now, I CAN offer this service to those outside the US, but shipping may cost a bit more, which is why I generally don't. If you're good with a bit of an extra shipping cost, then I'll do it. I do accept (and actually prefer) ONLY the logic board, so that will help with shipping quite a bit if you decide to do so.