I really can't understand the lack of compassion shown by this crowd. Nobody bought this app on purpose, or because they're stupid. I guarantee all 8 purchases were the result of mishaps with '1-click purchase', and I'm prety sure that is exactly what the "developer" was banking on when he wrote it.
I don't care how explicitly he described what the app does, he doesn't deserve one dime from this app (Well, maybe just one dime...
), nor do I think he'll get it.
No, I'm not jealous. I don't wish I'd thought of it first. This jerk is on the same level as those who sell the iPhone 3G boxes on ebay. Sure they state (somewhere) in the auction exactly what you're buying, but the intent is to take advantage of "quick click" customers. I know there are a lot of not-so-bright people in the world, but that by no means gives us the obligation to take advantage of them.
Of course it's possible the developer just put the app up as a joke, and never intended anyone to actually buy it. If that is the case, he probably doesn't expect to collect anyway, and I will extend my most heartfelt apologies for besmirching his honor.
I hope Apple eventually gives all purchasers 100% refunds. As for those of you who disagree I hope someone is more charitable to you next time you make a mistake.
Karma can be a cruel mistress after all...
I don't care how explicitly he described what the app does, he doesn't deserve one dime from this app (Well, maybe just one dime...
No, I'm not jealous. I don't wish I'd thought of it first. This jerk is on the same level as those who sell the iPhone 3G boxes on ebay. Sure they state (somewhere) in the auction exactly what you're buying, but the intent is to take advantage of "quick click" customers. I know there are a lot of not-so-bright people in the world, but that by no means gives us the obligation to take advantage of them.
Of course it's possible the developer just put the app up as a joke, and never intended anyone to actually buy it. If that is the case, he probably doesn't expect to collect anyway, and I will extend my most heartfelt apologies for besmirching his honor.
I hope Apple eventually gives all purchasers 100% refunds. As for those of you who disagree I hope someone is more charitable to you next time you make a mistake.
Karma can be a cruel mistress after all...