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I really can't understand the lack of compassion shown by this crowd. Nobody bought this app on purpose, or because they're stupid. I guarantee all 8 purchases were the result of mishaps with '1-click purchase', and I'm prety sure that is exactly what the "developer" was banking on when he wrote it.

I don't care how explicitly he described what the app does, he doesn't deserve one dime from this app (Well, maybe just one dime... :D), nor do I think he'll get it.

No, I'm not jealous. I don't wish I'd thought of it first. This jerk is on the same level as those who sell the iPhone 3G boxes on ebay. Sure they state (somewhere) in the auction exactly what you're buying, but the intent is to take advantage of "quick click" customers. I know there are a lot of not-so-bright people in the world, but that by no means gives us the obligation to take advantage of them.

Of course it's possible the developer just put the app up as a joke, and never intended anyone to actually buy it. If that is the case, he probably doesn't expect to collect anyway, and I will extend my most heartfelt apologies for besmirching his honor.

I hope Apple eventually gives all purchasers 100% refunds. As for those of you who disagree I hope someone is more charitable to you next time you make a mistake.
Karma can be a cruel mistress after all...
Why did Apple chose not to allow porn? Because it wouldn't sell? (Yeah, right.) No, it's because it would reflect poorly on them as a company.

Actually really annoyed about that. I am over 18 (over 30) and I think I should be allowed to choose if I want porn on my Iphone! It would be a huge market and I think they could quite easily hide it and make you agree to a declaration before giving you access to it.

Personally, depsite my love of porn ;-) I don't and won't keep porn on my phone due to the fact I have a 2 year old who plays constantly with my iphone and watches thomas the tank engine etc..... the last thing I need is him watching hard core filth on it!

Nice of apple to make the moral choices for me though.....sigh.
I say lesson learned. Don't do it again. You know I have been waiting to buy a house because I can't afford it right now. I see all the time people who have low paying jobs buying homes with outrageous interest rates and when they can't pay, they expect to get bailed out. They say things like "I have four kids, my husband is only a teacher and I am a stay at home mom" or some other crap. They expect to be bailed despite the fact they incurred a debt that they ultimately couldn't afford. Maybe they should have waited to buy a home when they could afford one or maybe they shouldn't of had a lot of kids because as we all cost money. The problem is people just do things without any thought of the possible recourse. It makes me sick. With the app store, why would anyone even remotely mess with an application knowing that it costs so much money. I'll tell you, they've never been held accountable for their actions. I saw someone post that a kid could have done this using their parents card and I know that their are safeguards in place for situations like this. I feel no sympathy and I wish people would just start acting more responsible.

The 8 or 9 people who purchased this app are most certainly a statistical glitch.

such as:

1) mistaking 999. for 9.99
2) mistaken location of links and buttons (hitting wrong app).
3) other random results.
4) juveniles with stolen credit cards (or parents/sibling cards)

Yet you all seem to imagine other scenarios where some nouveau riche are flaunting money while wallowing in hubris .

such imaginations.

Couldn't you say that about any purchase on the App Store? Well except number 1. People should pay more attention, no one is to blame except those that made the purchase. If anything Apple shouldn't allow 1 click on the App Store through the iPhone and present a screen of the total before tax that you agree to.

I bought 100 $10 apps by mistake. I want a refund.
While it is simply possible that people can get owned by the 1-click, knowing that there are some applications at the price they are (MyAccounts2Go...and now this application), I cannot imagine how anyone should have any excuse for 1-click. This isn't the only expensive application.

This application doesn't only display a red gem. Hasn't anyone noticed the "i"? In the description it says it flips over for a mantra.

Anyway, I can't believe I didn't think of this. Pure genius.

Now even with the many possibilities that it can be 1-click, mistaking the $999 for $9.99 (which is still expensive for this type of app), hitting wrong buy button, etc. Isn't it also possible that those 8 people knew that they were paying $999 for an image and a mantra? Some people like to show off.
I really can't understand the lack of compassion shown by this crowd. Nobody bought this app on purpose, or because they're stupid. I guarantee all 8 purchases were the result of mishaps with '1-click purchase' Remember that assuming makes an ass out of you and me- besides one comment by someone who bought it- said that they bought it as a joke and were messing around not thinking they would actually get charged for it- so your argument here isn't valid, and I'm prety sure that is exactly what the "developer" was banking on when he wrote it.

I don't care how explicitly he described what the app does, he doesn't deserve one dime from this app (Well, maybe just one dime... :D), nor do I think he'll get it.

No, I'm not jealous. I don't wish I'd thought of it first. This jerk is on the same level as those who sell the iPhone 3G boxes on ebay. Sure they state (somewhere) in the auction exactly what you're buying, but the intent is to take advantage of "quick click" customers. I know there are a lot of not-so-bright people in the world, but that by no means gives us the obligation to take advantage of them.

Of course it's possible the developer just put the app up as a joke, and never intended anyone to actually buy it. It seemed like he did and was trying to redirect everyone to his other more traditional appsIf that is the case, he probably doesn't expect to collect anyway, and I will extend my most heartfelt apologies for besmirching his honor.

I hope Apple eventually gives all purchasers 100% refunds. If thats the case, then I will buy every app that I want and just bitch about it when the bill is due citing this app as precedent.If they don't then I guess I have a valid claim against apple and I'm sure some lawyer would love to initiate a class action lawsuit citing unfair business practicesAs for those of you who disagree I hope someone is more charitable to you next time you make a mistake.
Karma can be a cruel mistress after all...

They should have to pay
Actually really annoyed about that. I am over 18 (over 30) and I think I should be allowed to choose if I want porn on my Iphone! It would be a huge market and I think they could quite easily hide it and make you agree to a declaration before giving you access to it.

Personally, depsite my love of porn ;-) I don't and won't keep porn on my phone due to the fact I have a 2 year old who plays constantly with my iphone and watches thomas the tank engine etc..... the last thing I need is him watching hard core filth on it!

Nice of apple to make the moral choices for me though.....sigh.

I have a grandma who is constantly touching my iphone and I don't know what I would do if apple allowed porn apps- because she would do nothing but download hard core stuff. Thanks apple for helping me :eek:
I really can't understand the lack of compassion shown by this crowd. Nobody bought this app on purpose, or because they're stupid. I guarantee all 8 purchases were the result of mishaps with '1-click purchase', and I'm prety sure that is exactly what the "developer" was banking on when he wrote it.

And how do you know that? How do you know nobody bought this app on purpose? You claim to know for sure and so far there has only been one person complaining that he accidently bought it because of 1-click (I may be wrong!).

If it was still out there I would buy it deliberatly just to prove a point to you! ;-)
I have a grandma who is constantly touching my iphone and I don't know what I would do if apple allowed porn apps- because she would do nothing but download hard core stuff. Thanks apple for helping me :eek:

There are safeguards you can put in place to block adult content. It can even be an option you have to locate and enter a pin before allowing adult content.

I am tired of apple telling me what I can and can't do all the time. As I said I wouldn't have it on my phone because of my son, but I should have the choice.
And how do you know that? How do you know nobody bought this app on purpose? You claim to know for sure and so far there has only been one person complaining that he accidently bought it because of 1-click (I may be wrong!).

If it was still out there I would buy it deliberatly just to prove a point to you! ;-)

Send me a check for $1000 and i'll tell everyone how rich you are.

PM me and i'll give you the address to send it to - or better yet, i'll take it via PayPal if you'd like.
Why did Apple chose not to allow porn? Because it wouldn't sell? (Yeah, right.) No, it's because it would reflect poorly on them as a company.

But that's a different situation, because Apple specifically says you can't have porn in your Apps. That is one of their terms, developers can see that rule and choose not to put porn in their apps so their apps will get (and stay) published. There is no rule at all stating that your App has to provide equivalent value to its price, or what standards Apple will use to determine that. By pulling this App with no explanation, it makes me wonder, as a developer, if I release a game I think is worth $20, will Apple pull it, making all the money I spent developing it a waste of money? Maybe I just shouldn't develop the game for iPhone in the first place? Since there is no rule I can follow, there's no way I can tell if I'm wasting a hundred grand on development costs or not.

Just how do you know how to use it 'properly' when Apple has programmed it to work differently than every other part of the store? iTunes is ignoring my "add to cart" choice in the preferences and for an application does "instant purchase" - the only way to learn that is to click the buy button.

So, you are saying that the very first application someone would click on would be this $999.99 one??? Yes, apps work slightly differently, but once you click on one app, you'll know about it. As well, if you have "add to cart" setup in your preferences, then you don't have single-click purchases enabled, so you *will* get a confirmation "are you sure". Not to mention, why would anybody click on the "buy" button on this if they didn't want to buy it? I don't see why a single person would do that. If they did so and somehow accidentally bought it, then that was their own damn fault for doing something stupid. And if it was someone's kid, then that person was at fault for giving the phone to their kid and leaving credit card purchases available without entering in a password. The kid could just as easily buy a whole bunch of games - there are 25 games available at $9.99. Or if the kid is click things randomly, there are a couple finance apps for sale at $449.99 a piece.

Mac Jones said:
1) mistaking 999. for 9.99
It was $999.99. Anybody who would mistake that for 9.99 needs to pay a whole lot more attention, and if anyone did mistake that and buy it, I guarantee they'll be paying more attention from now on :)
There are safeguards you can put in place to block adult content. It can even be an option you have to locate and enter a pin before allowing adult content.

I am tired of apple telling me what I can and can't do all the time. As I said I wouldn't have it on my phone because of my son, but I should have the choice.

you do have the CHOICE, just not through the app store. You have access to ANY website you choose, you can download ANY videos or images you want and add them to your library. They arent sensoring WHAT you can put on your phone, they are just not offering it through their own store.
No rich enough model for sw purchase

First, an anti-USA remark : They are so full of lawyers that they need to point that hot coffee can burn you in coffee cups...
Second, the app is a very bad taste joke for people in general, but a liability for Apple ...
Yet, it seems the model for selling sw in the Apple Store is too simple:
The "click and then it yours" model for sw apps in the Apple Store is going to give problems. I mean, there are reason for the different models of sw purchase that have evolved, and it seems the Apple Store model just takes into account pricing ... What about try-before-you-buy, or pay per use, or lite version and full version, revisions ... How does that work now with the Apple Store? Can I try an app in a sandbox env before buying, for example?
So, you are saying that the very first application someone would click on would be this $999.99 one??? Yes, apps work slightly differently, but once you click on one app, you'll know about it. As well, if you have "add to cart" setup in your preferences, then you don't have single-click purchases enabled, so you *will* get a confirmation "are you sure".

I see no reason for the Application store to work differently than the rest of the iTunes store. If i have the preference set for the shopping cart, then i EXPECT the app store to work exactly the same way - and so will everyone else. To have it behave differently is wrong.

I have my store set up the way you describe and i do NOT get any confirmation "are you sure" stuff when i click on a paid app.
All I can say is:

Thank God Apple had the foresight to prompt for a password when you purchase anything via the phone's App Store. I have friends who are just evil enough to borrow my phone and buy this while I'm not looking! :eek:
kudos to the developer

best proof for how powerful a good idea is
well i wouldnt even call it a good idea
but you just gotta believe in it and do it - thats what most do not do
The guy stating he "made a mistake" is a jack ass. How can you make a mistake "with your friends" and you have a wife? Are you 12y/o? Poor wife must have the most retarded husband in modern times. Let's hope they don't end up having moronic children.

What's wrong with this idiots?
The guy stating he "made a mistake" is a jack ass. How can you make a mistake "with your friends" and you have a wife? Are you 12y/o? Poor wife must have the most retarded husband in modern times. Let's hope they don't end up having moronic children.

What's wrong with this idiots?

quick to judge aren't you? I'm so glad you're perfect.
Money Back

I would think that if any of those 8 bought the app by accident that they would just deny the charge to the credit card company. Most on-line transactions that occur can easily be denied and then they would not be out the money.
I didnt read all seven pages so Im probably not the first to say it but.....any of you who are calling the developer a scammer or anything like that just cannot admit they are jelous. He had a GREAT IDEA and went with it. He did nothing wrong, clearly stated that this app was only to be used as a status thing and he also knew that anyone who would be willing to buy it would pay the max $999 price to show off to all thier richie friends so GOOD FOR HIM and frick, why didnt I think of it. Apple better bring it back and let this guy make his money, he did nothing wrong.
Then to top it off all of you Einstein's automatically think that the 8 that sold were done on accident. Come on, in this world there are plenty of people that have iPhones that $999 is like 5 cents to you and me and just having that little red gem glowing on their home screen says LOOK AT ME I AM RICH cause they know that anyone in the iPhone community and more now see that and know what it means. If I had a dispensable income I would too and so would all of you guys.
My two bits
I say this is a great app aimed at a very accessible target group.

I personally see this as being no different then a wrist watch. You can buy a nice watch at a discount store for 25$, or you can go to a jewelery store and buy one for 5000$ plus dollars.... the difference? They both tell time... they both are worn on your wrist... the cheaper one likely has an alarm on it as well.

Price, and showing off. People buy ridiculously priced things because they can. Not for the function.

Again I say the developer (drag and dropper) for this app did a great job at taking advantage of a target market.
No Accident...

Wow, how many of those purchases do you think were accidental?

How can any be accidental? When I buy things from the app store, I have to type in my itunes password.....These people knew what they were buying...
How can any be accidental? When I buy things from the app store, I have to type in my itunes password.....These people knew what they were buying...

Perhaps you ought to re-read some of the previous posts re: one click purchases.

(Although I doubt many were accidental at all).
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