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A huge thanks to @SandboxGeneral and @Scepticalscribe for their feedback regarding channeling and the Chagga Peaberry beans, it's much appreciated! I'll respond later on when I actually have a free moment.

My pleasure.

My best results with 'Peabody' style beans (there are several varieties) came when I blended them with something somewhat more robust; otherwise, they were too - er - mild, and I write that as someone who loves Ethiopian coffee.
I went rummaging for my spare tamper and have found it to be a perfect fit, eliminating the opportunity for channeling to occur. A nice solid stainless steel tamp, with some weight behind it.

I plan to have a cup of Chagga Peaberry at my coffee purveyors premises tomorrow as it's time for my fortnightly jaunt into town for the new batch of coffee. If, as I suspect it is indeed too light on for me, I'll stick with the Irgacheffe, which we know and love so much.

What are folks thoughts on the use of flavoured syrups with a coffee? Is it akin to using the I word?
What are folks thoughts on the use of flavoured syrups with a coffee? Is it akin to using the I word?
Completely personal preference and no I don't look at it as the "i" word at all.

When I first started in this coffee thing 3 years ago I was doing espresso and latte's et al and using syrups in them. I've gotten to the point now where all I do is pure espresso with nothing added in and I have no desire to make the other drinks like I was before. Part of the reason is because of my diabetes and the sugary syrups aren't exactly what I should be consuming.

But if that's what you like then more power to you.
I plan to have a cup of Chagga Peaberry at my coffee purveyors premises tomorrow as it's time for my fortnightly jaunt into town for the new batch of coffee. If, as I suspect it is indeed too light on for me, I'll stick with the Irgacheffe, which we know and love so much.

By all means try the Peabody; however, I'd recommend blending it with something else - such as Yirgacheffe, or a good quality Kenyan coffee.

What are folks thoughts on the use of flavoured syrups with a coffee? Is it akin to using the I word?

Um, yes, to be honest. It is.

Or, rather, if that is what appeals to you, go for it. But not my cup of tea. Er, coffee.....

Today, for some strange, blissful reason, I have had four espressos, in three different places. And all were really rather good.
Those cups are lovely. I ordered two stoneware mugs yesterday. Coffee bitterness shines through darker roasts, but I've had dark roasts that didn't taste bitter or ashy. There's a fine line between good dark roast and excessive roasting. It's very easy to cross over.

I'm of good cheer when I buy a light roast and make a strong batch of coffee with it. Enough coffee to water to give the black gold body, a thicker drink if you will. Yet it's not bitter, sour or ashy. It's lovely. Apart from the wooziness you'll soon feel in your head.
Healthy sandwich for breakfast consisting of sourdough bread, sliced and lightly toasted, cream cheese, aged cheddar sliced thinly, wilted spinach, caramelized onion slices and tomatoes from the garden with fresh cracked pepper and salt. Now to wait some time, then have coffee and get started on some paperwork.

Syrups wise, I feel they're better used for lower quality coffee you'd typically ice and then mix with milk and other ingredients. I personally favor Monin brand of syrups. It has the most naturally derived ingredients. You give up shelf life though. I think Toranis come with a 3 year life and this is a fraction of it. But because of its natural qualities, it can be used in making a lot of products. A lot of geleterias here and in Italy will use it or a French/Italian brand I can't recall to enhance their flavors. They also act as fantastic emulsifier and stabilizers when added to products.

Coffee liqueur is always an acceptable addition to cold coffees.
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Went into town yesterday and tried a cup of Chagga Peaberry for the first time. It's a very understated and subtle cup of coffee, perhaps too much so for myself, so we'll be sticking with the Irgacheffe beans for the foreseeable future.

Whilst I was there at my coffee purveyors I tried their house blend as a single shot, with the promise of chocolate notes to delight my tastebuds. They weren't wrong, it was there in spades and has proven to be their most popular blend to date. I'll be getting some next fortnight, after I get another Friis container to house and store those beans.

I spoke with the shop owner about syrups and their use. I could see myself using them with dessert style coffee drinks, like iced coffees and the such, perfect for summer.

Thanks @Zenithal for your mention of brands to look for, my coffee purveyor has the Torani coffee syrups in stock.

Having a lazy Saturday afternoon here, with me just about to make our second cups of Irgacheffe for the day.
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I am feeling refreshed, and have had breakfast, and my first cup of coffee of the day.

Anyway, as some of you know, my colleague and I have to - ah, endure - a video conference later today.

As we were in another city - half a day's drive away - for meetings yesterday and the day before, - meetings which had taken days - the best part of half a week, in fact, to set up - we had made it clear that we were not available for the testing that was supposed to take place yesterday, as we were otherwise occupied.

Thus, now, my colleague is busying himself with awaiting instructions for the testing; time differences mean that what is mid morning for us, is earlier in the day for the testers (we allowed ourselves a suitably sympathetic snigger).

More importantly, the coffee pot is ready, as are the cups and kettle; the pot will be heated by the time I put in an appearance, and the Ethiopian coffee is nearby, coffee ladle handy.

Italian opera is playing from the small set of speakers my colleague bought last week, sitting on the floor; we think this will offer a suitably soothing background sound effect to the soporific conference that lies ahead.

However, I am feeling rather refreshed; I had a blissful nine hours sleep - last night, I went to bed early, having had a cup of delicious tea beforehand, and slept through the night.

And I shall head down to my colleague's room presently, and prepare a nice pot of Ethiopian coffee.
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I found this French press at work.
Where do I put the coffee?
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Thanks @Zenithal for your mention of brands to look for, my coffee purveyor has the Torani coffee syrups in stock.
To my knowledge, Asia Pacific gets all three. I'd contact each and find distributors or buy online from the warehouses operating in Australia.

By the way, do they still do sand sculptures in the main mall areas of Adelaide?
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Good morning folks. It’s a lovely start to the day here in the eastern United States. The weather is more my speed these last couple of days being slightly on the cooler, less humid side of things compared to how hot and humid the Summer has been. Right now it's 50F/10C in here and I took my morning cup of espresso, and the two cats, outside on the balcony to enjoy it, and the remaining stars in the pre-dawn sky (seeing only what I could through the light pollution of my small town).

The most obvious and brilliant object currently visible from my vantage point is HR 2491, also known as Sirius, a binary star system about 8 light years away. It's such a beautiful star system and is the brightest star(s) in the night sky. Sipping on the espresso in the early morning and gazing at the stars in the cool crisp weather was delightful.

I thought I was going to use up the last of the "Diesel" beans the other day but it turned out I still have enough left for probably 2 more drinks, well, now maybe one after this cup.
...une idée folle...

Okay, I had this crazy, radical idea that struck me this morning which, dear friends and gentle readers, I needed to pass before you for comment and, with great hope, approval.


It has been my practice since I began drinking coffee again to have three different blends and rotate through those blends, in order, each time I make coffee. This system must remain in place. (don't ask why, I have no idea).

My favorite, by an order of magnitude, is the French Roast blend. Then comes the Diesel blend. The third blend in the rotation has been one of several other blends.

...idée folle...

I really like the French Roast a lot as well as the Diesel blend. The third blend I have put in the rotation is usually not quite as satisfying or enjoyable as the two aforementioned blends. So my idea, as radical and insane as it might be, is the following;

Current Rotation: French Roast > Diesel > (third blend, less that great)

Rotation: French Roast > Diesel > French Roast (AGAIN!)

Now I know this is a crazy idea but I seek your approval, dear friends and gentle readers.

I especially need to pass the positive judgement of the Keeper of the Coffee Laws, dear friend @mobilehaathi. I have, much to my shame, violated the law in the past (forgot to heat my cup!) and was treated with great generosity by the Keeper of the Law. I once again throw myself, abjectly, on his mercy.

So have at me, if you will, but remember that I am an old, feeble person...easily damaged.
Good morning folks. It’s a lovely start to the day here in the eastern United States. The weather is more my speed these last couple of days being slightly on the cooler, less humid side of things compared to how hot and humid the Summer has been. Right now it's 50F/10C in here and I took my morning cup of espresso, and the two cats, outside on the balcony to enjoy it, and the remaining stars in the pre-dawn sky (seeing only what I could through the light pollution of my small town).

The most obvious and brilliant object currently visible from my vantage point is HR 2491, also known as Sirius, a binary star system about 8 light years away. It's such a beautiful star system and is the brightest star(s) in the night sky. Sipping on the espresso in the early morning and gazing at the stars in the cool crisp weather was delightful.

I thought I was going to use up the last of the "Diesel" beans the other day but it turned out I still have enough left for probably 2 more drinks, well, now maybe one after this cup.

Ah, viewing Sirius while sipping espresso sounds an excellent idea, something which combines food for the mind, soul, (I am one of those who harbours severe doubts about the existence of divinities, but has little difficulty with the idea of a soul), and physical appreciation of the world around us - and what it has to offer (in the form of good coffee, or espresso), while taking the time to salute the wonders - and existence - of other worlds.

What a wonderful way to pass some time.

...une idée folle...

Okay, I had this crazy, radical idea that struck me this morning which, dear friends and gentle readers, I needed to pass before you for comment and, with great hope, approval.


It has been my practice since I began drinking coffee again to have three different blends and rotate through those blends, in order, each time I make coffee. This system must remain in place. (don't ask why, I have no idea).

My favorite, by an order of magnitude, is the French Roast blend. Then comes the Diesel blend. The third blend in the rotation has been one of several other blends.

...idée folle...

I really like the French Roast a lot as well as the Diesel blend. The third blend I have put in the rotation is usually not quite as satisfying or enjoyable as the two aforementioned blends. So my idea, as radical and insane as it might be, is the following;

Current Rotation: French Roast > Diesel > (third blend, less that great)

Rotation: French Roast > Diesel > French Roast (AGAIN!)

Now I know this is a crazy idea but I seek your approval, dear friends and gentle readers.

I especially need to pass the positive judgement of the Keeper of the Coffee Laws, dear friend @mobilehaathi. I have, much to my shame, violated the law in the past (forgot to heat my cup!) and was treated with great generosity by the Keeper of the Law. I once again throw myself, abjectly, on his mercy.

So have at me, if you will, but remember that I am an old, feeble person...easily damaged.

Well, as I am more than perfectly capable of rotating three types of Ethiopian coffee - interspersed by an occasional Rwandan, or Kenyan - I think that taking the sandwich approach, a situation whereby the French Roast is sandwiching the Diesel (that name does not appeal, - not in the slightest - I must say) seems more than reasonable.

Our video conference - after some (candidly, hilarious technical glitches) went ahead. Unsurprisingly, they started an hour late, and took some time to realise that brisk competence and a little forethought - that basic business of thinking - can go a long way in such situations.

Anyway, I prepared a pot of Ethiopian coffee, which we sipped, and - instead of Italian opera - we both agreed that Pink Martini should provide background sound of an agreeable and soothing, yet uplifting variety. Thus, my trusty iPod to the rescue, attached to my colleague's new speakers.

He secured his escape after three hours, - or, rather - before the meeting had been originally scheduled to finish up. This is because - perhaps over-optimistically - we had arranged appointments which were supposed to take place after the video conference had been supposed to finish up, and someone had to deal with them. Meanwhile, I remained in place, rendered tranquil by coffee and Pink Martini.

Anyway, given that I had enjoyed a night of good, and restful sleep, had a a pot of Ethiopian coffee in front of me, and Pink Martini playing softly in the background, I was able to approach this in an unusually benevolent state of mind.
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I especially need to pass the positive judgement of the Keeper of the Coffee Laws, dear friend @mobilehaathi. I have, much to my shame, violated the law in the past (forgot to heat my cup!) and was treated with great generosity by the Keeper of the Law. I once again throw myself, abjectly, on his mercy.

So have at me, if you will, but remember that I am an old, feeble person...easily damaged.

I advocated on your behalf the other day for this error in judgment of yours, and since you've committed the same crime again so soon, I don't think I can come to your aid this time. Whatever sentence @mobilehaathi issues, I think you'll need to serve the full term so that perhaps you'll learn your lesson.

Ah, viewing Sirius while sipping espresso sounds an excellent idea, something which combines food for the mind, soul, (I am one of those who harbours severe doubts about the existence of divinities, but has little difficulty with the idea of a soul), and physical appreciation of the world around us - and what it has to offer (in the form of good coffee, or espresso), while taking the time to salute the wonders - and existence - of other worlds.

What a wonderful way to pass some time.

Yes indeed it was a good time. Now that our local star is up and shining brightly in my direction, my second cup will be enjoyed inside with protection from my home.

I have little doubt that you are, or have just, enjoyed your Ethiopian pot of coffee. Enjoy the rest of your day!
I advocated on your behalf the other day for this error in judgment of yours, and since you've committed the same crime again so soon, I don't think I can come to your aid this time. Whatever sentence @mobilehaathi issues, I think you'll need to serve the full term so that perhaps you'll learn your lesson. misunderstood!:eek:

I did not commit the same violation of The Law again, I only mentioned it in context as a reminder of a PAST violation, not as a repeated horrible mistake.

I would never make the same horrific violation twice.:(

Man, are you strict!o_O
Yes, the Ethiopian coffee was enjoyed. Pink Martini was appreciated. While the video conference (all four and a half hours of it - and that was having started over an hour late) - the video conference was endured.

But, we are fine.
Whew! That's a long video conference. I hope your setting was comfortable and the presence of good coffee no doubt helped things along. misunderstood!:eek:

I did not commit the same violation of The Law again, I only mentioned it in context as a reminder of a PAST violation, not as a repeated horrible mistake.

I would never make the same horrific violation twice.:(

Man, are you strict!o_O
Ahh, well my apologies then; I seem to have misunderstood your post. After all, I was in between espresso's at the moment. However, consider yourself warned!

I finished my second cup a few minutes ago and indeed did finish the "Diesel" beans as there were only 10 grams left so I blended 7 grams of the "French Roast" into it and it made a wonderful tasting cup.
Ahh, well my apologies then; I seem to have misunderstood your post. After all, I was in between espresso's at the moment. However, consider yourself warned!

I finished my second cup a few minutes ago and indeed did finish the "Diesel" beans as there were only 10 grams left so I blended 7 grams of the "French Roast" into it and it made a wonderful tasting cup.

Glad to hear that you enjoyed it.
...une idée folle...

Okay, I had this crazy, radical idea that struck me this morning which, dear friends and gentle readers, I needed to pass before you for comment and, with great hope, approval.


It has been my practice since I began drinking coffee again to have three different blends and rotate through those blends, in order, each time I make coffee. This system must remain in place. (don't ask why, I have no idea).

My favorite, by an order of magnitude, is the French Roast blend. Then comes the Diesel blend. The third blend in the rotation has been one of several other blends.

...idée folle...

I really like the French Roast a lot as well as the Diesel blend. The third blend I have put in the rotation is usually not quite as satisfying or enjoyable as the two aforementioned blends. So my idea, as radical and insane as it might be, is the following;

Current Rotation: French Roast > Diesel > (third blend, less that great)

Rotation: French Roast > Diesel > French Roast (AGAIN!)

Now I know this is a crazy idea but I seek your approval, dear friends and gentle readers.

I especially need to pass the positive judgement of the Keeper of the Coffee Laws, dear friend @mobilehaathi. I have, much to my shame, violated the law in the past (forgot to heat my cup!) and was treated with great generosity by the Keeper of the Law. I once again throw myself, abjectly, on his mercy.

So have at me, if you will, but remember that I am an old, feeble person...easily damaged.

The real question is why do you keep your strict rotation? Do you think something terrible might happen if you don't?

Don't worry! This isn't a sign of obsessive compulsions; something truly bad will in fact happen! Exile!
The real question is why do you keep your strict rotation? Do you think something terrible might happen if you don't?

Don't worry! This isn't a sign of obsessive compulsions; something truly bad will in fact happen! Exile!

I knew there was a reason for my rigid need for a three blends rotation! I knew it couldn't just be a sick little unbreakable habit.

As exile would be the end of my life as I know it, I will maintain the rotation with the French Roast > Diesel > French Roast radical change.

Is that functioning within The Law, oh Great Interpreter of The Law, Sir.
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