Feeling a bit better today. No sore throat to speak of, thank goodness. Still hurting all over and had an intense headache earlier in the day. Remedied by weak coffee. Had a hot toddy sans honey last night prior to bed. Felt much better this morning or rather 12 AM when the neighbor's gardeners started blasting their engines.
Currently enjoying a strong pressing of Yirgacheffe. Did some reading today, going over paperwork and watched a film, or some part of it before dozing off. Called my butcher to secure some beef suet for the holidays. It was in the middle of sipping my HT last night that I realized it had been a while since I made Christmas puddings. Plus, it looks more appetizing than my version of Christmas fruit cake, even if it's drunken cake.
Currently enjoying a strong pressing of Yirgacheffe. Did some reading today, going over paperwork and watched a film, or some part of it before dozing off. Called my butcher to secure some beef suet for the holidays. It was in the middle of sipping my HT last night that I realized it had been a while since I made Christmas puddings. Plus, it looks more appetizing than my version of Christmas fruit cake, even if it's drunken cake.