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Feeling a bit better today. No sore throat to speak of, thank goodness. Still hurting all over and had an intense headache earlier in the day. Remedied by weak coffee. Had a hot toddy sans honey last night prior to bed. Felt much better this morning or rather 12 AM when the neighbor's gardeners started blasting their engines.

Currently enjoying a strong pressing of Yirgacheffe. Did some reading today, going over paperwork and watched a film, or some part of it before dozing off. Called my butcher to secure some beef suet for the holidays. It was in the middle of sipping my HT last night that I realized it had been a while since I made Christmas puddings. Plus, it looks more appetizing than my version of Christmas fruit cake, even if it's drunken cake.
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The "Classic Espresso" blend I ordered from Sweet Maria's a couple of weeks ago finally arrived the other day. There were several problems with it, and the most important one is that the roast date was a month ago! :mad: Then it took them 6 days to ship it from the order date, which if it were roasted nearly a month before it should have been packed and ready to go. Also, the roasted date predates their move of locations as well.

I made two espresso's out of it and it just doesn't taste very good at all. It could be either I just don't like it or that it's going stale, or a combination of both factors.

I sent them a polite email inquiring about the issues I have, but they've not yet responded to me. Granted they've had a big process of moving locations last month, but shipping month old beans isn't very good. But I am cutting them some slack due to the move. But I'm thinking I may not be ordering from them any time soon, or ever again.

Yesterday morning I ordered another batch of the "Diesel" blend from the Atomic Roasters and it's scheduled to arrive tomorrow, so I'll have something good to look forward to. In the meantime I've been enjoying the Atomic Roasters "Black Velvet" blend.
That's very strange to hear Sweet Maria's did that. I was at WF today to pick up some stuff and noticed my local store began carrying Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf coffee beans and teas. I thought this was funny. They stamp their roast dates. The roast dates of the coffees were 09/09/2016 and to be used by October 2016. I picked up a small 1 lb bag of it just to try it out. What have I got to lose for $11? Apart from $11. Sumatra Mandehling, IIRC.

Worse case, it goes straight into the compost bin if I can't find anyone who'll want it.
My dear alway, I appreciate your support.

And while I am jealous and miss my espresso...I am quite satisfied that I am able to enjoy my delicious, and well prepared (if I do say so myself:p) FP coffee.

As I approach the second anniversary of My Great Stupid Act, I am quite happy with what functions have returned. So many with similar injuries to mine are in much worse shape. So even though, for example, I walk funny...stumbly and staggery...I can walk. The same with my's not espresso, but it is great coffee, nonetheless:).
How long were you without coffee altogether? I know you were dealing with much bigger issues, but when you are used to a daily shot of caffeine, it's hard to switch it off.
Our FP had gone missing so I will order one at some point.
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How long were you without coffee altogether? I know you were dealing with much bigger issues, but when you are used to a daily shot of caffeine, it's hard to switch it off.
Our FP had gone missing so I will order one at some point.

I had no coffee while in-patient, which was almost 6 months. After returning home, I wasn't able to make my own coffee for about another 1¼ years . So call it about 2 years without coffee.

i won't say it was the worst part of My Stupid Dive Down The Steps...but it sure was nice to be able to have some good coffee again. It is now among my daily pleasures.
I've always been convinced the percolators hospitals use have never been cleaned out and that grounds are added to used grounds throughout the week. Coincidentally, the nicest hospital coffee I had was at Cedars Sinai. Though with the prices they charge, I'd assume everything was good there.
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I've always been convinced the percolators hospitals use have never been cleaned out and that grounds are added to used grounds throughout the week. Coincidentally, the nicest hospital coffee I had was at Cedars Sinai. Though with the prices they charge, I'd assume everything was good there.

Some of this comes down to training, but, I suspect, that some also comes down to how you treat - and how much you pay - staff.

Add to that the idea that in professions that are sometimes known as 'the caring professions' - ones where many women are found at the lower (and more poorly paid) ranks, professions where the possession of a 'vocation' is considered to be in contradiction with the need to earn a decent income - or is used as an excuse to deny a decent income - and you may have a staff that are not trained, or paid properly or motivated, (outside of the actual caring elements of their work) people who may have considerable stress and little time in their jobs.

The, it should not come as a major surprise that coffee pots might not be cleaned properly on occasion in such environments.
You make very good points. The majority of public places in the state of California, be it independent/attached to a school/religious group hospital, public court house, university, et al. will often procure outside caterers using a set budget each year. Though, regardless of that, it's entirely possible to apply your words because poorer coffee and food choices at public institutions would denote that a small budget was set aside and that much thought wasn't placed into delivering service or product of high quality because costs would go up, and both parties are trying to save money. This is, as you pointed out, where the individual employees will suffer.

On topic, will sit down to a few cups of hot coffee of a random pick or a few handfuls of different beans. Dinner was cassoulet served with a crisp white wine of new world origin. A very hearty dish for a mildly cold night. It would go without saying that I ate too much.
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As the day has dawned here (about four hours ago) I have had my 2 cups of coffee this morning.

As always, a delight to savor the heavenly liquid. My day will also require another cup this afternoon.

Always anticipated eagerly and happily.

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening to all... pick your greeting.:D

Well, I am well into the witching hour.

And still writing reports through the night. (Okay: I am an owl by temperament - night writing suits me).

However, for the purposes of this thread and this topic, it is with some sorrow that I have to report that unexpected, - and, in one case, most unwelcome - last minute interruptions - twice! but, twice! - appeared abruptly and came between me and my coffee.

In one case, one of our drivers had just driven us to a pleasant city centre café, when our phones rang requiring our immediate return to the hotel for an urgent meeting.

An hour later, I was on the point of contemplating another sortie, (for coffee, for the purposes of fortification, naturally) when yet another phone call - and subsequent meeting - put paid to that.

Triple espresso.

The absence of a verb compels me to question whether you are dreaming of a triple espresso, or have actually consumed one?

Personally, as I am really rather taken with those exquisite little cups espresso tends to be served in, I'd choose either a single and a double, or, in a supremely self indulgent mood, I would be perfectly capable of consuming three glorious single espressos in one sitting.....

I'm awaiting arrival of the Atomic Coffee "Diesel" blend, hopefully tomorrow, which according to the ever wonderful and always competent USPS, should have arrived yesterday. :rolleyes:

I've also placed an order, just now, for the Atomic Coffee "French Roast" blend as well.

I can well imagine the joyful anticipation with which you will await the delivery of these packages.
However, for the purposes of this thread and this topic, it is with some sorrow that I have to report that unexpected, - and, in one case, most unwelcome - last minute interruptions - twice! but, twice! - appeared abruptly and came between me and my coffee.


Oh, lordy...what is this world coming to!

These interruptions are beyond belief!



Oh, lordy...what is this world coming to!

These interruptions are beyond belief!



I know. The sacrifices I make for democracy. If only people knew......what I endure....

Can you imagine: This is a situation where last minute emergencies - and subsequent meetings, some of the deplorably tedious variety - can come, appear, materialise, - most unexpectedly, and in a manner that is very unwelcome - between me and my coffee......
I know. The sacrifices I make for democracy. If only people knew......what I endure....

Can you imagine: This is a situation where last minute emergencies - and subsequent meetings, some of the deplorably tedious variety - can come, appear, materialise, - most unexpectedly, and in a manner that is very unwelcome - between me and my coffee......

We here, especially me, know the amazing sacrifices you make to help create a better world. I admire and respect your efforts...BUT having the enjoyment of your coffee sacrificed for humanity - this may be going beyond humanity's value.

Only you can decide...;)
I know. The sacrifices I make for democracy. If only people knew......what I endure....

Can you imagine: This is a situation where last minute emergencies - and subsequent meetings, some of the deplorably tedious variety - can come, appear, materialise, - most unexpectedly, and in a manner that is very unwelcome - between me and my coffee......

We here, especially me, know the amazing sacrifices you make to help create a better world. I admire and respect your efforts...BUT having the enjoyment of your coffee sacrificed for humanity - this may be going beyond humanity's value.

Only you can decide...;)

Indeed, we appreciate your efforts for our lowly species and only you can decide the value of your sacrifice as Shrink points out. However, if I may be so bold, if that sacrifice of coffee were for the feline species, I'd say it was well worth it! ;)
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