Does anyone have the time? Wait, I do. It's espresso time! Or to be more precise, latte time. Mmmmmm
So to change from all this by now very familiar talk after the new iPhone(s) release (though I liked they brought Elvis Costello to play) just a couple of questions.
I made some coffee the other day on my gas stove and my trusty newish Bialetti but left it on a bit too long and got some tarnish on the bottom after the water ran out. How can I remove that?
Second is do any of you make designs in your cappucino?
Second is do any of you make designs in your cappuccino?
So to change from all this by now very familiar talk after the new iPhone(s) release (though I liked they brought Elvis Costello to play) just a couple of questions.
I made some coffee the other day on my gas stove and my trusty newish Bialetti but left it on a bit too long and got some tarnish on the bottom after the water ran out. How can I remove that?
Second is do any of you make designs in your cappucino?
Thanks for the tips, it's stainless steel so might try shrink's idea. I have never tried making a cappucino - yet - when I get a proper espresso machine I may try it.
As Shrink, our esteemed guru, guide and expert in such matters, has posted (elsewhere) that today is National Coffee Day (I'm assuming this celebration is confined to the US as I, for one, have never heard of it), I thought it timely to seek out and hunt down this venerable, splendidly entertaining and wonderfully informative thread, as someone else may wish to offer a thought, or tasting notes, or mere extend heartfelt good wishes on this new feast day called the National Coffee Day.
Yeah, I don't know why he, our guru, decided to open a new thread about coffee when we have this great one here.
As national coffee day, I must say, that my favorite is the stuff from Tim Horton's chain of restaurants. I just bought a fresh bag the other day too. It smells oh so good! ☕
An attention seeking move...pure and simple!
Sad...isn't it?
Also, if someone puts a link to this thread in a reply on the attention seeking new might bring some folks over here!
Ah, yes, I thought that there might be some sort of cunning plot to that effect; but, I must confess that I had come to miss this thread.
So, now, most (almost all) mornings, before I head to my desk, I stop by our coffee shop where the excellent chap behind the counter prepares a double espresso for me with infinite, loving care. In a porcelain cup. Served with a smile. Bliss.
An attention seeking move...pure and simple!
Sad...isn't it?
Also, if someone puts a link to this thread in a reply on the attention seeking new might bring some folks over here!
Attention seeking? You? Pffttt.. Never.
I know a guy who knows a guy. One phone call and I get fresh coffee!![]()
After pay day arrives later this week, I'm going to order some supplies for Autumn espresso-based drink making. <-- If that makes any sense.
I need to procure some canned pumpkin and pumpkin spice syrup so I can make my own pumpkin spice latte's. Mmmmmm ☕
OK, I get the pumpkin spice syrup for your drinks...but the canned pumpkin!?
Stirred into the pumpkin flavored coffee drink!?
Watched the THAT is a serious drink!
I'll be very interested to read your review of the drink...![]()
Which video did you watch, or did you see both?
Starbucks makes a pumpkin spice latte every Autumn and it tastes okay. Hopefully I can do better!
I watched The Whole Latte Love video.
I'm sure that you can make a better drink than Starbucks...considering that the espresso base of the drink is key, and Starbuck's espresso is thin, flat, and lacking in complexity or taste. I'm sure your espresso is better.
Starbucks is, IMO, thin, bitter such good stuff.![]()
You have to watch both videos (they're both Whole Latte Love videos)! The first one in my other post is just a link, not embedded.
I've watched both videos and since, as you know, I know nothing about flavored drinks...all I can say is that the "dramatic" video method seems as if the ingredients are more of "the real thing"...but what do I know!![]()