How popular is it in Gotesborg? My last adventure into Europe told me it was getting popular but wasn't as popular as it is in major metro areas of America, like NYC or LA. The closest thing to kombucha I had prior to my own discovery was a can of ginseng infused tea that wasn't very sweet but sour and bubbly in Berlin 2004. Probably about 180 ml and the can had a nice heft. It was very gassy and difficult to drink, but still good. Might have been kombucha, but I'm not sure.
In the mid 90s during my travels, personal and then for government, we came across a Russian drink that was both tangy and sweet. Made with grains and I think bread. It had a unique flavor, mostly malty like a dark beer, but not at all bitter. It had an addictive flavor and it's something I opted to drink while in the Caucuses over American or other European imports. It was prepared on a commercial and private level IIRC.
@mobilehaathi &
@Zenithal: Kvass is the name of this Russian 'bread' drink, and - especially if you can lands on the authentic version - it is delicious (to my palate, anyway).
Nahhhh, don’t think Kombucha is as widespread here around as it is over there. Not so much in Göteborg

But more now, then when I began. Can’t recall when that was exactly, in early 90’s sometime.
Remember I got a Scooby for free from somewhere.
When I restarted now, I noticed that everyone only sold them. Boring, I liked the friendly & free atmosphere around giving away scoobies better.
Whatever, lot of people make a business of Kombucha fermenting today.
I don’t mind that really. It’s a great thing.
Just would’ve been nice if the scoobies could still be gifted for free.
Anyway, I lost the creativity in the doing and it became dull, and the Kombucha lost its quality.
One day, the scoobies were dead and refused to produce any more Kombucha.
So I had to buy a new scooby with starter to get some new life into it again.
It’s a ‘living thing’, and we need to give it some spirit to produce its greatness and probiotics to us.
Sounds like some distant relative or combination of beer and Kombucha those Russians served you. Can’t remember the history of Kombucha, but pretty sure those Russians have been involved quite a lot in it.
@Scepticalscribe knew the name on this Kvass too. Great!
Had a very nice Cappuccino before my appointment with my lovely dentist this morning.
Absolutely needed that to some temporarily daytime shift and wake up today