Nice to see those machines are in good hands!The new manual espresso machine has arrived. I haven't used it yet, but am going through the "first use" instructions which call for a descaling and flush. It's warming up right now.
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The new manual espresso machine has arrived. I haven't used it yet, but am going through the "first use" instructions which call for a descaling and flush. It's warming up right now.
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Nice to see those machines are in good hands!
This coffee is grown in volcanic soil at altitudes of 1300-1400 masl and is honey processed using local hot spring water and sun-dried. It’s super exciting. Look for loads of juiciness, Black Cherry and plenty of winey tasting notes. It’s also super grapey, some mild white grape but also some really tart like Concord grape.
Woke up with a horrible, strong headache.
Had a cup of coffee and homemade white egg, bacon, diced ham breakfast organic wheat burrito before popping some Excedrin pills.
French press, David Lynch organic coffee. Very hot and tasty.
Unless you overshoot the brew time and then it's... For me the moka is most unforgiving compared to our espresso machines as I've had years and years of practice on those. I've been toying with mokas for probably half my life at this point and one little slipup delivers an okay or whatever cup, but it's not amazing. If you recall, I kept a journal of measures I took to ensure a perfect brew, which I've misplaced somewhere in the house. I was able to dial in perfect pot after pot of sweet sensuous cup. Rich aroma, natural slight sweetness, beautiful color and without the tiniest amount of bitterness.French press is a most forgiving method of coffee preparation.
Unless you overshoot the brew time and then it's... For me the moka is most unforgiving compared to our espresso machines as I've had years and years of practice on those. I've been toying with mokas for probably half my life at this point and one little slipup delivers an okay or whatever cup, but it's not amazing. If you recall, I kept a journal of measures I took to ensure a perfect brew, which I've misplaced somewhere in the house. I was able to dial in perfect pot after pot of sweet sensuous cup. Rich aroma, natural slight sweetness, beautiful color and without the tiniest amount of bitterness.
Enjoying a new to me coffee from a local roaster this morning. It is quite delicious and I think the first "honey" processed bean I've had, too.
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A very large mug of Kenyan with a side of some Icelandic chocolate with, I believe, salt and salted licorice. It’s surprisingly excellent.
This coffee is remarkable. It smells and tastes so good that I am probably going to add it to my regular rotation. It may also be my first time with a coffee from El Salvador, too. I prepare it via the Chemex and it is quite wonderful.In the days when I ordered coffee from Intelligentsia, I had some seriously splendid coffees from El Salvador.
Do enjoy.
Is it possible that you have too much coffee in the basket? Is there enough headroom in there so that when the PF is locked into the group so that no coffee touches the screen?Having a little trouble recently with the coffee “puck” getting stuck in the machine, rather than starting in the portafilter. Any ideas why this is?