No need to "feel lame", at all.I feel so lame in this group with all of the fancy machines while I’m over here with my super automatic. I don’t know why I’m so afraid to jump in with both feet.
And, no, not all of us have "fancy machines", and nor are they necessary (they can be very nice to have, and enjoyable to use, but, they are not actually necessary), for the preparation of a delicious cup, or mug, (or pot), of coffee.
At the end of the day, all you are doing is preparing a cup of coffee that you will enjoy drinking, and, as long as what you have does the job, and you like - and enjoy - the coffee you make, that is all that matters.
For my part, all I have is a French press, a moka pot, and several Hario drippers (a ceramic one, another one made from copper, one from plastic for travel, a Japanese one made from wood), for drip filter coffee when prepared with filter paper, and am currently contemplating purchasing a Chemex.
None of that is remotely fancy, but all make delicious coffee.
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