Do enjoy.Yesterday I felt the same about my coffee supplies, so I ordered more - one from Ethiopia and one from Colombia
One would never wish to run short of coffee....
Actually, in a different (second) coffee shop, a few minutes after my coffee purchase, I spotted a rather intriguing Ethiopian coffee, but, as I had already bought some coffee ( decided to forego it.
Perhaps next week......Ethiopian coffee will always be tempting.
However, today, I also spotted some freshly prepared Portuguese Custard Tarts, (Pastéis de Nata) - this is a rare treat indeed - and treated myself to a few to accompany my afternoon coffee.
Thus, a second mug of coffee (from El Salvador) is currently keeping me company. And two (accompanying) exquisite Portuguese custard tarts (Pastéis de Nata) have also been devoured with sheer delight.