For anyone who was trying to pull it up as a refresher:
I would go for the Terra blush but particle beige is less likely only because it was already used a secondary color for smokey muave
For anyone who was trying to pull it up as a refresher:
Yeah and these colors have been in the color selector forever now...based on my highly scientific research aka sneaker window shopping, I think laser crimson or a remix of OG bright crimson is much more likely given that it’s all over the running shoes and soccer cleats. I am seeing some total orange accents on non-featured colorways, but don’t want to get my hopes up.I would go for the Terra blush but particle beige is less likely only because it was already used a secondary color for smokey muave
New Apple Sport Bands & Loops have dropped!
Yes seems like it will be more tasteful than straight up red from the original gold line, right?i also just saw the raspberry modern buckle...that is one i will be keeping my eye on
Midnight Turquoise/Aurora Nike band I'm going to purchase right away.
Not sure why Black/Lime Blast Nike band exists, looks pretty similar to Black/Volt?
The new sport loops look nice to me, esp Sunshine and Neo Lime. Some contrast with the other colors.
Surf Blue looks great, but again I have how many blues already? If I didn't have any I would def get this one cos it's right in a nice pocket of pleasing blue.
Nike sport loops I may have to see in person. I love Pink Blast and Desert Sand from last season.
Am I the only one who misses the original sport loops? Interwoven colours making for a consistent and pleasant harmony throughout the entirety of the loop? The 2-tone (where each of the 2 tones is monotone) approach just doesn't get me. Currently sitting at over 50 bands, but none of them are the current sport loop style.
Kudos to anyone going for the cactus without seeing a photo of it. Whether you passed on pine green or loved it, seems like an impossible read.
Will be interesting to see if surf blue sport band ends up close to gamma blue or either of the iterations plain “blue” from the early days.
Grapefruit will be nice for anyone who wasn’t around for flamingo/vintage rose/light pink. Nice to see something other than pink sand in the new lug shape.
Nike midnight turquoise almost seems like an eBay fake silicone band, very uninspired. Can’t wait for the @twanj photo to change my mind on that. Lime blast seems fine, I’ve resisted a cheap black/volt on the ‘bay and might grab this one instead.
Yes my bad, it’s impossibly subtle but something I’ve become very focused on as I collect more and more eBay classics. Once you see it, it becomes impossible not to start trying to shove the more square corner into the rounded s4/5 slot.You wrote “new lug shape”... and that seems curious to me. I think of the recent bands (since series 4 watch) as the larger box bands, but had not noticed a change to the lugs. Is this a very subtle thing?
Pulled the trigger on
Amen to most of the above. I just pulled the trigger on the Midnight Turquoise/Aurora Nike band -- and only that one. Never bought just 1 band in a seasonal release until now. Not even "that" crazy about the one I ordered either, but I suppose it's effectively got some green to it, and that's been quite a void in the line-up (as we've discussed at length).
Black/Lime definitely looks like Volt but the green being perhaps a little less saturated.
Am I the only one who misses the original sport loops? Interwoven colours making for a consistent and pleasant harmony throughout the entirety of the loop? The 2-tone (where each of the 2 tones is monotone) approach just doesn't get me. Currently sitting at over 50 bands, but none of them are the current sport loop style.
So true regarding the blues. As I've said before, I'm a definite lover of blue, but geez - we're often getting ~3 sport bands, and 1 of them is always blue.
Pink Blast is definitely one of the best loops to-date, IMO. Wish they'd lean into that look a little more -- the vibrant, high contrast ones that you don't need to effectively squint to interpret.