Lazy Sunday morning in lockdown here so I went back to checking the holy chart for Sport Bands.
With Canary on the way to complete the yellows (and I thought I was going to get to take a pic to show them off as part of demoing what Flash looks like in the sun, but I was beaten to it by
@mikedop, and its not sunny here today either), I went on to check blues, and between my wife and me, with the bands I have on order, we've actually got almost all of them - something I wasn't sure we'd ever do, but has kinda snuck up on me.
We're only missing Blue gen2, Midnight Gen2 (anyone able to demonstrate the difference to Gen1?) and Sky.
Personally I have all but Cornflower and Surf of the ones we have (we have doubles of Midnight Gen1, Azure, Cobalt, Turquoise, Blue Gen1) unless we extend blue to include Ultra Violet which I don't have, but my wife does. I then have Lavender Grey and I think blue definitely stops there.
I have no real desire for Midnight Gen2, but if I can find Sky it seems a shame not to complete the whole lot. Sky seems pretty rare from a quick eBay search showing none currently listed, however.
I've been open to getting Blue Gen2, just I haven't really looked for it yet. I think Chargerstore has the two Blue generations backward based on their photos, and with individual listings it's hard to tell which Blue it is I expect.
I suspect I'll probably cave and buy Surf at some point and I like Cornflower enough I'm happy to pick it up at some time also.
Yup, pretty much how they look to me IRL - if you wear one and ask someone which it is they'd be hard pressed to tell.
I know there have been several colours over the years that are very close - Beryl & Turquoise, Alaskan and Cobalt, Lemon Cream and Mellow Yellow (and I suspect Canary and OG Yellow), Stone and Fog, but it's odd that those two are on sale alongside one another at the same time, especially as I think there is more difference between most of those close pairs I've listed than between DS and PW.
Silly as it seems to express a preference for one of two things I'm saying are very, very alike, I'm actually more the PB fan I think. I had it first and we agreed my wife would get DS so we have both and I don't have envy, anyway.