Because as much as you and others would prefer those who are honest and smart enough to point out what is obviously there not to say anything it’s still there and it’s still clearly bothering people who try the device themselves.why do we need 20 threads about the same thing?
I wasn’t set against the 12.9”; as I said before I was intrigued by the technology and was hoping it would wow me to the point of keeping the device but the “downgrade” was an easy decision. Even considering the 1TB that may have been overkill the device was more expensive and I was enjoying it less especially because I spend the brunt of my time reading light text on darker backgrounds, probably a pretty common use case today.
My contacts weren’t actually dirty nor was I unfairly set against the 12.9” iPad to begin with—even if some of you had gotten that idea from my original thread it clearly wasn’t the case if I continued flip-flopping on my decision—nor am I an “Apple hater.” I usually have more respect and affinity for Apple than I do other tech giants but that doesn’t mean they’re immune from criticism or that I am a blind brand loyalist.
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