The 64 GB and 256 GB models were introduced on launch day 2017. The 256 GB model was discontinued in 2019 and replaced with the 128 GB model. The 64 GB model remained. They were all discontinued in 2020.Yes please! UK refurbished store hasn't had 8 Plus for most of the year and now they have, its only silver with high capacity storage. 😞
If a 256 GB model is purchased from the Apple Refurbished Store, the logic board is at - least - two years old at best and possibly four years old at worst (launch day phone).
If a 128 GB model is purchased, it’s at least 1-1/2 years old at best and two years old at worst.
The 128 GB models for the most part will have newer logic boards because they were manufactured later (if that makes any difference).
I don’t know (I actually don’t think) that they replace the lightning port in Apple refurbished iPhones since it requires a complete tear down. If the port isn’t getting replaced, then conceivably a 256 GB refurbished iPhone 8+ could have a four year old used lightning port.
From my experience, using the same phone forever, the lightning port - Does - wear out after thousands of insertions, (mine did) so that’s something to consider when contemplating a refurbished 256 GB ip8+. The port -might- have a lot of miles on it.