I had an ocular migraine for the first time on Saturday, which quickly had me on my way to the ER! It really scared me, I thought I was having a stroke or some other significant medical event. It started off as a small blurry spot in the center of my vision, then progressed into a rainbow zigzag mess of colors taking almost half of my field of view. In about 25 min it subsided but left me completely worn out and in the ER. After a CT scan, I was sent on my way with a diagnosis of ocular migraine.
I still have a followup this week with an ophthalmologist for a complete eye exam but I'm leaning towards my iPhone X having something to do with it. I've been using the X since launch and have noticed slight eye strain towards the end of the day, which is something I normally do not experience.
After a complete eye exam, my vision is great and better than 20/20. I easily read both the distance and up close charts at 20/20. They dialated my pupils, a first for me, and all was well.
My ophthalmologist also suffers from ocular migraines. He said that I need to find my trigger, whether it be stress, alcohol, certain lighting, foods, etc... I’ve been thinking long and hard, but the only thing different is my iPhone X. However, I am working long hours and finishing up my engineering degree, but I’ve been on the same schedule for the last few years.
So it’s either my hectic schedule finally catching up with me or my iPhone X.