Stick with the 11.Hmmm. I returned a 14PM after four days (because of the size) and exchanged it for a 14P. My whole body deflates at the thought of having to go exchange the 14P for a 14PM, but I keep hearing people say the 14PM is doing better for them.
Also at about midnight, I started considering the 13 mini.
Honestly, at this point, I can't tell anything anymore. I'm tired of trying phones. Actually, part of me would love to have a whole bunch of phones and just switch them out--but that's just too ridiculous. Now I'm having that overwhelmed reaction of "I just want to choose one phone and be done!" I'm about to just take the 14P back and just use my 11 and be done with it.
My boyfriend suggested that I needed to stay off the forums and screens in general today (because it's a day off for me) to give myself a rest. Then he asked what I had planned to do with my day, "I was gonna check the forums and maybe go to the Apple Store."
Help me.
I was struggling and debating for a while but the truth is the 11 is currently the best iPhone for your eyes and headaches. We try to justify newer phones and say “it’s not THAT bad”, but we’re often not being honest with ourselves because we want a new phone. Even if you can handle the eye strain and migraine today, there will be harder days ahead where it will affect your quality of life even more. There’s a huge sense of relief just accepting your iPhone 11 is currently the best choice for your quality of life.
Maybe the next SE or the 15 will be better, but for now stop torturing yourself. It’s not worth it.