Another day in and so far so good. What I've noticed so far coming from the XR:
- The weight and size are prefect for me. The weight is almost identical when cases are accounted for (Apple leather on 14 Plus and no-name Amazon on XR), and the width is also very similar. Reminds me a lot of my 7 Plus.
- The screen size increase is massive. I mean, I knew that going in but actually using the device really makes you appreciate the size.
- Reading text still has a slight bite to it that I can register but not enough, so far, to cause discomfort. That said, the LCD screens on the iPads and XR are still easier for text reading.
- Making fonts larger helps a lot and the larger screen helps even more. Something about OLED screens makes me need larger fonts. When I look at the font size on the iPad Mini compared to the 14 Plus, it's laughable how much larger I have fonts on the 14 Plus.
- This thing is snappy. Small things like changing songs in YouTube Music, opening Outlook, loading games, connecting to AirPods, etc. Everything is just far more responsive. If this 14 Plus doesn't work out long-term, I really hope the SE gets that rumored updated soon.
- The XR's screen already feels downright tiny after only a day with the 14 Plus. 😆 However, I still prefer it if you were to make me pick one screen to use forever. PWM issue aside, to me Apple's LCD screens just look better than OLED in how colors are reproduced, white balance, etc.
- The 14 Plus almost feels like training wheels for eventually owning a Pro Max / Ultra someday to make sure you can handle a big boy device first, lol.
- Oh, and if I'm being honest, I don't see a huge difference between the cameras as a very casual camera user. When lighting is good, I get very similar results when viewed on the same screen. Low light is definitely better, but sometimes the image processing is a bit much.
In summary, so far the screen appears to be tolerable but not amazing, I love the speed increase, but I still like the XR screen more. So I'm undecided, haha. Shocking, I know.