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macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2007

Yes, the process you described will definitely work. Also, Fantastical gets all its calendar info from the default calendar app anyway, so any calendar that's in the default calendar app will also be in Fantastical (assuming you've got it checked in the Fantastical settings). Events from the default calendar will show up in NC, and any new events you enter in Fantastical will sync with your default Calendar (thru icloud, google calendar, etc.).

As far as I can tell, yes, you can. I use PlanBe to make reminders and events, but I have the standard iOS Reminders and Calendar apps to show up in the notification centre, and what I create in PlanBe shows up there, so it should work just the same with Fantastical.

Fantastical creates events in your desired iCloud calendar. You are given the freedom to select the default calendar when new events are created.

Events created in Fantastical will show up in notification center and even sync to iCloud.

Thanks! Will definitely be buying this then :)


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2003
If only the current date would show on the Home Screen icon...

I'm this close -><- to buying Fantastical!

Live icons for all...coming in iOS 8?

Fantastical could add a workaround option in the meantime in which the notification badge is the date. Some weather apps do this for the temperature. It's definitely an inelegant solution though.

Michael Scrip

macrumors 604
Mar 4, 2011
Or you can change to the dark theme in settings and quit your moaning.

I love when people complain without ever using the app in question.

I also noted a TREND in iOS 7 app design where many apps are now light colored.

This is not the only example of it.


macrumors regular
Aug 23, 2013
Live icons for all...coming in iOS 8?

Fantastical could add a workaround option in the meantime in which the notification badge is the date. Some weather apps do this for the temperature. It's definitely an inelegant solution though.

It does do that, doesn't look too bad to be fair.


  • Photo 30-10-2013 17 49 08.png
    Photo 30-10-2013 17 49 08.png
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macrumors 65816
Jan 12, 2010
They took away the quick view of information in the day view. Now instead of getting a list of our upcoming appointments for that day, we are stuck with a long scrolling calendar. Some people just prefer to be able to quickly see what appointments they have on a given day, and what time those appointments are without having to scroll through 24 hours.

1. Information density and
2. UX design.


These reasons alone make it far superior to the stock calendar app, nevermind their proprietary appointment creation method.

Thank you both for the information. I guess i don't spend as much time in the calendar as many folks do. My life is pretty boring.

//no kids
//no friends, that went downhill fast. :rolleyes:


Contributing Editor
Jun 2, 2011
Durango, CO
But will the v1 release of Fantastical continue to receive any support from Flexibit? I'm not against them charging for v2, but I do hope they at least ensure functionality for any device running Fantastical v1 on that device's latest supported version of iOS.

I think that's a fair expectation as a consumer; I hope Flexibits doesn't let us down.
Flexibits told me that they will continue to support Fantastical 1 for emergency bug fixes and compatibility for the foreseeable future. No new feature updates, however.

If you create a reminder/event that consists of one word only and is starting with lower caps (e.g. "shopping"), the caption disappears and you get a blank reminder/event. Nice bug :rolleyes:
I reported this to Flexibits and they’re aware of it and looking into fixing it for the next update.


macrumors 6502
May 12, 2007
took me 15 seconds to post, doubt you can read 40+ replies in that amount of time. :rolleyes:

Like I said, if you don't like it you don't have to answer. I never asked you specifically, I don't have a gun to your head.... skip along, jesus, some people will just do whatever it takes to puff up their internet ego.
It's common courtesy to inform yourself of what has been previously said in a conversation before you jump into it... That's on MR and in real life as well. I don't just go up to random people in malls, listen to 15 seconds of their conversation they've most likely been having for a bit now and then get pissed when I'm told something that I said has already been discussed. If you can't put forth the effort to read previous responses, don't join. Plain and simple.

Also, don't jump down people's throats who are trying to teach you common courtesy and manners. It's also rude and doesn't make you look good.


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
I don't understand the appeal of the iOS version of Fantastical... doesn't the built in iOS Calendar app provide these features via Siri?

I do like the Mac version though. Got it as part of a pretty swell $10 bundle a few months ago.


macrumors newbie
Oct 30, 2013

I've been using Calengoo (Android and iOS versions) for the last few years and hands down, this is the very BEST calendar app (whether or not you use Gmail as your email as the program also pulls in data from the iPhone's calendar). If you use Gmail, all the better since it pulls in and migrates both the iphone calendar and Gmail calendar. Functionality is amazing...I set multiple alerts, reminders, tasks, repeats...too much to list here. I've also received great customer support when I had questions from the developer. The developer is great...he keeps adding to the functionality all the time in ways I didn't even think of. Very robust calendar program. Check it out. ;)


macrumors member
Oct 28, 2013
I think they took it away because they added it to the Today view in NC. I don't miss it.

IMO the reason to use Fantastical is the natural language parsing. (This is especially useful on the Mac, with no Siri.)

In a way they added it to Today View in NC, but that only shows the next 6 hours of appointments. It does not display a "list" of ALL upcoming appointments for the day!

If only the current date would show on the Home Screen icon...

I'm this close -><- to buying Fantastical!
You can set the the red notification indicator to display the date. No app is going to display the date on the actual icon without a jailbreak. Apple does not have "live icons" for 3rd party apps, and they only use them for some of the stock apps (calendar for example)

It's common courtesy to inform yourself of what has been previously said in a conversation before you jump into it... That's on MR and in real life as well. I don't just go up to random people in malls, listen to 15 seconds of their conversation they've most likely been having for a bit now and then get pissed when I'm told something that I said has already been discussed. If you can't put forth the effort to read previous responses, don't join. Plain and simple.

Also, don't jump down people's throats who are trying to teach you common courtesy and manners. It's also rude and doesn't make you look good.

Who's the one who is upset? I could care less, but he is trying to tell me to thank him for a smart ass comment. Because it "supposedly" took me more time to post a quick comment than it would have to read an entire thread. Well you tell me, what would have been quicker, to give a snarky response to my question, or skip over it entirely? Perhaps he should heed some of his own advice. Seems to me you guys are getting more mad that someone asked a QUESTION. Jesus. Go patrol the forums and bitch at the people who post a new "which MBP should I buy?" Thread every 2 hours. Do you jump down their throats in every thread? Because those questions are asked every day for years on this site. I asked a question in a thread, about the subject, which was asked a whopping one time before, I didn't go around and make a new thread to ask about a question. Forgive me that it was already asked. Do you read through all 1000 comments in threads before you post something? I doubt it... you know not all of us have time to sit at the computer all day to see if a question has been asked. You think you can go around and put people down giving me some "lesson" because of a join date next to my name. Hope that really makes your day so much better mate.

In fact, lets see what kind of threads you have started here on MR.... - a question about Disc Partitions which have been asked on this forum many times. - a thread about updates, which you said other people are already getting. Did you have to create a thread about the update, or couldn't you have just used the ones people were already talking about it in? - There are many many threads here about what cases and screen protectors use, did you have to start another one? - Two threads about migration assistant in the same forum, both started by you. Couldn't you have just used one? Or any number of other MA threads? - There are countless threads about which hard drive to get, but I guess you thought yours warranted an entirely new thread.

I mean, I don't want to keep going on about this, but jesus, take your own advice before you jump down my ass for asking a freaking question. You want to tell me how to use the forums, but you can't even follow your own suggestions. I just found 5 examples in 30 seconds....


macrumors regular
Jun 21, 2010
Denmark, Aarhus
Such a minor update should be an update to the existing app. At least there should be a discounted price for owners of the original app.

Fantastical has gone greedy


macrumors member
Apr 26, 2006
While I'm sad that I *literally* bought the iOS 6 version of the app 2 days ago (d'oh!) I'm more than happy to pay another $2.99 -- great apps deserve support and $3 is hardly a big ask...


macrumors member
Oct 28, 2013
Thinking of trying this app because of how crappy the iOS 7 calendar is, but can I still share calendars with my wife?

I love the app, works great, glad I bought it this morning. Since the calendars still sync with iCloud, any sharing that you have set up would still occur. There is also an "Invitees" section when you are adding an event, and under settings > calendars you can hit the little "i" next to any of your calendars and there is an option for adding a person to the "shared with:" section. Hope that helps. I think you will enjoy the app, much better than the stock crap that apple has imo!!


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2003
Such a minor update should be an update to the existing app. At least there should be a discounted price for owners of the original app.

Fantastical has gone greedy

Greedy? It's $3. Fantastical wants to be able to feed themselves.

You aren't required to upgrade; they will still be supporting the old one. If that weren't the case, then you can complain.

In a way they added it to Today View in NC, but that only shows the next 6 hours of appointments. It does not display a "list" of ALL upcoming appointments for the day!

Ah, good point. Never noticed that because I never have a ton of things on one day. Just assumed "today" was, well, Today. Apple should change it.


macrumors 65816
Jun 30, 2007
Great app and my calendar app of choice. A definite instant buy.

I'm more than happy to support indie developers but rehashing a pre-iOS6 app and removing textures for iOS7 doesn't qualify a paid upgrade.

In my eyes, Fantastical adds very few features to justify the price.

Tweetbot justified their paid upgrade. Clear didn't.

Wait, so first you say "instant buy" and then you say "very few features to justify the price". So which is it?

In my mind Tweetbot didn't justify the upgrade price because they removed many features and design cues which were the reason people used Tweetbot instead of <insert generic white-background Twitter app here>. If for instance, I had known up-front that Tweetbot 3 got rid of triple-taps, was slower to navigate, and had no dark theme option, I probably wouldn't have bought it. Hopefully they will restore these things, but regardless, all they really did was update it superficially for iOS 7.


macrumors 6502
Jul 7, 2010
This is a FANTASTICAL (pun intended) update.

Those of you calling it a "minor update" clearly have not used the app, or not used it to its capability.

It's humorous that people are complaining about a $3 extremely-useful app, all while drinking their $5 coffee that they just drank yesterday, and will purchase again tomorrow.


macrumors G3
Jul 29, 2003
Silicon Valley
Although I do not think the comparison is fair, I'm just pointing out that Apple recently decided to make updates to its most popular apps and OS free.

But note that Apple took a $900,000,000 charge against booking current revenues to be able to offer these things for "free". Somehow, I don't think the fantastical developer can afford to take a near-billion dollar write-down this year.


macrumors member
Oct 28, 2013
Wait, so first you say "instant buy" and then you say "very few features to justify the price". So which is it?

In my mind Tweetbot didn't justify the upgrade price because they removed many features and design cues which were the reason people used Tweetbot instead of <insert generic white-background Twitter app here>. If for instance, I had known up-front that Tweetbot 3 got rid of triple-taps, was slower to navigate, and had no dark theme option, I probably wouldn't have bought it. Hopefully they will restore these things, but regardless, all they really did was update it superficially for iOS 7.

tweetbot 3 is a complete redesign of the original app, not a superficial update. All new physics system, new animations, etc. It is not a reskin like you claim. Also, there is a reason for getting rid of triple tap, it actually makes the app faster, again contrary to your claims that navigation has slowed down. Sometimes you have to understand that with a new redesign, they can't always implement the same features as before in the same way, because they wouldn't make sense.
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