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macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
Apologies, try searching under Week Calendar. The views available are brilliant and are really customisable. The auto colouring and auto icons are really useful as are templates. Event entry is powerful and quick. Navigation is fast! The monthly mini text view is so useful. The author is really friendly and responsive.

Calendars 5 has a week view I really like and the full text input works well. It does far less than Week Calendar, but I really really like that view!! I don't understand what you mean by high maintenance? Download app and run. Nothing else required.

Bottom line is that all these apps work in the same way (they all use the same back end calendar store) so you can mix and match if you like.

I know this is a fantasical app thread, but having looked at both, fantastical and week calendar, I am leaning towards WC. Wow.

I for one do not like the stock app because it only shows me a dot for the day letting me know I have something but doesn't show me how many until I click on the date. Not good for someone who lives by their calendar.

I love the fact you can actually see the words in WC too boot. Thank you for the mini review.


macrumors 6502
May 12, 2007
Who's the one who is upset? I could care less, but he is trying to tell me to thank him for a smart ass comment. Because it "supposedly" took me more time to post a quick comment than it would have to read an entire thread. Well you tell me, what would have been quicker, to give a snarky response to my question, or skip over it entirely? Perhaps he should heed some of his own advice. Seems to me you guys are getting more mad that someone asked a QUESTION. Jesus. Go patrol the forums and bitch at the people who post a new "which MBP should I buy?" Thread every 2 hours. Do you jump down their throats in every thread? Because those questions are asked every day for years on this site. I asked a question in a thread, about the subject, which was asked a whopping one time before, I didn't go around and make a new thread to ask about a question. Forgive me that it was already asked. Do you read through all 1000 comments in threads before you post something? I doubt it... you know not all of us have time to sit at the computer all day to see if a question has been asked. You think you can go around and put people down giving me some "lesson" because of a join date next to my name. Hope that really makes your day so much better mate.
One... For someone who COULDN'T (Psst: the reason I put that in all caps is because you don't know the right word to use in your smart ass comment) care less you sure went through a lot of trouble to prove your terrible, terrible point.

Two... Starting new threads is essentially starting a new conversation, which isn't like what I was trying to explain to you before. Different people respond to different threads at different times... Maybe it's called looking for other opinions.


macrumors 65816
Jun 30, 2007
tweetbot 3 is a complete redesign of the original app, not a superficial update. All new physics system, new animations, etc. It is not a reskin like you claim.

The animations and physics are entirely superficial. They do nothing to enhance the user experience. It's obvious they don't "get" iOS 7 -- and to be fair, most developers don't get it yet, even within Apple -- they're just slapping on new APIs without thinking about how the app could be improved by them. And in fact things like swipes and navigation stack animations are slower than in Tweetbot 2. That's what I meant by slower to navigate.

Also, there is a reason for getting rid of triple tap, it actually makes the app faster, again contrary to your claims that navigation has slowed down.

It makes some things faster at the expense of features many people used. For instance, translation? Totally gone now. Minor speed improvements at the expense of usability. Bad tradeoff. I've gone back to using Tweetbot 2 because 3 just didn't provide the experience and features I need.


macrumors regular
Aug 23, 2013
The animations and physics are entirely superficial. They do nothing to enhance the user experience. It's obvious they don't "get" iOS 7 -- and to be fair, most developers don't get it yet, even within Apple -- they're just slapping on new APIs without thinking about how the app could be improved by them. And in fact things like swipes and navigation stack animations are slower than in Tweetbot 2. That's what I meant by slower to navigate.

It makes some things faster at the expense of features many people used. For instance, translation? Totally gone now. Minor speed improvements at the expense of usability. Bad tradeoff. I've gone back to using Tweetbot 2 because 3 just didn't provide the experience and features I need.

Translation is still in Tweetbot 3.


macrumors 65816
Jun 30, 2007
Translation is still in Tweetbot 3.

You're right, I finally found it. You now have to swipe on the tweet to view the details, tap the gear icon, then tap Translate. No, I'll stick with my triple-tap to translate in TB2. But thanks for the correction.


macrumors member
Oct 28, 2013
The animations and physics are entirely superficial. They do nothing to enhance the user experience. It's obvious they don't "get" iOS 7 -- and to be fair, most developers don't get it yet, even within Apple -- they're just slapping on new APIs without thinking about how the app could be improved by them. And in fact things like swipes and navigation stack animations are slower than in Tweetbot 2. That's what I meant by slower to navigate.

It makes some things faster at the expense of features many people used. For instance, translation? Totally gone now. Minor speed improvements at the expense of usability. Bad tradeoff. I've gone back to using Tweetbot 2 because 3 just didn't provide the experience and features I need.

The physics are how you interact with the app. They are the definition of UX, without the physics, it would be a boring twitter app. The thing that makes tweetbot great is that they DO get iOS 7. There are definitive layers with hierarchies that are respected with each link clicked, each picture tapped, etc. If you spend more than 5 minutes with tweetbot 3 you start to see that it actually works much better than TB 2 because of how the app is put together and the thought that went into making the entire experience fluid. If you don't like it, that's fine, I'm just saying your claim that TB was a superficial rewrite is not really true, it is a completely new app. If it was just a reskin, you probably wouldn't have anything to really complain about because all of the features would work exactly the same. This is an entirely new and much better experience.

Also, translation still exists. It seems like you just didn't spend enough time actually figuring out how the app works (which is fine) because you wanted it to be more like TB 2. I think if you erased your perception of how you think it's supposed to work in the ways that TB 2 did, and just take some time to get used to the new design paradigms you would see how much the app has improved from the already great TB2


One... For someone who COULDN'T (Psst: the reason I put that in all caps is because you don't know the right word to use in your smart ass comment) care less you sure went through a lot of trouble to prove your terrible, terrible point.

Two... Starting new threads is essentially starting a new conversation, which isn't like what I was trying to explain to you before. Different people respond to different threads at different times... Maybe it's called looking for other opinions.

Maybe you should read a dictionary, both ways are acceptable and have the same meaning. Many people use the phrase I could care less to mean the same as couldn't care less.

(I) could(n't) care less.
Inf. It doesn't matter to me. (The less bears the heaviest stress in both versions. Despite the apparent contradiction, either reading of this—both the affirmative and negative—usually have the same meaning.

next time i'll make an entirely new thread just for you burton. I'm going to make an entirely new thread to ask a quick and simple question, because apparently that is so much less of an inconvenience to you than asking a question in the same thread.

You weren't looking for other opinions, you have posted multiple threads which had NOTHING to do with an opinion. How are you looking for a different opinion on a factual subjects with direct answers or yes/no??? Especially to make two threads one right after the other in the same forum on the same subject.

Stop telling me how to use the forums, and start teaching yourself how to practice what you preach. You want to tell me it's not ok to ask a question in the same forum because it might have been asked before, but you have some higher right to post brand new threads about topics which have been discussed to death. I guess maybe you just sleep better at night when you get to try to boss people around even when you commit the same hypocrisies.


macrumors 6502
Dec 21, 2011
The physics...

Maybe you should read a dictionary, both ways are acceptable and have the same meaning. Many people use the phrase I could care less to mean the same as couldn't care less.

next time i'll make an entirely new thread just for you burton. I'm going to make an entirely new thread to ask a quick and simple question, because apparently that is so much less of an inconvenience to you than asking a question in the same thread.

You weren't looking for other opinions, you have posted multiple threads which had NOTHING to do with an opinion. How are you looking for a different opinion on a factual subjects with direct answers or yes/no??? Especially to make two threads one right after the other in the same forum on the same subject.

Stop telling me how to use the forums, and start teaching yourself how to practice what you preach. You want to tell me it's not ok to ask a question in the same forum because it might have been asked before, but you have some higher right to post brand new threads about topics which have been discussed to death. I guess maybe you just sleep better at night when you get to try to boss people around even when you commit the same hypocrisies.

If you spent 1/20th of the time to review the thread as you spent bitching about it, there would be no problem.

You, sir, are coming across as a major DB.


macrumors 604
Sep 29, 2009
tweetbot 3 is a complete redesign of the original app, not a superficial update. All new physics system, new animations, etc. It is not a reskin like you claim. Also, there is a reason for getting rid of triple tap, it actually makes the app faster, again contrary to your claims that navigation has slowed down. Sometimes you have to understand that with a new redesign, they can't always implement the same features as before in the same way, because they wouldn't make sense.

Also, Tweetbot has provided free updates/upgrades for more than 2 years.


macrumors 68030
Sep 21, 2011
Still no proper week view... Why? I would love to buy this app and move away from the ugly-as-poo WeekCal, but I need a week view that shows more than five hours.

Is it really that uncommon to want to be able to get an instant overview of the week? Look at how WeekCal does it, to the left.


I would like a calendar app that uses the iOS 7 design and can give me either of the other two views (ticker or month) in portrait mode and switch to the week view when tilting to landscape mode. Does anyone know if there is an app that can do this? I haven't found any, and for now I'm stuck with an ugly app because it's the only one I know that has an acceptable week view...


macrumors 68040
Jan 10, 2005
That sucks that existing users still have to pay.

As the cost of this app will totally break your finances :rolleyes:

Seriously, whiners can always go beat sand. Developers are not obligated in any shape or form to provide you with software for all eternity for onetime payment of few bucks. I'm more than willing to pay for quality software.


macrumors 601
Feb 12, 2010
Here, I'll simply post my reply to the others.
As the cost of this app will totally break your finances :rolleyes:

Seriously, whiners can always go beat sand. Developers are not obligated in any shape or form to provide you with software for all eternity for onetime payment of few bucks. I'm more than willing to pay for quality software.

That's fair, but Flexbits charges 5 dollars for the iPhone version and $15 for the Mac version. It's entirely possible that someone only has the iPhone version, but for all the benefits of the app, many people have both. They likely spent about $20. To me, that's pricey for a calendar, and if they follow suit on the Mac end, existing users are spending close to $20 again.

Your argument is fair enough though for users exclusively using the iPhone app.

Get off your high horse. Flexbits is hardly giving away software for free. The Mac version is $15 and many users have both. They'll likely release a second version for the Mac, and charge users for that.

Let's also get something straight. I didn't cry calamity, I just said it was a bummer.

That's certainly one way of looking at it. I just feel we live in a world where reasonable updates to software are expected when we purchase products. (Not saying this update isn't above and beyond that reasonable point. I don't know.)


macrumors 601
May 15, 2005
input calendar

I wish there was a way for the natural language parser to understand which CALENDAR I would like the appt/event to be added to.


macrumors 68040
Jan 10, 2005
Here, I'll simply post my reply to the others.

That's fair, but Flexbits charges 5 dollars for the iPhone version and $15 for the Mac version. It's entirely possible that someone only has the iPhone version, but for all the benefits of the app, many people have both. They likely spent about $20. To me, that's pricey for a calendar, and if they follow suit on the Mac end, existing users are spending close to $20 again.

Oh boo-frigging-hoo. 20 bucks, oh the humanity! And is there someone holding a gun to your head, forcing you to buy both? Or either of them? Hell, I have only the iPhone-version.

Get off your high horse. Flexbits is hardly giving away software for free. The Mac version is $15 and many users have both. They'll likely release a second version for the Mac, and charge users for that.

And that's wrong because....? Did you know that it takes time and resources to write new versions of the software, yet you think that they shouldn't be compensated for that? Because you are too damn cheap to invest few bucks? You are more than willing to waste that money on something else (cigarettes, coffee, candy), but software? NEVER!

Since when did computer-users become such entitled whiners who whine at the idea of having to pay few bucks for the software they use? Software that they themselves obviously derive value from, yet the actual developer of the software shouldn't get any value from the software they sell.

Hell, I wish that developers would charge MORE for their software! I want high-quality software, and not a race to the bottom. I don't want to be nickel-and-dimed by in-app purchases or something like that. I want high quality software I can buy with a price that supports the developers and ensures their future work on the app.

In the end, your argument seems to be that since you paid few bucks at some point, you are entitled to get new versions of the software for free, forever. Do you work for free? Do you expect to be paid? Why don't you extend that courtesy to the developers who write the software you use and derive value and use from?

That's certainly one way of looking at it. I just feel we live in a world where reasonable updates to software are expected when we purchase products. (Not saying this update isn't above and beyond that reasonable point. I don't know.)

Well, Fantastical on my iPhone has received numerous updates for free, so what are you complaining about? "I want MORE! for FREE!". Like I said: boo-frigging-hoo. You and rest of your ilk have exactly zero sympathy from me.


macrumors 68000
Oct 21, 2005
I wish there was a way for the natural language parser to understand which CALENDAR I would like the appt/event to be added to.

You can. At the end of your input, you can type /[first letter or two of calendar or reminders list name]

for example, I have a calendar called "Medical School"

Meeting with Dr. XXX tomorrow at 1pm /M

which would add that appointment to the right list. It defaults to your default if you don't specify.


macrumors 601
Feb 12, 2010
Oh boo-frigging-hoo. 20 bucks, oh the humanity! And is there someone holding a gun to your head, forcing you to buy both? Or either of them? Hell, I have only the iPhone-version.
Overreact more please. Obviously there isn't a gun to my head. I didn't say anyone was FORCED to buy both. I said it's advantageous. And If you find $20 to be a reasonable price, than have at it.

You also seem to have missed the part where I specifically said I wasn't crying calamity, just a bummer.

And that's wrong because....?
I didn't say it was morally wrong. Just that it was a bummer.
Did you know that it takes time and resources to write new versions of the software
You don't say.
yet you think that they shouldn't be compensated for that?
Clearly not what I said.
Because you are too damn cheap to invest few bucks?
Grow up dude. I'm not "too damn cheap" I simply said $20 for a calendar app is pricey. And numerous reviews agree. Here.,
Here(Let me know if you need more, there are plenty).
You are more than willing to waste that money on something else (cigarettes, coffee, candy), but software? NEVER!
I don't smoke, I don't drink coffee. I admit though, I'm a sucker for candy. And I buy plenty of software.
Since when did computer-users become such entitled whiners who whine at the idea of having to pay few bucks for the software they use? Software that they themselves obviously derive value from, yet the actual developer of the software shouldn't get any value from the software they sell.
Again, grow up. Just because I said it sucks that existing users have to pay to upgrade, I never made the claim that all software should be free. You're overreacting and twisting my words. It makes you look the fool, as opposed to actually being a critique on what I said.

Hell, I wish that developers would charge MORE for their software! I want high-quality software, and not a race to the bottom. I don't want to be nickel-and-dimed by in-app purchases or something like that. I want high quality software I can buy with a price that supports the developers and ensures their future work on the app.
You don't want to be nickel and dimed, but you're ok with being charged a large amount on the front end. Ok?

In the end, your argument seems to be that since you paid few bucks at some point, you are entitled to get new versions of the software for free, forever.
Not at all what I said. But good job failing at reading comprehension.


macrumors 6502
Jul 7, 2010
I didn't say it was morally wrong. Just that it was a bummer.
How is it a "bummer" that you have to pay for a new version of existing software?

Prior to Mavericks, there were numerous updates for Tiger, Leopard, Lion, etc. which were all free, but when it came time to update from Tiger TO Leopard and the like, we had to pay.

I didn't see anyone complaining then. It's essentially the same as it's all OS X.

Fantastical 2 isn't an update, it's a new version of the software.

It's great that you're pointing out to reviews who say the app should be free, but I'm glad to see that the vast majority of people disagree with you.

Fantastical 2 is already #1 in Paid Apps, and #15 in Top Grossing. All this in, what, 24hrs of being available?

I'm glad most people have decent common sense, and have absolutely no problem paying $3 for an app they will use numerous times on a daily basis.


macrumors 601
Feb 12, 2010
How is it a "bummer" that you have to pay for a new version of existing software?

Prior to Mavericks, there were numerous updates for Tiger, Leopard, Lion, etc. which were all free, but when it came time to update from Tiger TO Leopard and the like, we had to pay.

I didn't see anyone complaining then. It's essentially the same as it's all OS X.

Fantastical 2 isn't an update, it's a new version of the software.

It's great that you're pointing out to reviews who say the app should be free, but I'm glad to see that the vast majority of people disagree with you.

Fantastical 2 is already #1 in Paid Apps, and #15 in Top Grossing. All this in, what, 24hrs of being available?

I'm glad most people have decent common sense, and have absolutely no problem paying $3 for an app they will use numerous times on a daily basis.

Wow, you clearly did not read anything. I never said the app should be free. Neither do the reviews. I simply said 20 bucks is pricey for a calendar app, particularly if they plan on charging more for major updates. OS X is not a good analogy because it's an Operating System not a single calendar app. Oh and newsflash, the latest version of that operating system is free. Wow.

Look for all those that can't manage to actually read: I said it's a bummer. I did not say any of the following: "Flexbits is greedy", "They should never EVER charge for an app, or update", "All software should be free forever", "I would not pay for this update", "You should not buy this update", "Devs should starve", "This update is not worth the money", "I'm too cheap to buy software", "Devs should work for free"

Is that everything? Geez, either read all of my posts on the matter before you hit the reply button or keep it to yourself.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Dec 17, 2009
Anyone know how to make the app badge display only due/overdue reminders? Right now it is displaying a combination of reminders and events remaining in the day, which is annoying.


macrumors 601
May 15, 2005
great tip!

You can. At the end of your input, you can type /[first letter or two of calendar or reminders list name]

for example, I have a calendar called "Medical School"

Meeting with Dr. XXX tomorrow at 1pm /M

which would add that appointment to the right list. It defaults to your default if you don't specify.

great tip! now how to do it with speech recognition?


macrumors newbie
Jun 7, 2005

Added few features that were supposed to be in the first version? That sucks as OmniFocus with their ridiculous upgrade price for existing or non existing customers alike!


macrumors 601
Feb 12, 2010
Added few features that were supposed to be in the first version? That sucks as OmniFocus with their ridiculous upgrade price for existing or non existing customers alike!

Save yourself now, and edit this post to double rainbows and pancakes.
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